HUN-REN HQ has contributed to the significant upgrading of the capacity of the HUN-REN Cloud, one of Hungary's most important IT cloud systems for research purposes, and also supports the HUN-REN Cloud service hosted by the HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control and the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics.
The main objectives of the HUN-REN Cloud are:
- To provide a computing infrastructure of European standard and capacity to HUN-REN researchers and the entire Hungarian research community.
- To provide support for artificial intelligence research.
- To promote a culture of cloud use among Hungarian researchers.
- To support researchers in adapting their applications to the cloud.
- To connect to the European IT infrastructure development ecosystem.
The HUN-REN Cloud has joined the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative, which provides an open, multidisciplinary IT environment for researchers, developers, businesses and citizens.
The HUN-REN Cloud is part of the latest roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). As part of the SLICES initiative, the roadmap outlines a 10-15-year timeframe for providing a pan-European pilot infrastructure for digital sciences in order to develop the internet of the future.