Eight new ELKH research groups win grant to start work as part of the 2022 MTA “Lendület” – Momentum Program


Eight of the 19 new research groups that won support in the 2022 “Lendület” –Momentum Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) can begin their operations at ELKH research sites. Four ELKH groups are from the field of life sciences, two from the fields of mathematics and natural sciences, and two from the fields of humanities and social sciences.

The goal of MTA’s “Lendület” – Momentum Program is to strengthen the research base of young scientists in Hungary by attracting internationally preeminent researchers and outstanding young talents from abroad and encouraging them to stay in Hungary. The Momentum Program aims to provide combined support for excellence and mobility. With this in mind, it aims to provide funds for research groups conducting research that promises breakthrough results at the host research sites.

The Momentum I "Starter" grant can be applied for by promising young researchers who show outstanding and continuously increasing performance, who are younger than 40 (born after January 1, 1982), who obtained their PhD degree after January 1, 2012 and before December 31, 2018, and who have previously participated in prestigious domestic (OTKA, MTA Bolyai, MTA Prémium) or international postdoctoral or research grants where they were awarded support.

The Momentum H "Advanced" grant can be applied for by internationally recognized lead researchers delivering consistently outstanding and growing performance, and who have research group leadership experience, i.e. have previously received Momentum, Frontline support, or other international applications comparable to the Momentum grant, and wish to develop their own research topic, where their project has not yet been completed or has been completed within the last five years (after 2016).

A total of 102 valid applications were received for this year's Momentum Program call for applications: 16 from the humanities and social sciences, 34 from the life sciences, and 52 from the fields of mathematics and natural sciences. On June 10, 2022, the President of the Academy decided on the ranking of excellence of the research groups to be supported and the grant amounts based on expert evaluations and the recommendations of the Momentum Judging Panel and the Momentum Committee. The ceremonial handover of the certificates issued for receiving the Momentum grant will take place on September 29, 2022 at 11 am in the ceremony hall of the MTA Headquarters.

ELKH winners of MTA's 2022 “Lendület” – Momentum Program:

2022 Lendület Program

source: mta.hu
