HUN-REN Atommagkutató Intézet - Publikációk
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- L. Gulyás
Multicenter continuum distorted wave with eikonal initial state model for single ionization in ion-molecule collisions: Differential electron emission from water under energetic ion impact
Phys. Rev. A 108, 032815 – Published 22 September 2023 - Walter Kutschera, A. J. Timothy Jull, Michael Paul, and Anton Wallner
Atom counting with accelerator mass spectrometry
Rev. Mod. Phys. 95, 035006 – Published 28 September 2023 - Péter Diviánszky, István Márton, Erika Bene & Tamás Vértesi
Certification of qubits in the prepare-and-measure scenario with large input alphabet and connections with the Grothendieck constant
Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 13200 (2023) - Tamás Varga, Irka Hajdas, Lucio Calcagnile, Gianluca Quarta, István Major, A J Timothy Jull, Anita Molnár, Mihály Molnár
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2023 - Zsolt Kovács, Attila Csík, Ákos Lakatos
Thermal stability investigations of different aerogel insulation materials at elevated temperature
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress
Volume 42, 1 July 2023, 101906 - Phong Dang, Gábor Riczu, and József Cseh
Shape isomers of α-like nuclei in terms of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry
Phys. Rev. C 107, 044315 – Published 19 April 2023 - Attila Laczovics, István Csige, Sándor Szabó, Albert Tóth, Ferenc Krisztián Kálmán, Imre Tóth, Zoltán Fülöp, Ervin Berényi, Mihály Braun
Relationship between gadolinium-based MRI contrast agent consumption and anthropogenic gadolinium in the influent of a wastewater treatment plant
Science of The Total Environment
Volume 877, 15 June 2023, 162844 - Zsuzsa Lisztes-Szabó, Albert Tóth, Botond Buró, Ádám Braun, Attila Csík, Anna F Filep, Petr Kuneš, Mihály Braun
Well-preserved Norway spruce needle phytoliths in sediments can be a new paleoenvironmental indicator
The Holocene, 2023, Vol. 33(4) 471–477 - Shafa Aljboor, Anikó Angyal, Dávid Baranyai, Enikő Papp, Máté Szarka, Zita Szikszai, István Rajta, István Vajda and Zsófia Kertész
Light-element sensitive in-air millibeam PIXE setup for fast measurement of atmospheric aerosol samples
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38 : 1 pp. 57-65. (2023)
- Z. Elekes et al. (Sunflower Collaboration)
“Southwestern” boundary of the N=40 island of inversion: First study of low-lying bound excited states in 59V and 61V
Phys. Rev. C 106, 064321 – Published 19 December 2022 - A. J. Krasznahorkay, A. Krasznahorkay, M. Begala, M. Csatlós, L. Csige, J. Gulyás, A. Krakó, J. Timár, I. Rajta, I. Vajda, and N. J. Sas
New anomaly observed in 12C supports the existence and the vector character of the hypothetical X17 boson
Phys. Rev. C 106, L061601 – Published 12 December 2022 - Duncan V. Mifsud, Péter Herczku, Richárd Rácz, K. K. Rahul, Sándor T. S. Kovács, Zoltán Juhász, Béla Sulik, Sándor Biri, Robert W. McCullough, Zuzana Kaňuchová, Sergio Ioppolo, Perry A. Hailey, Nigel J. Mason
Energetic electron irradiations of amorphous and crystalline sulphur-bearing astrochemical ices
Frontiers in Chemistry 10, 1003163. (2022) - Marialuisa Aliotta, Axel Boeltzig, Rosanna Depalo and György Gyürky
Exploring Stars in Underground Laboratories: Challenges and Solutions
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
Vol. 72:177-204 (Volume publication date September 2022) - Mátyás Hunyadi, Gergely Ferenc Samu, Lóránt Csige, Attila Csík, Csaba Buga, Csaba Janáky
Scintillator of Polycrystalline Perovskites for High-Sensitivity Detection of Charged-Particle Radiations
Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2206645 - István Márton & László Sarkadi
Study of the effect of higher-order dispersions on photoionisation induced by ultrafast laser pulses applying a classical theoretical method
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 13841 (2022) - Károly F. Pál and Tamás Vértesi
Platonic Bell inequalities for all dimensions
Quantum 6, 756 (2022) - M. Duer, T. Aumann, R. Gernhäuser, V. Panin, S. Paschalis, D. M. Rossi, N. L. Achouri, D. Ahn, H. Baba, C. A. Bertulani, M. Böhmer, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, N. Chiga, A. Corsi, D. Cortina-Gil, C. A. Douma, F. Dufter, Z. Elekes, J. Feng, B. Fernández-Domínguez, U. Forsberg, N. Fukuda, I. Gasparic, Z. Ge, J. M. Gheller, J. Gibelin, A. Gillibert, K. I. Hahn, Z. Halász, M. N. Harakeh, A. Hirayama, M. Holl, N. Inabe, T. Isobe, J. Kahlbow, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, D. Kim, S. Kim, T. Kobayashi, Y. Kondo, D. Körper, P. Koseoglou, Y. Kubota, I. Kuti, P. J. Li, C. Lehr, S. Lindberg, Y. Liu, F. M. Marqués, S. Masuoka, M. Matsumoto, J. Mayer, K. Miki, B. Monteagudo, T. Nakamura, T. Nilsson, A. Obertelli, N. A. Orr, H. Otsu, S. Y. Park, M. Parlog, P. M. Potlog, S. Reichert, A. Revel, A. T. Saito, M. Sasano, H. Scheit, F. Schindler, S. Shimoura, H. Simon, L. Stuhl, H. Suzuki, D. Symochko, H. Takeda, J. Tanaka, Y. Togano, T. Tomai, H. T. Törnqvist, J. Tscheuschner, T. Uesaka, V. Wagner, H. Yamada, B. Yang, L. Yang, Z. H. Yang, M. Yasuda, K. Yoneda, L. Zanetti, J. Zenihiro & M. V. Zhukov
Observation of a correlated free four-neutron system
Nature, Volume 606, Pages 678–682 (2022) - Duncan V. Mifsud, Perry A. Hailey, Péter Herczku, Béla Sulik, Zoltán Juhász, Sándor T. S. Kovács, Zuzana Kaňuchová, Sergio Ioppolo, Robert W. McCullough, Béla Paripás and Nigel J. Mason
Comparative electron irradiations of amorphous and crystalline astrophysical ice analogues - ITCZ precipitation and cloud cover excursions control Cedrela nebulosa tree-ring oxygen and carbon isotopes in the northwestern Amazon
Danny Vargas, Darwin Pucha-Cofrep, Sheila Serrano-Vincenti, Angélica Burneo, Lisseth Carlosama, Madison Herrera, Marco Cerna, Mihály Molnár, A.J. Timothy Jull, Marjan Temovski, Elemér László, István Futó, Anikó Horváth, László Palcsu
Global and Planetary Change, 2022, 103791 - Abdelmalek Taoutioui & Károly Tőkési
Identifying the complexity of the holographic structures in strong field ionization
Scientifc Reports 12:2877 (2022) - Katharina Müller, Zita Szikszai, Ákos Csepregi, Róbert Huszánk, Zsófia Kertész & Ina Reiche
Proton beam irradiation induces invisible modifications under the surface of painted parchment
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 113 (2022)
- Gergő Pál, Gábor Domokos & Ferenc Kun
Curvature flows, scaling laws and the geometry of attrition under impacts
Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 20661 (2021) - Arató, R; Obbágy, G; Dunkl, I; Szepesi, J; Molnár, K; Benkó, Zs; et al. (9)
Multi-method comparison of modern river sediments in the Pannonian Basin System – A key step towards understanding the provenance of sedimentary basin-fill
GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 199 Paper: 103446 (2021)
Open Access link: - Buga, Cs; Chen, CC; Hunyadi, M; Csík, A ; Hegedűs, Cs ; Ding, SJ
Electrosprayed calcium silicate nanoparticle-coated titanium implant with improved antibacterial activity and osteogenesis
Open Access link: - Cavazzuti, C ; Horváth, A ; Major, I ; Molnár, M ; Palcsu, L ; Kiss, V et al. (10)
Human mobility in a Bronze Age Vatya 'urnfield' and the life history of a high-status woman.
