BLKI’s educational film “Invading Species of Lake Balaton” won the first prize in the Natural Values of the Carpathian Basin section at the 9th International Nature and Environmental Protection Film Festival

24.05.2023 | by HUN-REN

The ELKH Balaton Limnological Research Institute (BLKI) has recently released an educational film titled "Balatoni bebírók" (Invading Species of Lake Balaton) produced with the professional leadership of Péter Takács, senior research fellow. The 37-minute film showcases some invasive species found in Lake Balaton and its catchment area, as well as those whose appearance could endanger the region's ecosystem or whose assessment is controversial. Using illustrative examples, the creators of the educational film effectively demonstrate how human activities that modify natural environments and climate change can rapidly disrupt natural communities and facilitate the proliferation of non-native organisms. The film won the first prize in the Natural Values of the Carpathian Basin section at the 9th International Nature and Environmental Protection Film Festival held from May 19-21, 2023.

Over the past few decades, the world has undergone significant transformations, and the waters of the Carpathian Basin are no exception. Once limited to zoos and ornamental horticulture, an increasing number of plant and animal species have now made their way into this region. In recent times, BLKI researchers have experienced the increasing advancement of invasive species in Lake Balaton and its catchment area. Newly emerging species can be competitors or predators of native organisms, spread new diseases or parasites, and alter the long-established community structures determined by the conditions of each region.

Under the leadership of ichthyologist Péter Takács and with the participation of BLKI researchers, director and cinematographer Szilárd Drexler filmed the movie on land, water, and air for a year. The film's production was made possible with the support of the NKFIH Mecenatúra grant (Mec_N 141625).

