Project No.: ELKH-POC-2021-030, Title: „Octopus Research Tools | Enhance Your Survey with Digital Trace Data”

Octopus Research Tools (ORT) is a smartphone-based software with the ability to collect digital trace data from devices and to conduct surveys in a single application. Every type of passive and active data collection is defined as a customizable module that can be turned on and off and fine-tuned for a wide range of research purposes. A notable feature of the software is the capability to create a link between each data collection module, i.e. one module can trigger the activity of another module. (For example, a survey module can be activated when the device enters or leaves a preset geographical position, or if the usage time of a predefined application exceeds a threshold.)
The functioning of the app is based on a service constantly running in the background, and a frontend app for surveys and other active data collections that require interaction from the user. The app is designed to run in a hybrid online/offline mode, so there is no need for constant internet connection. Websocket technology is available for real time communication with the device and the user.
Currently the following data collection modules are available within the app: (1) Survey - Single-fill, time/location triggered, or “always-on” questionnaires; (2) Location - Location data with customizable frequency and accuracy settings; (3) Usage stats - Daily statistics about the screentime of apps; (4) Event timeline - Time and duration of application use and screentime in a diary format; (5) SMS log - Anonymized log of sender & recipient IDs; (6) Call log - Anonymized log of caller IDs. Several other data collection modules are still in development, including photo-, video-, and audio upload, code scanner, instant questions via notification (using Websocket technology), connection to Google Fit and similar APIs, and external Bluetooth devices.
In 2024 the software was officially launched. After the initial pilot projects, nationwide representative survey in collaboration with a “Momentum Research Group” at CSS is being conducted. Also, several domestic (Lendület) and international grant applications (Horizon, ERC) were submitted, where empirical research tasks are built on the use of Octopus.
More information about the software: