HUN-REN Energiatudományi Kutatóközpont - Publikációk
Atomenergia-kutató Intézet
Engloner, A.I. ; Németh, K. ; Dobosy, P. ; Óvári, M.
Exploring the trend effects of diffuse anthropogenic pollution in a large river passing through a densely populated area
HELIYON 9 : 9 Paper: 20120 , 10 p. (2023)
DOI ScopusHorvath, L. ; Lomanowski, B. ; Karhunen, J. ; Maslov, M. ; Schneider, P.A. ; Simpson, J. ; Brix, M. ; Chapman-Oplopoiou, B. ; Corrigan, G. ; Frassinetti, L. et al.
Pedestal particle balance studies in JET-ILW H-mode plasmas
DOI WoS ScopusHózer, Z. ; Adorni, M. ; Arkoma, A. ; Busser, V. ; Bürger, B. ; Dieschbourg, K. ; Farkas, R. ; Girault, N. ; Herranz, L.E. ; Iglesias, R. et al.
Review of experimental database to support nuclear power plant safety analyses in SGTR and LOCA domains
ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY 193 Paper: 110001 , 12 p. (2023)
DOI WoS ScopusImre, A.R. ; Daniarta, S. ✉ ; Błasiak, P. ; Kolasiński, P.
Design, Integration, and Control of Organic Rankine Cycles with Thermal Energy Storage and Two-Phase Expansion System Utilizing Intermittent and Fluctuating Heat Sources—A Review
ENERGIES 16 : 16 Paper: 5948 , 25 p. (2023)
DOI WoS REAL ScopusKolluri, M. ; Martin, O. ; Naziris, F. ; D'Agata, E. ; Gillemot, F. ; Brumovsky, M. ; Ulbricht, A. ; Autio, J-M. ; Shugailo, O. ; Horvath, A.
Structural MATerias research on parameters influencing the material properties of RPV steels for safe long-term operation of PWR NPPs
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 406 Paper: 112236 , 7 p. (2023)
DOI WoSAhmed, A.M. ✉ ; Imre, A.R.
Effect of critical temperature and category of zeotropic mixture working fluids on the thermal performance in subcritical ORC
DOI ScopusImre, A.R. ; Ahmed, A.M.
Effect of the working fluids critical temperature on thermal performance for trilateral flash cycle and organic Rankine cycle
DOI Scopus
Energia- és Környezetbiztonsági Intézet
Al-Ajaleen, M. ; Tőkési, K. ✉
Total and differential ionization cross sections in collision between nitrogen atom and singly charged sodium ion
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 : 1 Paper: 14080 , 9 p. (2023)
DOI WoS DEA Scopus PubMedFabian, M ; Czompoly, O ; Tolnai, I ; De Windt, L
Interactions between C-steel and blended cement in concrete under radwaste repository conditions at 80°C
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 : 1 Paper: 15372 , 14 p. (2023)
DOI ScopusGroma, V. ; Kugler, Sz. ; Farkas, Á. ; Füri, P. ; Madas, B. ; Nagy, A. ; Erdélyi, T. ; Horváth, A. ; Müller, V. ; Szántó-Egész, R. et al.
Size distribution and relationship of airborne SARS-CoV-2 RNA to indoor aerosol in hospital ward environments
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 : 1 Paper: 3566 , 11 p. (2023)
DOI WoS Scopus PubMedTolnai, I. ; Osan, J. ; Czompoly, O. ; Sulyok, A. ; Fabian, M.
Glass/steel/clay interactions in a simulated radioactive waste geological disposal system
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 : 1 Paper: 20381 , 13 p. (2023)
DOI REAL Scopus Google scholar
Műszaki Fizikai és Anyagtudományi Intézet
Hegedűs, M ; Kis, VK. ✉ ; Szabó, Á ; Kovács, I ; Rózsa, N ; Kovács, Zs ✉
Gradient structural anisotropy of dental enamel is optimized for enhanced mechanical behaviour
MATERIALS AND DESIGN 234 Paper: 112369 , 12 p. (2023)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus Google scholarItatani, Masaki ; Holló, Gábor ; Zámbó, Dániel ; Nakanishi, Hideyuki ; Deák, András ✉ ; Lagzi, István ✉
Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles Precipitate Not Only at the Point of Overall Electroneutrality
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 14 : 40 pp. 9003-9010. , 8 p. (2023)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus PubMed Egyéb URL Google scholarKovacs, David ; Deak, Andras ; Radnoczi, Gyorgy Z. ; Horvath, Zsolt E. ; Sulyok, Attila ; Schiller, Robert ; Czompoly, Otto ; Zambo, Daniel ✉
Position of gold dictates the photophysical and photocatalytic properties of Cu2O in Cu2O/Au multicomponent nanoparticles
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 11 : 26 pp. 8796-8807. , 12 p. (2023)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus Google scholarKovács, Kinga Dóra ; Visnovitz, Tamás* ; Gerecsei, Tamás ; Peter, Beatrix ; Kurunczi, Sándor ; Koncz, Anna ; Németh, Krisztina ; Lenzinger, Dorina ; Vukman, Krisztina V. ; Balogh, Anna et al.
Nanoinjection of extracellular vesicles to single live cells by robotic fluidic force microscopy
JOURNAL OF EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES 12 : 12 Paper: e12388 , 16 p. (2023)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus PubMed Google scholarLee, Hsuan-Wei ; Cleveland, Colin ; Szolnoki, Attila ✉
Group-size dependent synergy in heterogeneous populations
CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 167 Paper: 113055 , 6 p. (2023)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Egyéb URL Google scholarLiu, Linjie ; Chen, Xiaojie ; Szolnoki, Attila
Coevolutionary dynamics via adaptive feedback in collective-risk social dilemma game
ELIFE 12 : 1 Paper: e8295 , 26 p. (2023)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus PubMed Teljes dokumentum Google scholarPark, Junpyo ; Chen, Xiaojie ; Szolnoki, Attila ✉
Competition of alliances in a cyclically dominant eight-species population
CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 166 Paper: 113004 , 7 p. (2023)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Egyéb URL Google scholarSun, Z. ; Chen, X. ; Szolnoki, A.
State-dependent optimal incentive allocation protocols for cooperation in public goods games on regular networks
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Google scholar hashSzebényi, Kornélia ✉ ; Füredi, András* ; Bajtai, Eszter ; Sama, Sai Nagender ; Csiszar, Agnes ; Gombos, Balázs ; Szabó, Pál ; Grusch, Michael ; Szakács, Gergely ✉
Effective targeting of breast cancer by the inhibition of P-glycoprotein mediated removal of toxic lipid peroxidation byproducts from drug tolerant persister cells
DRUG RESISTANCE UPDATES 71 Paper: 101007 , 12 p. (2023)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus PubMed Google scholarSzolnoki, Attila ✉ ; Chen, Xiaojie
Emerging solutions from the battle of defensive alliances
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 : 1 Paper: 8472 , 9 p. (2023)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus PubMed Egyéb URL Google scholarWang, Chaoqian ; Zhu, Wenqiang ; Szolnoki, Attila ✉
The conflict between self-interaction and updating passivity in the evolution of cooperation
CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 173 Paper: 113667 , 12 p. (2023)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Egyéb URL Google scholar
Atomenergia-kutató Intézet
Farkas, R ; Hozer, Z ; Nagy, I ; Ver, N ; Horvath, M ; Steinbruck, M ; Stuckert, J ; Grosse, M
Effect of steam and oxygen starvation on severe accident progression with air ingress
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 396 Paper: 111884 , 14 p. (2022)
DOI WoS Scopus Google scholarHegyi, G. ; Maráczy, C. ; Temesvári, E.
Simulation of xenon transients in the VVER-1200 NPP using the KARATE code system
ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY 176 Paper: 109258 (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusImre, A.R.
Seasonal Energy Storage with Power-to-Methane Technology
ENERGIES 15 : 3 Paper: 712 , 2 p. (2022)
DOI WoS Scopus Google scholarKatona, I. ; Tóth, M. ; Castellanos, J. ; Arbeiter, F. ; Dézsi, T. ; Zsákai, A. ; Micciche, G. ; Qiu, Y. ; Siwek, M. ; Alonso, D. et al.
Preliminary finite element analysis of the stainless-steel liner of the maintainable test cell concept of IFMIF-DONES NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY 31 Paper: 101186 , 5 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusKirchknopf, P ✉ ; Almási, I ; Radócz, G ; Nemes, I ; Völgyesi, P ; Szalóki, I
Determining burnup, cooling time and operational history of VVER-440 spent fuel assemblies based on in-situ gamma spectrometry at Paks Nuclear Power Plant
ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY 170 Paper: 108975 , 9 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusKiss, S ; Lipcsei, S
Analysis and enhancements of the coolant velocity estimation method in PWR core
ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY 174 Paper: 109146 , 14 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusRana, A. ; Gróf, G.
Assessment of the Electricity System Transition towards High Share of Renewable Energy Sources in South Asian Countries
ENERGIES 15 : 3 Paper: 1139 , 23 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusSzentannai, P ; Fekete, T
Integrated optimization of process control and its effect on structural integrity - A systematic review
ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 140 Paper: 106101 , 31 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusZsakai, A ; Diez, A ; Munoz, A ; Garcia, M ; Ibarra, A
DONES Systems identification and requirements allocation
NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY 31 Paper: 101199 , 5 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusEngloner, A ✉ ; Németh, K ; Óvári, M
Significant impact of seasonality, verticality and biofilm on element accumulation of aquatic macrophytes
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 292 : 1 Paper: 118402 , 9 p. (2022)
DOI WoS Scopus PubMedGróf, G. ✉ ; Janky, B. ; Bethlendi, A.
Limits of household's energy efficiency improvements and its consequence – A case study for Hungary
ENERGY POLICY 168 Paper: 113078 , 20 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL ScopusHron, M ✉ ; Adamek, J ; Cavalier, J ; Dejarnac, R ; Ficker, O ; Grover, O ; Horacek, J ; Komm, M ; Macusova, E ; Matveeva, E et al.
Overview of the COMPASS results *
NUCLEAR FUSION 62 : 4 Paper: 042021 , 17 p. (2022)
DOI WoS Scopus
Energia- és Környezetbiztonsági Intézet
Bajnok, K. ; Kovács, Z. ; Gait, J. ; Maróti, B. ; Csippán, P. ; Harsányi, I. ; Párkányi, D. ; Skriba, P. ; Winger, D. ; von Freeden, U. et al.
Integrated petrographic and geochemical analysis of the Langobard age pottery of Szólád, Western Hungary
DOI WoS ScopusBenko, Timea ; Lukacs, David ; Li, Mingtao ; Pap, Jozsef S. ✉
Redox-active ligands in artificial photosynthesis: a review
ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 20 : 6 pp. 3657-3695. , 39 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusBugoi, R ✉ ; Tarlea, A ; Szilagyi, V ; Harsanyi, I ; Cliante, L ; Kasztovszky, Z
Chemical analyses on late antique glass finds from Histria, Romania
ARCHAEOMETRY 64 : 3 pp. 744-758. , 15 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusFarkas, Á. ; Füri, P. ; Thén, W. ; Salma, I.
