HUN-REN Állatorvostudományi Kutatóintézet - Publikációk
A HUN-REN Állatorvostudományi Kutatóintézet (HUN-REN ÁTKI) az Állatorvostudományi Egyetem tanszékeivel karöltve tanulmányozza az élelmiszerbiztonsági szempontból kiemelkedő jelentőségű fertőző betegségek és az antimikrobiális rezisztencia epidemiológiáját, valamint az állategészségügyi felhasználás, illetve a humán orvoslásban tapasztalható rezisztencia között fennálló összefüggéseket. Az emberi étrend húsigényének fedezése érdekében az állattenyésztés használja fel a mezőgazdasági termelés jelentős részét. A HUN-REN ÁTKI számára ezért kiemelten fontos nemzetgazdasági feladat a haszonállatok egészségvédelme. A globalizáció az állati kórokozók elterjedését is elősegítette, olyan, a nagyközönség előtt is jól ismert járványokat okozva ezzel, mint amilyen az afrikai sertéspestis vagy a madárinfluenza. Az említett ragályos betegségek tanulmányozása mellett szintén a HUN-REN ÁTKI feladatai közé sorolható a kevésbé ismert, ám nagy gazdasági károkat okozó kórokozóknak a vizsgálata (pl. PRRS, cirkovírusok, mycoplasmák), valamint a különféle új diagnosztikai és védekezési lehetőségek kidolgozása velük szemben.
- Benkő M, Harrach B, Kaján GL. (2023): Phylogenetic analysis of all available monkeypox virus strains shows the close relatedness of contemporary ones. Heliyon, 9(1): e12895. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e12895
- Buni D, Kovács ÁB, Földi D, Bányai K, Bali K, Domán M, Wehmann E, Bradbury J, Bottinelli M, Catania S, Stefani E, Lysnyansky I, Kovács L, Grózner D, Gyuranecz M, Kreizinger Zs. (2023): Development of molecular assays for the analysis of genetic relationships of Mycoplasma iowae. Veterinary Microbiology 287: 109909. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2023.109909
- Doszpoly A, Shaalan M, El-Matbouli M. (2023): Silver nanoparticles proved to be efficient antivirals in vitro against three highly pathogenic fish viruses. Viruses, 15(8): 1689. doi: 10.3390/v15081689
- Erdei N, Hardy T, Verebélyi V, Weiperth A, Baska F, Eszterbauer E. (2023): New insights into the morphological diversity of Saprolegnia parasitica (Oomycota) strains under in vitro culture conditions. Journal of Fungi, 9(10): 981. doi: 10.3390/jof9100982
- Fehér E, Jakab F, Bányai K. (2023): Mechanisms of circoviral immunosuppression and pathogenesis with a focus on porcine circovirus 2: a review. Veterinary Quarterly, 43(1): 1-18. doi: 10.1080/01652176.2023.2234430
- Földi D, Nagy ZsE, Belecz N, Szeredi L, Földi J, Kollár A, Tenk M, Kreizinger Zs, Gyuranecz M. (2023): Establishment of a Mycoplasma hyorhinis challenge model in 5-week-old piglets. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14: 1209119. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1209119
- Jakab Sz, Bali K, Freytag Cs, Pataki A, Fehér E, Halas M, Jerzsele Á, Szabó I, Szarka K, Bálint Á, Bányai K. (2023): Deep sequencing of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ORF7: A promising tool for diagnostics and epidemiologic surveillance. Animals, 13: 3223. doi: 10.3390/ani13203223
- Nagy EZs, Kovács ÁB, Wehmann E, Bekő K, Földi D, Bányai K, KreizingerZs, Gyuranecz M. (2023): Phenotypic and genetic insights into efflux pump mechanism in Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14: 1216893. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1216893
- Szmolka A, Gellért Á, Szemerits D, Rapcsák F, Spisák S, Adorján A. (2023): Emergence and genomic features of a mcr-1 Escherichia coli from duck in Hungary. Antibiotics, 12(10): 519. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12101519
- Tamás V, Righi C, Mészáros I, D’Errico F, Olasz F, Casciari C, Zádori Z, Magyar T, Petrini S, Feliziani F. (2023): Involvement of the MGF 110-11L gene in the African swine fever replication and virulence. Vaccines, 11(4): 846. doi: 10.3390/vaccines11040846
- Vidovszky MZ, Kapitány Sz, Gellért Á, Harrach B, Görföl T, Boldogh SA, Kohl C, Wibbelt G, Mühldorfer K, Kemenesi G, Gembu G-C, Hassanin A, Tu VT, Estók P, Horváth A, Kaján GL. (2023): Detection and genetic characterization of circoviruses in more than 80 bat species from eight countries on four continents. Veterinary Research Communications, 47: 1561-1573. doi: 10.1007/s11259-023-10111-3
