HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network operates under the mandate of the National
Assembly of Hungary as an independent entity. HUN-REN encompasses 11 research
centres, 8 research institutes, and 116 supported research groups conducting basic and
applied research across all scientific disciplines, including SHAPE, STEM and life sciences.
The Chairman and members of HUN-REN’s Governing Board are primarily acclaimed
representatives of the research and innovation ecosystem, including academicians.
HUN-REN Headquarters is responsible for managing the research network’s operations
and supporting research activities.
HUN-REN is a leading research-performing
organisation, recognised for its commitment
to mission-oriented research and excellence.
Through focused, transformative research,
we contribute to society’s well-being by
addressing critical global challenges and
improving quality of life in society.
HUN-REN is a key element
of Hungary’s research and
innovation ecosystem and
serves as the main driving
force behind it, collaborating
closely with government bodies
involved in science policy,
universities and major industrial