Effects of hygroscopic growth of ambient urban aerosol particles on their modelled regional and local deposition in healthy and COPD-compromised human respiratory system
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 806 : 3 Paper: 151202 , 9 p. (2022)
DOI WoS EDIT Scopus PubMedGait, John ✉ ; Bajnok, Katalin ; Szilágyi, Veronika ; Szenti, Imre ; Kukovecz, Ákos ; Kis, Zoltán
Quantitative 3D orientation analysis of particles and voids to differentiate hand-built pottery forming techniques using X-ray microtomography and neutron tomography
DOI WoS Scopus Egyéb URL SZTE PublicatioGyarmati, J ; Maróti, B ; Kasztovszky, Zs ; Dönczo, B ; Szikszai, Z ; Aradi, LE ; Mihály, J ; Koch, G ; Szilágyi, V ✉
Hidden behind the mask: An authentication study on the Aztec mask of the Museum of Ethnography, Budapest, Hungary
FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL 333 Paper: 111236 , 11 p. (2022)
DOI WoS Scopus PubMedKasztovszky, Z. ✉ ; Maróti, B. ; Szentmiklósi, L. ; Gméling, K.
Applicability of prompt-gamma activation analysis to determine elemental compositions of silicate-based cultural heritage objects and their raw materials
JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 55 pp. 356-368. , 13 p. (2022)
DOI WoS ScopusPolgár, S. ; Schofield, P.N. ; Madas, B.G. ✉
Datasets of in vitro clonogenic assays showing low dose hyper-radiosensitivity and induced radioresistance
SCIENTIFIC DATA 9 : 1 Paper: 555 , 9 p. (2022)
DOI WoS Scopus PubMedShi, X. ; Tian, Q. ; Henderson, M.J. ; Li, N. ; Zhang, J. ; Dai, X. ; Royal, G. ; Yan, M. ; Almásy, L.
Structure and transport of polystyrene-b-poly(acrylic acid) micelles incorporating uranyl carbonate: a model for NOM-U(vi) colloids
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO 9 : 7 pp. 2587-2595. , 9 p. (2022)
DOI WoS Scopus Google scholarSoha, T. ; Hartmann, B.
Complex power-to-gas plant site selection by multi-criteria decision-making and GIS
ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT: X 13 Paper: 100168 , 14 p. (2022)
DOI WoS EDIT ScopusTakács, E. ✉ ; Wang, J. ; Chu, L. ; Tóth, T. ; Kovács, K. ; Bezsenyi, A. ; Szabó, L. ; Homlok, R. ; Wojnárovits, L.
Elimination of oxacillin, its toxicity and antibacterial activity by using ionizing radiation
CHEMOSPHERE 286 Paper: 131467 , 8 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus PubMed Google scholar
Műszaki Fizikai és Anyagtudományi Intézet
Balázsi, K. ; Varanasi, D. ; Horváth, Zs. E. ; Furkó, M. ; Cinar, F. S. ; Balázsi, C.
Effect of the pressureless post-sintering on the hot isostatic pressed Al2O3 prepared from the oxidized AlN powder
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12 : 1 Paper: 8250 , 9 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus PubMed Google scholarde Oliveira, Breno F. ; Szolnoki, Attila ✉
Competition among alliances of different sizes
CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 157 Paper: 111940 , 6 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Egyéb URL Google scholarDobrik, G ; Nemes-Incze, P ; Majerus, B ; Süle, P ; Vancsó, P ; Piszter, G ; Menyhárd, M ; Kalas, B ; Petrik, P ; Henrard, L et al.
Large-area nanoengineering of graphene corrugations hosting visible-frequency graphene plasmons
NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 17 : 1 pp. 61-66. , 6 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus PubMed Google scholar Google scholar hashDodony, Erzsébet ; Rečnik, Aleksander ; Dódony, István ; Sáfrán, György
In situ TEM study of Ni-silicides formation up to 973K
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 918 Paper: 165466 , 8 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Google scholarFedor, Flóra Zsófia ; Madarász, Miklós ; Zátonyi, Anita ; Szabó, Ágnes ; Lőrincz, Tibor ; Danda, Vindhya ; Spurgin, Lisa ; Manz, Connie ; Rózsa, Balázs ; Fekete, Zoltán ✉
Soft, Thiol‐ene/Acrylate‐Based Electrode Array for Long‐Term Recording of Intracranial EEG Signals with Improved Biocompatibility in Mice
ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES 7 : 5 Paper: 2100942 , 10 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus Google scholarFurko, Monika ; Horváth, Zsolt E. ; Czömpöly, Ottó ; Balázsi, Katalin ; Balázsi, Csaba
Biominerals Added Bioresorbable Calcium Phosphate Loaded Biopolymer Composites
DOI REAL WoS Scopus PubMed Google scholarGiannazzo, F. ✉ ; Panasci, S.E. ; Schilirò, E. ; Roccaforte, F. ; Koos, A. ; Nemeth, M. ; Pécz, B.
Esaki Diode Behavior in Highly Uniform MoS2/Silicon Carbide Heterojunctions
ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 9 : 22 Paper: 2200915 , 10 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus Google scholarHagymási, I. ; Mohd, Isa M.S. ; Tajkov, Z. ; Márity, K. ; Oroszlány, L. ; Koltai, J. ; Alassaf, A. ; Kun, P. ; Kandrai, K. ; Pálinkás, A. et al.
