Project No.: ELKH-POC-2022-011, Title: „Toward a Prevention Therapy of Diabetes-Associated Calification”

complication of diabetes. We accomplished a proof-of-concept experiment proving that oral supplementation of PPi was able to inhibit DM-associated calcification. The successful outcome of this experiment provides the preclinical basis of a mechanism-based first-in-class therapy for DM-associated calcification and other disorders of abnormal ectopic calcification (Small scale prototype).
Intellectual property:
Granted Patent EP 3512530 B1 “Oral Pyrophosphate for Use in Reducing Tissue Calcification” and US11504395B2 (same title). The invention was developed in research collaboration of the Research Center for Natural Sciences (RCNS) and the Netherland Cancer Institute (NKI) in 2016. The contributions to the invention of the respective employees of the two institutions are 85% (RCNS) and 15% (NKI). The patent was filed by NKI in September 2016, who undertakes to create the conditions for exploitation mainly through licensing agreements.