- Bekő K, Grózner D, Mitter A, Udvari L, Földi D, Wehmann E, Kovács ÁB, Domán M, Bali K, Bányai K, Gyuris É, Thuma Á, Kreizinger Zs, Gyuranecz M. (2022): Development and evaluation of temperature-sensitive Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis clones as vaccine candidates. Avian Pathology, 51(6): 535-549. doi: 10.1080/03079457.2022.2102967
- Buni D, Udvari L, Földi D, Belecz N, Yvon C, Bradbury J, Catania S, Lysnyansky I, Kovács L, Gyuranecz M, Kreizinger Zs. (2022): In vitro susceptibility of Mycoplasma iowae isolates to antimicrobial agents. Avian Pathology, 51(4): 374-380. doi: 10.1080/03079457.2022.2072271
- Domán M, Makrai L, Bányai K. (2022): Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Candida krusei. Mycopathologia, 187: 333-343. doi: 10.1007/s11046-022-00640-x
- Fehér E, Kaszab E, Bali K, Hoitsy M, Sós E, Bányai K. (2022): Novel circoviruses from birds share common evolutionary roots with fish origin circoviruses. Life – Basel, 12(3): 368. doi: 10.3390/life12030368
- Grózner D, Bekő K, Kovács ÁB, Mitter A, Hrivnák V, Sawicka A, Tomczyk G, Bányai K, Jánosi Sz, Kreizinger Zs, Gyuranecz M. (2022): Identification and detection of mutations potentially associated with decreased susceptibility to macrolides and lincomycin in Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis isolates. Veterinary Microbiology, 266: 109362. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2022.109362
- Jakab Sz, Kaszab E, Marton Sz, Bányai K, Bálint Á, Nemes I, Szabó I. (2022): Genetic diversity of imported PRRSV-2 strains, 2005–2020, Hungary. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9: 986850. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.986850
- Sellyei B, Molnár K, Cech G, Varga Á, Székely Cs. (2022): Extreme pathological symptom generated by Dermocystidium koi infection of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Hungary. Journal of Fish Diseases, 45(6): 825-832. doi: 10.1111/jfd.13607
- Sváb D, Falgenhauer L, Mag T, Chakraborty T, Tóth I. (2022): Genomic diversity, virulence gene, and prophage arrays of bovine and human shiga toxigenic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated in Hungary. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: 896296. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.8962
- Tamás V, Mészáros I, Olasz F, Kiss I, Homonnay ZG, Mortensen P, Zádori Z. (2022): Allele-specific dual PCRs to identify members of the 27a cluster of PPV. Viruses, 14: 1500. doi: 10.3390/v14071500
- Ujvári B, Magyar T. (2022): Investigation of macrolide resistance genotypes of Pasteurella multocida isolates from cattle and small ruminants. Microbial Drug Resistance, 28(9): 941-947. doi: 10.1089/mdr.2022.0010
- Vidovszky MZ, Böszörményi KP, Surján A, Varga T, Dán Á, Benkő M, Harrach B. (2022): First DNA sequence proof for the occurrence of bovine adenovirus types 10 and 11 in continental Europe. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69(6): e3479-e3486. doi: 10.1111/tbed.14752
- Bali K, Bálint Á, Farsang A, Marton Sz, Nagy B, Kaszab E, Belák S, Palya V, Bányai K. (2021): Recombination events shape the genomic evolution of infectious bronchitis virus in Europe. Viruses, 13: 535.
- Borzák R, Borkhanuddin MH, Cech G, Molnár K, Hallett SL, Székely Cs. (2021): New data on Thelohanellus nikolskii Achmerov, 1955 (Myxosporea, Myxobolidae) a parasite of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.): The actinospore stage, intrapiscine tissue preference and molecular sequence. International Journal for Parasitology – Parasites and Wildlife, 15: 112-119.
- Domán M, Makrai L, Lengyel G, Kovács R, Majoros L, Bányai K. (2021): Molecular diversity and genetic relatedness of Candida albicans isolates from birds in Hungary. Mycopathologia, 186: 237-244.
- Eszterbauer, E; Szegő, D; Ursu, K; Sipos, D; Gellért, Á (2021): Serine protease inhibitors of the whirling disease parasite Myxobolus cerebralis (Cnidaria, Myxozoa): Expression profiling and functional predictions PLOS One 16(3): e0249266.
- Forró B, Marton S, Fehér E, Domán M, Kemenesi G, Cadar D, Hornyák Á, Bányai K. (2021): Phylogeny of Hungarian EBLV-1 strains using whole-genome sequence data. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68: 1323-1331.