Observation of competing, correlated ground states in the flat band of rhombohedral graphite
SCIENCE ADVANCES 8 : 35 Paper: eabo6879 , 9 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus PubMed Google scholarHorvath, Robert
Single-cell temporal transcriptomics from tiny cytoplasmic biopsies
CELL REPORTS METHODS 2 : 10 Paper: 100319 , 3 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Egyéb URL Google scholarNagy, Agoston G. ; Kanyo, Nicolett ; Voros, Alexandra ; Szekacs, Inna ; Bonyar, Attila ; Horvath, Robert ✉
Population distributions of single-cell adhesion parameters during the cell cycle from high-throughput robotic fluidic force microscopy
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12 : 1 Paper: 7747 , 11 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus PubMed Google scholarNagy, Ágoston G. ; Székács, Inna ; Bonyár, Attila ; Horvath, Robert ✉
Cell-substratum and cell-cell adhesion forces and single-cell mechanical properties in mono- and multilayer assemblies from robotic fluidic force microscopy
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 101 : 4 Paper: 151273 , 11 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus PubMed Egyéb URL Google scholarNagy, Ágoston Gábor ; Székács, Inna ; Bonyár, Attila ; Horvath, Robert ✉
Simple and automatic monitoring of cancer cell invasion into an epithelial monolayer using label-free holographic microscopy
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12 : 1 Paper: 10111 , 13 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus PubMed Egyéb URL Google scholarÓdor, Géza ; Deco, Gustavo ; Kelling, Jeffrey
Differences in the critical dynamics underlying the human and fruit-fly connectome
PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 4 : 2 Paper: 023057 , 8 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Google scholarPálinkás, András ✉ ; Kálvin, György ; Vancsó, Péter ; Kandrai, Konrád ; Szendrő, Márton ; Németh, Gergely ; Németh, Miklós ; Pekker, Áron ; Pap, József S. ; Petrik, Péter et al.
The composition and structure of the ubiquitous hydrocarbon contamination on van der Waals materials
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 13 : 1 Paper: 6770 , 10 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Google scholarRado, Janos ✉ ; Dekker, Ronald ; Louwerse, Marcus C. ; Henneken, Vincent A. ; Peters, Machiel ; Furjes, Peter ; Ducso, Csaba
Force Sensor Chip With High Lateral Resolution for Artificial Skin and Surgical Applications
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 22 : 19 pp. 18359-18365. , 7 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus Google scholarSchlosser, A. ; Schlenkrich, J. ; Zámbó, D. ✉ ; Rosebrock, M. ; Graf, R.T. ; Escobar, Cano G. ; Bigall, N.C. ✉
Interparticle Interaction Matters: Charge Carrier Dynamics in Hybrid Semiconductor–Metal Cryoaerogels
ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 9 : 12 Paper: 2200055 , 13 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Google scholarSun, Ketian ; Liu, Yang ; Chen, Xiaojie ; Szolnoki, Attila
Evolution of trust in a hierarchical population with punishing investors
CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 162 Paper: 112413 , 10 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Google scholarSzittner, Zoltán ; Péter, Beatrix ; Kurunczi, Sándor ; Székács, Inna ; Horváth, Róbert
Functional blood cell analysis by label-free biosensors and single-cell technologies
ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 308 Paper: 102727 , 65 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus PubMed Google scholarSzolnoki, Attila ✉ ; Chen, Xiaojie
Tactical cooperation of defectors in a multi-stage public goods game
CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 155 Paper: 111696 , 6 p. (2022)
DOI REAL WoS Scopus Egyéb URL Google scholarTajkov, Zoltan ✉ ; Nagy, Daniel ; Kandrai, Konrad ; Koltai, Janos ; Oroszlany, Laszlo ; Sule, Peter ; Horvath, Zsolt E. ; Vancso, Peter ; Tapaszto, Levente ; Nemes-Incze, Peter ✉
Revealing the topological phase diagram of ZrTe5 using the complex strain fields of microbubbles
NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS 8 : 1 Paper: 177 , 7 p. (2022)
DOI WoS REAL Scopus arXiv Google scholar
Atomenergia-kutató Intézet
- K. O. Inozemtsev, S. Kodaira, T. Kusumoto, H. Kitamura, A. Strádi, J. Szabó, I. Ambrožova, V. A. Shurshakov: Etched track detector methods for the identification of target nuclear fragments in cosmic radiation and accelerator proton beams. Radiation Measurements 140, 106505, 8 p. (2021) DOI WoS Scopus
- M. Herranz, S. Boden, P. Volgyesi, R. Idoeta, W. Broeckx, J. R. Gonz ́alez, P. Otiougova, A. Klix, L. S. Leong, Z. Hlavathy, I. Almasi, K. Amgarou, M. Crozet, F. Legarda: Radiological characterisation in view of nuclear reactor decommissioning: on-site benchmarking exercise of a biological shield, Progress in Nuclear Energy 137, 103740 (2021) DOI WoS Scopus
- R. Homlok, G. Kisko, A. Kovacs, T. Toth, E. Takacs, C. Mohacsi-Farkas, L. Wojnarovits, L. Szabo: Antibiotics in a wastewater matrix at environmentally relevant concentrations affect coexisting resistant/sensitive bacterial cultures with profound impact on advanced oxidation treatment, Science of the Total Environment 754, 142181 (2021) DOI Scopus
- B. Batki, I. Pataki, A. Keresztúri, I. Panka: Simulation of an unprotected transient of the ALLEGRO reactor using the coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics system code KIKO3DMG/ATHLET3.0, Annals of Nuclear Energy 154, 108086 (2021) ISSN 0306-4549, DOI Scopus WoS
- Batki Bálint: Investigation of dynamic behaviour in generation IV fast spectrum reactors during unprotected transients, Doktori disszertáció, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola, Témavezető: Panka I., Czifrus Sz., Fokozatszerzés éve: 2021, BME DigArch