PLOS ONE 16 : 7 Paper: e0254360 (2021)
Open Access link: - Ciani, G. F. ; Csedreki, L. ; Elekes, Z; Fülöp, Zs; Gyürky, Gy; Szücs, T et al. (49)
Direct Measurement of the 13C(α,n)16O Cross Section into the s -Process Gamow Peak
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127 : 15 Paper: 152701 , 7 p. (2021)
Open Access link: - Cseh, J
Microscopic structure and mathematical background of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 103 : 6 Paper: 064322 (2021)
Open Access link: - Hunyadi, M.; Buga, Cs.; Csige, L; Csík, A
Charged-particle induced radioluminescence in nanoclusters of CsPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots
MATERIALS LETTERS 289 Paper: 129398 , 4 p. (2021)
Open Access link: - Juhász, M.M. ; Elekes, Z. ; Sohler, D. ; Dombrádi Zs ; Yoshida, K. ; Otsuka, T. ; et al. (80)
First spectroscopic study of 51Ar by the (p,2p) reaction
PHYSICS LETTERS B 814 Paper: 136108 (2021)
Open Access link: - Jull, A. J. T. ; Panyushkina, IP. ; Molnár, M ; Varga, T ; Wacker, L ; Laszló, E ; et al. (10)
Rapid 14C excursion at 3372-3371 BCE not observed at two different locations
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 12 : 1 Paper: 712 (2021)
Open Access link: - Kiss, G. G. ; Szegedi, T. N. ; Mohr, P. ; Jacobi, M. ; Gyürky, Gy. ; Huszánk, R. et al. (7)
Low-energy Measurement of the 96Zr(α,n)99Mo Reaction Cross Section and Its Impact on Weak r -process Nucleosynthesis
ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 908 : 2 Paper: 202 , 7 p. (2021)
Open Access link: - Major, I ; Furu, E; Varga, T ; Horváth, A ; Futó, I; Lisztes-Szabó, Zs ; Jull, A.J. T ; Kertész, Zs; Molnár M et al (11)
Source identification of PM2.5 carbonaceous aerosol using combined carbon fraction, radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope analyses in Debrecen, Hungary
Open Access link: - Mifsud, DV. ; Kaňuchová, Z ; Herczku, P; Juhász, Z ; Kovács, STS. ; Sulik, B et al. (9)
Sulfur Ice Astrochemistry: A Review of Laboratory Studies
SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 217 : 1 Paper: 14 (2021)
Open Access link: - Sarkadi‐Priboczki, E ; Varga, M ; Valastyan, I ; Brezovcsik, K ; Fenyvesi, A ; Molnar, J
Compound‐Specific Imaging of Methanol Fuel Cell for Performance and Degradation Studies Using a Mini Positron Emission Tomograph
CHEMISTRY–METHODS 1 : 7 pp. 315-322. , 8 p. (2021)
Open Access link: - Sümegi, P ; Gulyás, S
Some notes on the interpretation and reliability of malacological proxies in paleotemperature reconstructions from loess- comments to Obreht et al.'s “A critical reevaluation of paleoclimate proxy records from loess in the Carpathian Basin”
EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 221 Paper: 103675 , 10 p. (2021)
Open Access link:
Wilson, J. N. ; Thisse, D. ; Lebois, M. ; Jovančević, N. ; Gjestvang, D. ; Algora A. et al. (76)
Angular momentum generation in nuclear fission
NATURE 590 : 7847 pp. 566-570. , 5 p. (2021)
Open Access link: - D.M. Zayachuk, Y.D. Zayachuk, M. Hunyadi, V.E. Slynko, A. Csík
Transformations of micron-sized PbTe surface structures induced by low energy ions
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 883 Paper: 160978 (2021)
Open Access link:
- Korga György. Experimental evidence of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun. Nature 587 (2020) 577-582
- Dr. Elekes Zoltán Dr. Fülöp Zsolt Dr. Gyürky György. The baryon density of the Universe from an improved rate of deuterium burning. Nature 587, 210–213 (2020)
- Dr. Palcsu László. Constraints on the hydrogeochemistry and origin of the CO2-rich mineral waters from the Eastern Carpathians – Transylvanian Basin boundary (Romania). Journal of Hydrology 591 (2020) 125311
- Dr. Kovács Tamás György. Localization with overlap fermions. Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 9, 094511
- Dr. Fülöp Zsolt Dr. Gyürky György Dr. Halász Zoltán Dr. Kiss Gábor Dr. Somorjai Endre Dr. Szücs Tamás. Astrophysical S-factor for the 3He(a,g)7Be reaction via the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) method. Physics Letters B 807 (2020) 135606
- Dr. Vértesi Tamás. Activating hidden metrological usefulness. Physical Review Letters 125, 020402, 7 p. (2020)
- P. Mohr, Zs. Fülöp, Gy. Gyürky, G. G. Kiss, and T. Szücs. Successful Prediction of Total α-Induced Reaction Cross Sections at Astrophysically Relevant Sub-Coulomb Energies Using a Novel Approach. Physical Review Letters 124, (2020) 252701