- Goswami U, Molnár K, Cech G, Eiras JC, Bandyopadhyay PK, Ghosh S, Czeglédi I, Székely Cs. (2021): Evidence of the American Myxobolus dechtiari was introduced along with its host Lepomis gibbosus in Europe: Molecular and histological data. International Journal for Parasitology – Parasites and Wildlife,15: 51-57.
- Grózner D, Kovács ÁB, Wehmann E, Kreizinger Z, Bekő K, Mitter A, Sawicka A, Jánosi S, Tomczyk G, Morrow CJ, Bányai K, Gyuranecz M. (2021): Multilocus sequence typing of the goose pathogen Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis. Veterinary Microbiology, 254: 108972.
- Kovács ÁB, Wehmann E, Sváb D, Bekő K, Grózner D, Mitter A, Bali K, Morrow CJ, Bányai K, Gyuranecz M. (2021): Novel prophage-like sequences in Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 92: 104886.
- Sellyei B, Varga Zs, Cech G, Varga Á, Székely Cs. (2021): Mycoplasma infections in freshwater carnivorous fishes in Hungary. Journal of Fish Dideases, 44(3): 297-304.
- Surján A, Fónagy E, Eszterbauer E, Harrach B, Doszpoly A. (2021) Complete genome sequence of a novel fish papillomavirus detected in farmed wels catfish (Silurus glanis). Archives of Virology, 166(9): 2603-2606
- Sváb D, Falgenhauer L, Horváth B, Maróti G, Falgenhauer J, Chakraborty T, Tóth I. (2021): Genome analysis of a historical Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 strain carrying a conserved Stx prophage region. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 614793.
- Székely Cs, Ghosh S, Borzák R, Goswami U, Molnár K, Cech G. (2021): The occurrence of known Myxobolus and Thelohanellus species (Myxozoa, Myxosporea) from Indian major carps with the description of Myxobolus bandyopadhyayi n. sp. in West Bengal. International Journal for Parasitology – Parasites and Wildlife. 16: 18-25.
- Szmolka A, Wami H, Dobrindt U. (2021): Comparative genomics of emerging lineages and mobile resistomes of contemporary broiler strains of Salmonella Infantis and E. coli. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 642125.
- Bányai K, Estes MK, Martella V, Parashar UD. (2018): Viral gastroenteritis. The Lancet, 392, No. 10142: 175-186. doi: 1016/S0140-6736(18)31128-0, IF: 59,102
- Felde O, Kreizinger Zs, Sulyok KM, Marton Sz, Bányai K, Korbuly K, Kiss K, Biksi I, Gyuranecz M. (2018): Genotyping Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae isolates based on multi-locus sequence typing, multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis and analysing gene p146. Veterinary Microbiology, 222: 85-90. doi: 1016/j.vetmic.2018.07.004, IF: 2,791
- Martella V, Lanave G, Mihalov-Kovács E, Marton Sz, Varga-Kugler R, Kaszab E, Di Martino B, Camero M, Decaro N, Buonavoglia C, Bányai K. (2018): Novel parvovirus related to primate bufaviruses in dogs. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 24(6): 1061-1068. doi: 3201/eid2406.171965, IF: 7,185
- Sipos D, Ursu K, Dán Á, Herczeg D, Eszterbauer E. (2018): Susceptibility-related differences in the quantity of developmental stages of Myxobolus (Myxozoa) in fish blood. PLoS ONE, 13(9): e0204437. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204437, IF: 2,776
- Szmolka A, Szabó M, Kiss J, Pászti J, Adrián E, Olasz F, Nagy B. (2018): Molecular epidemiology of the endemic multiresistance plasmid pSI54/04 of Salmonella Infantis in broiler and human population in Hungary. Food Microbiology, 71: 25-31. doi: 1016/, IF: 4,089
- Olasz F, Mészáros I, Marton Sz, Kaján GL, Tamás V, Locsmándi G, Magyar T, Bálint Á, Bányai K, Zádori Z. (2019) A simple method for sample preparation to facilitate efficient whole-genome sequencing of African swine fever virus. Viruses, 11 (12): 1129. doi: 3390/v11121129, IF: 3,816
- Sulyok KM, Kreizinger ZS, Bekő K, Forró B, Marton Sz, Bányai K, Catania S, Ellis C, Bradbury J, Olaogun OM, Kovács ÁB, Cserép T, Gyuranecz M. (2019): Development of molecular methods for rapid differentiation of Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine strains from field isolates. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 57 (6) e01084-18. doi: 1128/JCM.01084-18, IF: 5,897