- M. Király, M. Horváth, R. Nagy, N. Vér, Z. Hózer: Segmented mandrel tests of as-received and hydrogenated WWER fuel cladding tubes, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53, 2990-3002 (2021) DOI WoS Scopus
- E. Barsy, P. Szabó, K. Kulacsy, Z. Hózer: The non-uniform high-temperature oxidation of Zr–1%Nb cladding – A numerical model, Progress in Nuclear Energy 133, 103613 (2021) DOI WoS Scopus
- M. Vécsei, G. Anda, O. Asztalos, D. Dunai, S. Hegedűs, D. Nagy, M. Otte, G. I. Pokol, S. Zoletnik, and W7-X Team: Swift evaluation of electron density profiles obtained by the alkali beam emission spectroscopy technique usinglinearized reconstruction, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 113501 (2021) DOI
- S. Olasz, O. Embreus, M. Hoppe, M. Aradi, D. Pór, T. Jonsson, D. Yadikin, G. I. Pokol and the EUROfusion-IM Team: Validity of models for Dreicer generation of runaway electrons in dynamic scenarios, Nuclear Fusion 61, 066010 (2021), DOI Scopus
- G Kocsis, N Tamura, R Bussiahn, K J. McCarthy, J Baldzuhn, C Biedermann, G Cseh, H Damm, P Kornejew, R König, N Panadero, T Szepesi, W7-X Team: Investigation of TESPEL cloud dynamics in Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, Nuclear Fusion 61, 16006 (2021) DOI Scopus
- D. Jakab, T. Pázmándi, P. Zagyvai: Effects of the uncertainty contributions on the methods used for measurement uncertainty evaluation, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 173, 109704 (2021) DOI Scopus WoS PubMed
- A. Pántya, P. Zagyvai, A. Remeli, L. Tyukodi, T. Pázmándi: Dose Assessment with Different Methods After Exposure to 14C-Labelled Compounds, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 197, Issue 2, (2021) DOI
- C. Rudas, T. Pázmándi, P. Zagyvai: Evaluation of an improved method and software tool for confirming compliance with release criteria for nuclear facilities, Annals of Nuclear Energy 159, 108332 (2021) DOI WoS Scopus
- S. Daniarta, P. Kolasinski, AR. Imre: Thermodynamic efficiency of trilateral flash cycle, organic Rankine cycle and partially evaporated organic Rankine cycle, Energy Conversion and Management 249, 114731 (2021) DOI WoS Scopus
- K. Kummer, AR. Imre: Seasonal and Multi-Seasonal Energy Storage by Power-to-Methane Technology, Energies 14(:11), 3265, 13 p. (2021) DOI WoS Scopus
Energia- és Környezetbiztonsági Intézet
- Gini, M.; Manousakas, M.-I. ; Kantarelou, V. ; Karydas, A.-G. ; Chiari, M. ; Migliori, A. ; Civici, N. ; Veleva, B. ; Šega, K. ; Samek, L.; Samara, C.; Kertesz, Z; Osán, J.; Eleftheriadis, K.; Inter-laboratory comparison of ED-XRF/PIXE analytical techniques in the elemental analysis of filter-deposited multi-elemental certified reference materials representative of ambient particulate matter; SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 780 Paper: 146449 , 14 p. (2021), DOI, IF=7,963
- Kayser, Y; Osan, J; Honicke, P; Beckhoff, B.; Reliable compositional analysis of airborne particulate matter beyond the quantification limits of total reflection X-ray fluorescence; ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA DOI, IF=6,558
- Party, P ; Bartos, Cs ; Farkas, Á ; Szabó-Révész, P ; Ambrus, R.; Formulation and In Vitro and In Silico Characterization of “Nano-in-Micro” Dry Powder Inhalers Containing Meloxicam; PHARMACEUTICS 13 : 2 Paper: 211 (2021), DOI, IF=6,321
- Homlok, R; Kisko, G; Kovacs, A; Toth, T; Takacs, E; Mohacsi-Farkas, C; Wojnarovits, L; Szabo, L; Antibiotics in a wastewater matrix at environmentally relevant concentrations affect coexisting resistant/sensitive bacterial cultures with profound impact on advanced oxidation treatment; SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 754 Paper: 142181, 11 p. (2021) DOI:, IF=7.693
- Bezsenyi, A; Sági, Gy; Makó, M; Wojnárovits, L; Takács, E; The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) values measured during ionizing radiation treatment of wastewater; RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY: THE JOURNAL FOR RADIATION PHYSICS RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND RADIATION PROCESSING 189 Paper: 109773, 6 p. (2021)
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- Ismail Z. Al-Yahmadi, Zoltán Klencsár, Abbasher M. Gismelseed, Fatma Al Ma’Mari, Structural, magnetic and Mössbauer studies of Nd 0.6Sr0.4FexMn1-xO3 perovskites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 267, (2021) 124619, DOI, IF=4.094
- László Szentmiklósi, Zoltán Kis, Boglárka Maróti, László Zoltán Horváth: Correction for neutron self-shielding and gamma-ray self-absorption in prompt-gamma activation analysis for large and irregularly-shaped samples, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (0267-9477 ): 36 pp 103-110 (2021) DOI, IF=4.023
Műszaki Fizikai és Anyagtudományi Intézet
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- A. Saftics, S. Kurunczi, B. Peter, I. Szekacs, J. J. Ramsden, R. Horváth. Data evaluation for surface-sensitive label-free methods to obtain real-time kinetic and structural information of thin films: A practical review with related software packages. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Volume 294, August 2021, 102431
- K. Kliment, I. Szekacs, B. Peter, A. Erdei, I. Kurucz, R. Horvath: Label-free real-time monitoring of the BCR-triggered activation of primary human B cells modulated by the simultaneous engagement of inhibitory receptors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics Volume 191, 1 November 2021, 113469
- A. Romanenko, B. Kalas, P. Hermann, O. Hakkel, L. Illés, M. Fried, P. Fürjes, G. Gyulai, P. Petrik: Membrane-Based In Situ Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: A Study on the Membrane Affinity of Polylactide-co-glycolide Nanoparticulate Systems. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93, 2, 981–991
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2045-2322): 10 1 Paper 7835. 14 p. (2020) - Kéri Annamária; Dahn R ; Marques Fernandes M; Scheinost AC ; Krack M; Churakov SV: Iron adsorption on clays inferred from atomistic simulations and XAS studies