- Tamás Varga, Zsófi Sajtos, Zita Gajdos, A.J. Timothy Jull, Mihály Molnár, Edina Baranyai. Honey as an indicator of long-term environmental changes: MP-AES analysis coupled with 14C-based age determination of Hungarian honey samples. Science of the Total Environment 736 (2020) 139686
- Márton Soha, Mihály Braun, Viktor Takáts, József Hakl, Tamás Fodor, Ádám Braun, István Szabó, Michael Haslinger, Joachim John, Kálmán Vad. Applied Surface Science 520 (2020) 146299. Investigation of ppb-level surface contamination of n-type silicon solar cells
- B. Cederwall et al. Isospin Properties of Nuclear Pair Correlations from the Level Structure of the Self-Conjugate Nucleus 88Ru. Physical Review Letters 124 (2020) 062501
- Ulrich Ott, Thomas Stephan, Peter Hoppe and Michael R. Savina. Isotopes of Barium as a Chronometer for Supernova Dust Formation. Astrophysical Journal, 885: 2 Paper: 128 (2019)
- T. Szücs, P. Mohr, Gy. Gyürky, Z. Halász, R. Huszánk, G. G. Kiss, T. N. Szegedi, Zs. Török, and Zs. Fülöp. Cross section of α-induced reactions on 197Au at sub-Coulomb energies. Phys. Rev. C100 065803 (2019)
- S. Chen et al. Quasifree Neutron Knockout from 54Ca Corroborates Arising N=34 Neutron Magic Number. Physical Review Letters 123, 142501 (2019) Sarkadi and A. Orbán. Triple-coincidence experiment to study the correlated electron emission in the collision-induced double electron loss of He−. Physical Review A 100 (2019) 052708 - Z. Juhász, B. Sulik, E. Lattouf, E. Bene, B. A. Huber, P. Herczku, S. T. S. Kovács, A. Méry, J.-C. Poully, J. Rangama, J. A. Tanis, V. Vizcaino, and J.-Y. Chesnel. Anion and cation emission from water molecules after collisions with 6.6-keV 16O+ ions. Physical Review A 100, 032713 (2019) - Giacomo Bighin, Nicolò Defenu, István Nándori, Luca Salasnich, and Andrea Trombettoni. Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Paired Phase in Coupled XYModels. Physical Review Letters 123, 100601 (2019)
- A critical discussion of Rashid et al. Complex environmental research: Do we need exact knowledge of plant anatomy?. Earth-Science Reviews 198 102920 (2019)
- J. Cseh, G. Riczu, J. Darai. Shape isomers of light nuclei from the stability and consistency of the SU(3) symmetry. Physics Letters B 795 (2019) 160–164 - Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Anikó Angyal, Zsófia Kertész, Stéphan Dubernet, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Enikő Papp, Zoltán Szoboszlai, Zsófia Török, Ákos Csepregi & Zita Szikszai. Micro-PIXE studies on prehistoric chert tools: elemental mapping to determine Palaeolithic lithic procurement. Archaeological and Anhropological Sciences 11 6 pp 2375-2383 (2019)
- R. Taniuchi, C. Santamaria, P. Doornenbal, A. Obertelli, K. Yoneda, G. Authelet, H. Baba, D. Calvet, F. Château, A. Corsi, A. Delbart, J.-M. Gheller, A. Gillibert, J. D. Holt, T. Isobe, V. Lapoux, M. Matsushita, J. Menéndez, S. Momiyama, T. Motobayashi, M. Niikura, F. Nowacki, K. Ogata, H. Otsu, T. Otsuka, C. Péron, S. Péru, A. Peyaud, E. C. Pollacco, A. Poves, J.-Y. Roussé, H. Sakurai, A. Schwenk, Y. Shiga, J. Simonis, S. R. Stroberg, S. Takeuchi, Y. Tsunoda, T. Uesaka, H. Wang, F. Browne, L. X. Chung, Z. Dombradi, S. Franchoo, F. Giacoppo, A. Gottardo, K. Hadyńska-Klęk, Z. Korkulu, S. Koyama, Y. Kubota, J. Lee, M. Lettmann, C. Louchart, R. Lozeva, K. Matsui, T. Miyazaki, S. Nishimura, L. Olivier, S. Ota, Z. Patel, E. Şahin, C. Shand, P.-A. Söderström, I. Stefan, D. Steppenbeck, T. Sumikama, D. Suzuki, Z. Vajta, V. Werner, J. Wu & Z. Y. Xu. 78Ni revealed as a doubly magic stronghold against nuclear deformation. NATURE VOL 569 (2 MAY 2019) p 53.
- J.Cseh. Spontaneous symmetry-breaking in Elliott-type models and the nuclear deformation. Physics Letters B 793 (2019) 59–64
- P.Hajdu, R.Rácz, S.Biri, T.Radics, A.Csík, V.Takáts, Cs.Hegedűs, S.Kökényesi. Implantation of multiply charged silicon ions into bioinert zirconia. Vacuum, Volume 164, June 2019, Pages 15-17
- J. Timár et al. Experimental Evidence for Transverse Wobbling in 105Pd. Physical Review Letters 122, 062501 (2019)
- Csaba Buga, Mátyás Hunyadi, Zoltán Gácsi, Csaba Hegedűs, József Hakl, Ute Schmidt, Shinn-Jyh Dingd, Attila Csík. Calcium silicate layer on titanium fabricated by electrospray deposition. Materials Science & Engineering C 98 (2019) 401-408.