- Ujvári B, Makrai L, Magyar T. (2019): Virulence gene profiling and ompA sequence analysis of Pasteurella multocida and their correlation with host species. Veterinary Microbiology, 233: 190-195. doi: 1016/j.vetmic.2019.05.005, IF: 3,03
- Harrach B, Tarján ZL, Benkő M. (2019): Adenoviruses across the animal kingdom: a walk in the zoo. FEBS Letters, 593(24): 3660-3673. doi: 1002/1873-3468.13687, IF: 3,057
- Olasz F, Tombácz D, Torma G, Csabai Z, Moldován N, Dörmő Á, Prazsák I, Mészáros I, Magyar T, Tamás V, Zádori Z, Boldogkői Zs. (2020): Short and long-read sequencing survey of the dynamic transcriptomes of African swine fever virus and the host cells. Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 758. doi: 3389/fgene.2020.00758, IF: 3,258
- Eszterbauer E, Sipos D, Kaján GL, Szegő D, Fiala I, Holzer AS, Bartošová-Sojková P. (2020): Genetic diversity of serine protease inhibitors in Myxozoan (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) fish parasites. Microorganisms 8(10): 1502. doi: 3390/microorganisms8101502, IF: 4,152
- Kaszab E, Marton Sz, Dán Á, Farsang A, Bálint Á, Bányai K, Fehér E. (2020): Molecular epidemiology and phylodynamics of goose hemorrhagic polyomavirus. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 67(6): 2602-2608. doi: 1111/tbed.13608, IF: 4,188
- Kovács ÁB, Kreizinger Zs, Forró B, Grózner D, Mitter A, Marton Sz, Bali K, Sawicka A, Tomczyk G, Bányai K, Gyuranecz M. (2020): The core genome multi-locus sequence typing of Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis. BMC Genomics 21: 403. doi: 1186/s12864-020-06817-2, IF: 3,594
- Sellyei B, Cech G, Varga Á, Molnár K, Székely Cs, Somogyi D, Nyeste K, Antal L. (2020): Infection of the Carpathian brook lamprey (Eudontomyzon danfordi Regan, 1911) with a dermocystid parasite in the Tisza River Basin, Hungary. Journal of Fish Diseases, 43(12): 1571-1577. doi: 1111/jfd.13259, IF: 2,318
- Vidovszky MZ, Tan Z, Carr MJ, Boldogh S, Harrach B, Gonzalez G. (2020): Bat-borne polyomaviruses in Europe reveal an evolutionary history of intrahost divergence with horseshoe bats distributed across the African and Eurasian continents. Journal of General Virology, 101(10): 1119-1130. doi: 1099/jgv.0.001467, IF: 3,376
- Sváb D, Falgenhauer L, Horváth B, Maróti G, Falgenhauer J, Chakraborty T, Tóth I. (2021): Genome analysis of a historical Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 strain carrying a conserved Stx prophage region. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 614793. doi: 3389/fmicb.2020.614793, IF: 4,235
- Kemenesi G, Zeghbib S, Somogyi BA, Tóth GE, Bányai K, Solymosi N, Szabo PM, Szabó I, Bálint Á, Urbán P, Herczeg R, Gyenesei A, Nagy Á, Pereszlényi CI, Babinszky GC, Dudás G, Terhes G, Zöldi V, Lovas R, Tenczer Sz, Kornya L, Jakab F. (2020): Multiple SARS-CoV-2 introductions shaped the early outbreak in Central Eastern Europe: Comparing Hungarian data to a worldwide sequence data-matrix. Viruses, 12: 1401. doi: 3390/v12121401, IF: 3,816
- Grózner D, Kovács ÁB, Wehmann E, Kreizinger Zs, Bekő K, Mitter A, Sawicka A, Jánosi Sz, Tomczyk G, Morrow CJ, Bányai K, Gyuranecz M. (2021): Multilocus sequence typing of the goose pathogen Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis. Veterinary Microbiology, 254: 108972. doi: 1016/j.vetmic.2020.108972, IF: 3,03
- Molnár K, Avenant-Oldewage A, Sellyei B, Varga Á, Székely Cs. (2018): Histopathological changes on the gills of asp (Aspius aspius) and European catfish (Silurus glanis) caused by Lamproglena pulchella and a Lamproglena (Copepoda: Lernaeidae), respectively. Journal of Fish Diseases, 41(1): 33-39. doi: 10.1111/jfd.12667, IF: 1,988
- Magyar T, Gyuris É, Ujvári B, Metzner M3, Wehmann E. (2019): Genotyping of Riemerella anatipestifer by ERIC-PCR and correlation with serotypes. Avian Pathology, 48(1): 12-16. doi: 1080/03079457.2018.1535693, IF: 2,338