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY(0013-936X 1520-5851): 54 p. AiP. (2020) - Lukácsi Szilvia, Mácsik‐Valent Bernadett; Nagy‐Baló Zsuzsa; Kovács Kristóf G. ; Kliment Kristóf; Bajtay Zsuzsa; Erdei Anna: Utilization of complement receptors in immune cell-microbe interaction
FEBS LETTERS (0014-5793 1873-3468): (2020) - Zhilong Xiao ; Xiaojie Chen ; Szolnoki Attila: Leaving bads provides better outcome than approaching goods in a social dilemma
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (1367-2630 ): 22 (1) Paper 023012. 15 p. (2020) - Sztilkovics Milan ; Gerecsei Tamas, Péter Beatrix, Saftics András, Kurunczi Sándor, Székács Inna, SzabóBálint; Horváth Róbert: Single-cell adhesion force kinetics of cell populations from combined label-free optical biosensor and robotic fluidic force microscopy
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 10 (1) Paper 61. (2020) - Debreczeni Márta Lídia; Székács Inna; Kovács Boglárka; Saftics András; Kurunczi Sándor; Gál Péter; Dobó József; Cervenak László; Horváth Róbert
Human primary endothelial label-free biochip assay reveals unpredicted functions of plasma serine proteases
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 10 (1) Paper 3303. 14 p. (2020) - Balázsi Katalin; Furko Monika; Liao Z. ; Fogarassy Zsolt; Medved D. ; Zschech E. ; Dusza J.; Balázsi Csaba: Graphene added multilayer ceramic sandwich (GMCS) composites: Structure, preparation and properties
JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY (0955-2219 ): 7 p. (2020) - Dugerjav Otgonbayar ; Duvjir Ganbat ; Tapasztó Levente; Hwang Chanyong:
Growth of Graphene on the Cu(110) Surface
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (1932-7447 1932-7455): 124 (22) pp 12106-12111 (2020) - Bakos László Péter; Mensah Joshua ; László Krisztina; Parditka Bence; Erdélyi Zoltán; Székely Edit; Lukács István; Kónya Zoltán; Cserháti Csaba; Zhou Chen; Seo Jin Won; Halasi Gyula; Szilágyi Imre Miklós: Nitrogen doped carbon aerogel composites with TiO 2 and ZnO prepared by atomic layer deposition
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C (2050-7526 2050-7534): 8 pp 6891-6899 (2020) - Cora Ildikó; Fogarassy Zs.; Fornari R. ; Bosi M. ; Rečnik A. ; Pécz B.: In situ TEM study of κ→β and κ→γ phase transformations in Ga2O3
ACTA MATERIALIA (1359-6454 ): 183 pp 216-227 (2020) - Beke D; Valenta J; Károlyházy Gy; Lenk S; Czigány Zsolt; Márkus BG; Kamarás K; Simon F; Gali A: Room-Temperature Defect Qubits in Ultrasmall Nanocrystals
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (1948-7185 ): pp 1675-1681 (2020) - Al-Zuraiji S.M. ; Benkó Timea; Illés Levente; Németh Miklós László; Frey Krisztina; Sulyok Attila; Pap József: Utilization of hydrophobic ligands for water-insoluble Fe(II) water oxidation catalysts – Immobilization and characterization
JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS (0021-9517 1090-2694): 381 pp 615-625 (2020) - Varga Gábor; Sápi András; Varga Tamás; Baán Kornélia; Szenti Imre;
Halasi Gyula; Mucsi Róbert; Óvári László; Kiss János; Fogarassy Zsolt; Pécz Béla; Kukovecz Ákos; Kónya Zoltán: Ambient pressure CO2 hydrogenation over a cobalt/manganese-oxide nanostructured interface: a combined in situ and ex situ study.
JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS (0021-9517 1090-2694): 386 pp 70-80 (2020) - Németh Péter; McColl Kit ; Smith Rachael L. ; Murri Mara ; Garvie Laurence A. J. ; Alvaro Matteo ; Pécz Béla; Jones Adrian P. ; Corà Furio ; Salzmann Christoph G.; McMillan Paul F.
Diamond-Graphene Composite Nanostructures
NANO LETTERS (1530-6984 1530-6992): 20 pp 3611-3619 (2020) - Kandrai Konrád ; Vancsó Péter ; Kukucska Gergő ; Koltai János ; Baranka György ; Hoffmann Ákos; Pekker Áron ; Kamarás Katalin ; Horváth, Zsolt E ; Vymazalová, Anna; Tapasztó Levente: Signature of large-gap quantum spin Hall state in the layered mineral jacutingaite
NANO LETTERS 20 5207-5213 (2020) - Sugár Viktória ; Talamon Attila; Horkai András ; Kita, Michihiro
Energy saving retrofit in a heritage district: The case of the Budapest
JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 27 p. 100982 Paper: 100982 (2020)
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High pressure metaophiolite polished stone implements found in Hungary
ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES (1866-9557 1866-9565): 11 5 pp 1643-1667 (2019) - Bernardini F. ; de Min A. ; Lenaz D. ; Kasztovszky Zsolt; Lughi V.; Modesti V.; Tuniz C. ; Tecchiati U.:
Polished stone axes from Varna/Nössingbühel and Castelrotto/Grondlboden, South Tyrol (Italy)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES (1866-9557 1866-9565): 11 4 pp 1519-1531 (2019) - Zhu KX ;Jin CZ ; Zhao CX ; Hu RS ; Klencsár Zoltán; Sundaram GA ; Srankó Dávid Ferenc; Ge RL ; Wang JH:
Modulation synthesis of multi-shelled cobalt-iron oxides as efficient catalysts for peroxymonosulfate-mediated organics degradation
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL (1385-8947 ): 359 pp 1537-1549 (2019) - Wojnárovits László; Takács Erzsébet:
Rate constants of sulfate radical anion reactions with organic molecules: A review
CHEMOSPHERE (0045-6535 ): 220 pp 1014-1032 (2019) - Rózsa G.;Náfrádi M.; Alapi T.; Schrantz K. ; Szabó László; Wojnárovits László; Takács Erzsébet; Tungler Antal:
Photocatalytic, photolytic and radiolytic elimination of imidacloprid from aqueous solution: Reaction mechanism, efficiency and economic considerations
APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL (0926-3373 1873-3883): 250 pp 429-439 (2019) - Kiss Sándor; Lipcsei Sándor:
Investigation of the reactor heat transfer function between the cold and the hot leg of the primary circuit
ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY (0306-4549 1873-2100): 124 pp 327-334 (2019) - Zichittella G. ;Scharfe M. ; Puértolas B. ; Paunović V. ; Hemberger P. ; Bődi András; Szentmiklósi László; López N. ; Pérez-Ramírez J.
Halogen-Dependent Surface Confinement Governs Selective Alkane Functionalization to Olefins
ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION (1433-7851 1521-3773): 58 18 pp 5877-5881 (2019) - Di Martino D ;Perelli Cippo E. ; Kockelmann W. ; Scherillo A. ; Minniti T. ; Lorenzi R. ; Malagodi M. ; Merlo C. ; Rovetta T. ; Fichera G.V. ; Albano M. ; Kasztovszky Zsolt; Harsányi Ildikó; Gorini G.
A multidisciplinary non-destructive study of historical pipe organ fragments
MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION (1044-5803 ): 148 pp 317- - Stucchi M ;Jouve A ; Villa A ; Nagy Gergely; Németh Miklós László; Evangelisti C ; Zanella R ; Prati L
Gold-Silver Catalysts: Ruling Factors for Establishing Synergism
CHEMCATCHEM (1867-3880 1867-3899): 11 16 pp 4043-4053 (2019) - Abutbul R.E. ;Segev E. ; Argaman U. ; Tegze Anna; Makov G. ; Golan Y.:
Stability of cubic tin sulphide nanocrystals: Role of ammonium chloride surfactant headgroups
NANOSCALE (2040-3364 2040-3372): 11 36 pp 17104-17110 (2019) - Sugár Viktória ; Talamon Attila; Horkai András; Kita Michihiro:
Energy saving retrofit in a heritage district: The case of the Budapest
JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING ( 2352-7102): 27 p. 100982. Paper 100982. (2020) - Bannik K ; Madas Balázs Gergely; Jarzombek M ; Sutter A ; Siemeister G ; Mumberg D ; Zitzmann-Kolbe S
Radiobiological effects of the alpha emitter Ra-223 on tumor cells
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 1 Paper 18489. 11 p. (2019) - Kéri M.;Forgács A.; Bányai I.; Veres P.; Len Adél; Dudás Z.; Fábián I.; Kalmár J.:
Gelatin content governs hydration induced structural changes in silica-gelatin hybrid aerogels – Implications in drug delivery
ACTA BIOMATERIALIA (1742-7061 1878-7568): 105 pp 131-145 (2020) - Németh Miklós László; Somodi Ferenc; Horváth Anita:
Interaction between CO and a Coke-Resistant NiIn/SiO2 Methane Dry Reforming Catalyst: A DRIFTS and CO Pulse Study
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (1932-7447 1932-7455): 123 45 pp 27509-27518 (2019) - Lamnini Soukaina; Balázsi Csaba; Balázsi Katalin
Wear mechanism of spark plasma sintered MWCNTs reinforced zirconia composites under dry sliding conditions
WEAR (0043-1648 ): 430-431 pp 280-289 (2019) - Zalka D; Péter L; El-Tahawy M; Gubicza J; Molnár György; Bakonyi I
Structure and Giant Magnetoresistance of Co-Fe/Cu Multilayer Films Electrodeposited from
Various Bath Formulations
JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY (0013-4651 1945-7111): 166 (16) pp D923-D934 (2019) - Liu Linjie ; Chen Xiaojie ; Szolnoki Attila
Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in a population with probabilistic corrupt enforcers and violators
MATHEMATICAL MODELS & METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES (0218-2025 ): 29 (11) pp 2127-2149 (2019) - Gubicza Jenő; Hung Pham Tran ; Kawasaki Megumi ; Han Jae-Kyung ; Zhao Yakai ; Xue Yunfei ; Lábár János
Influence of severe plastic deformation on the microstructure and hardness of a CoCrFeNi
high-entropy alloy: A comparison with CoCrFeNiMn
MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION (1044-5803 ): 154 pp 304-314 (2019) - Dodony Erzsébet; Radnóczi György Zoltán; Dodony Istvan
Low temperature formation of copper rich silicides
INTERMETALLICS (0966-9795 ): 107 pp 108-115 (2019) - Szendrő Márton; Pálinkás András; Süle Péter; Osváth Zoltán
Anisotropic strain effects in small-twist-angle graphene on graphite
PHYSICAL REVIEW B (2469-9950 2469-9969): 100 (12) Paper 125404. 10 p. (2019) - Cardinot Marcos ; O’Riordan Colm ; Griffith Josephine ; Szolnoki Attila
Mobility restores the mechanism which supports cooperation in the voluntary prisoner’s
dilemma game
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (1367-2630 ): 21 (7) Paper 073038. 10 p. (2019) - Wang Shengxian ; Chen Xiaojie ; Szolnoki Attila
Exploring optimal institutional incentives for public cooperation
(1007-5704 ): 79 Paper 104914. 10 p. (2019) - Zsuzsa Danku; Matjaz Perc; Szolnoki Attila
Knowing the past improves cooperation in the future
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 Paper 262. 9 p. (2019) - Kertész Krisztián; Piszter Gábor; Bálint Zsolt; Biró László Péter
Biogeographical patterns in the structural blue of male Polyommatus icarus butterflies
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 2338. 9 p. (2019) - Zátonyi Anita; Orbán G.; Modi R.; Márton G.; Meszéna D.; Ulbert I.; Pongrácz Anita; Ecker M. ; Voit W. E. ; Joshi-Imre A.; Fekete Zoltán
A softening laminar electrode for recording single unit activity from the rat hippocampus
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 2321. 13 p. (2019) - Vouroutzis N.; Stoemenos J.; Frangis N.; Radnóczi György Zoltán; Knez D.; Hofer F.; Pécz Béla
Structural characterization of poly-Si Films crystallized by Ni Metal Induced Lateral Crystallization
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 2844. 8 p. (2019) - Nagy Ágoston G.; Kámán Judit; Horváth Róbert; Bonyár Attila
Spring constant and sensitivity calibration of FluidFM micropipette cantilevers for force spectroscopy measurements
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 10287. 11 p. (2019) - Szolnoki Attila; Perc Matjaž
Seasonal payoff variations and the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 12575. 9 p. (2019) - Ballabio Andrea ; Bietti Sergio ; Scaccabarozzi Andrea ; Esposito Luca ; Vichi Stefano ; Fedorov Alexey ; Vinattieri Anna ; Mannucci Cosimo ; Biccari Francesco ; Nemcsics Ákos; Tóth Lajos; Miglio Leo ; Gurioli Massimo ; Isella Giovanni Sanguinetti Stefano
GaAs epilayers grown on patterned (001) silicon substrates via suspended Ge layers
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 17529. 8 p. (2019) - Ódor Géza; Kelling Jeffrey
Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on connectome and small world graphs
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 19621. 10 p. (2019) - Temming A. Robin; Dekkers Gillian; van de Bovenkamp Fleur S. ; Plomp H. Rosina; Bentlage Arthur E. H.; Szittner Zoltán; Derksen Ninotska I. L. ; Wuhrer Manfred ; Rispens Theo; Vidarsson Gestur
Human DC-SIGN and CD23 do not interact with human IgG
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( 2045-2322): 9 (1) Paper 9995. (2019) - Fan Zhijian; Jóni Bertalan; Ribárik Gábor; Ódor Éva; Fogarassy Zsolt; Ungár Tamás
The Microstructure and strength of a V–5Cr–5Ti alloy processed by high pressure torsion
PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING (0921-5093 1873-4936): 758 pp139-146 (2019) - Koós A.; Vancsó P.; Szendrö M.; Dobrik G.; Antognini Silva D.; Popov Z.I.; Sorokin P.B. ; Henrard L. ; Hwang C.; Biró L.P.; Tapasztó L.
Influence of Native Defects on the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of CVD Grown MoSe2 Single Layers
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (1932-7447 1932-7455): 123 (40) pp 24855-24864 (2019) - Schilirò E. ; Lo Nigro R. ; Roccaforte F. ; Deretzis I. ; La Magna A. ; Armano A. ; Agnello S. ; Pécz Béla; Ivanov I.G. ; Yakimova R. ; Giannazzo F.
Seed-Layer-Free Atomic Layer Deposition of Highly Uniform Al2O3 Thin Films onto
Monolayer Epitaxial Graphene on Silicon Carbide
ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES (2196-7350 2196-7350): 6 (10) Paper 1900097. 11 p. (2019) - Csernai Márton; Borbély Sándor; Kocsis Kinga; Burka Dávid; Fekete Zoltán; Balogh Veronika; Káli Szabolcs; Emri Zsuzsa; Barthó Péter
Dynamics of sleep oscillations is coupled to brain temperature on multiple scales.
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON (0022-3751 1469-7793): 597 (15) pp 4069-4086 (2019) - Lukács Dávid; Németh Miklós; Szyrwiel Ł. ; Illés Levente; Pécz Béla; Shen S.; Pap József
Behavior of a Cu-Peptide complex under water oxidation conditions – Molecular electrocatalyst or precursor to nanostructured CuO films?
SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS (0927-0248 ): 201 Paper 110079 (2019) - Gerecsei T.; Erdődi I.; Péter Beatrix; Hős C.; Kurunczi S.; Derényi I.; Szabó B.; Horvath R.
Adhesion force measurements on functionalized microbeads: An in-depth comparison of computer controlled micropipette and fluidic force microscopy
JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE (0021-9797 1095-7103): 555 pp 245-253 (2019) - Sánta Botond; Balogh Zoltán; Gubicza Agnes; Pósa László; Krisztián Dávid; Mihály György; Csontos Miklos; Halbritter Andras
Universal 1/f type current noise of Ag filaments in redox-based memristive nanojunctions
NANOSCALE (2040-3364 2040-3372): 11 (11) pp 4719-4725 (2019) - Salánki Rita; Péter Beatrix; Gerecsei Tamás; Orgován Norbert; Horváth Róbert; Szabó Bálint
A practical review on the measurement tools for cellular adhesion force
ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE (0001-8686 ): 269 pp 309-333 (2019) - T Visnovitz; X Osteikoetxea; B W Sóda; J Mihály; P Lőrincz; K V Vukman; E Á Tóth; Székács Inna; Horváth Róbert; Z Varga; E I Buzás
An improved 96 well plate format lipid quantification assay for standardization of experiments with extracellular vesicles
JOURNAL OF EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES ( 2001-3078): 8 (1) Paper 1565263. 13 p. (2019) - Vancsó Péter; Popov Z.I.; Pető János; Ollár Tamás; Dobrik Gergely; Pap József; Hwang C.; Sorokin P.B. ; Tapasztó Levente
Transition metal chalcogenide single layers as an active platform for single-atom catalysis
ACS ENERGY LETTERS ( 2380-8195): 4 (8) pp 1947-1953 (2019)