HUN-REN Földfizikai és Űrtudományi Kutatóintézet - Publikációk

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2023. II. félév

  • Cloetingh, S., et al. with Kovács, I.Békési, E. and Porkolàb, K., 2023. Coupled surface to deep Earth processes: Perspectives from TOPO-EUROPE with an emphasis on climate- and energy-related societal challenges. Global and Planetary Change 226, 104140.
  • Hencz, M., Biró, T., Németh, K.Porkoláb, K.Kovács, I.J.Spránitz, T., Cloetingh, S., Szabó, Cs.Berkesi, M., 2023. Tectonically-determined distribution of monogenetic volcanoes in a compressive tectonic regime: An example from the Pannonian continental back-arc system (Central Europe). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 444, 107940.
  • Kalmár, D., Petrescu, L., Stipčević, J., Balázs, A., Kovács, I.J., the AlpArray and PACASE Working Groups, 2023. Lithospheric Structure of the Circum-Pannonian Region Imaged by S-To-P Receiver Functions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24, e2023GC010937.
  • Lange, T.P., Palcsu, L., Szakács, A., Kővágó, Á., Gelencsér, O., Gál, Á., Gyila, S., M. Tóth, T., Mațenco, L., Krézsek, Cs., Lenkey, L., Szabó, Cs.Kovács, I.J., 2023. The link between lithospheric scale deformations and deep fluid emanations: Inferences from the Southeastern Carpathians, Romania. Evolving Earth 1, 100013.
  • Lange, T.P., Pálos, Z., Pósfai, M., Berkesi, M., Pekker, P., Szabó, Á., Szabó, Cs.Kovács, I.J., 2023. Nanoscale hydrous silicate melt inclusions at the clinopyroxene-amphibole interface in a mantle xenolith from the Perșani Mountains Volcanic Field. Lithos 454–455, 107210.
  • Oravecz, É., Héja, G., Fodor, L., 2023. Salt Tectonics Versus Shortening: Recognizing Pre-Orogenic Evaporite Deformation in Salt-Bearing Fold-And-Thrust Belts on the Example of the Silica Nappe (Inner Western Carpathians). Tectonics 42, e2023TC007842.
  • Szakács, A., Kovács, I.J., 2023. Is the most recently active volcano in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region capable of further eruptions? Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 440, 107868.
  • Szalai, S., Baracza, M.K., Kárpi, M., Szűcs, P., Metwaly, M., Turai, E., Facskó, G., Zubair, M., Szarka, L.Gribovszki, K., 2023. Improving ERT Imaging of Small-Size 2D Targets Using Different Strategies. Pure Appl. Geophys. 180, 157–185.

2023. I. félév

  • Békési, E.Porkoláb, K.Wesztergom, V.Wéber, Z., 2023. Updated stress dataset of the Circum-Pannonian region: Implications for regional tectonics and geo-energy applications. Tectonophysics 856, 229860.
  • Bór, J.Bozóki, T.Sátori, G., Williams, E., Behnke, S.A., Rycroft, M.J., Buzás, A., Silva, H.G., Kubicki, M., Said, R., Vagasky, C., Steinbach, P., Szabóné André, K., Atkinson, M., 2023. Responses of the AC/DC Global Electric Circuit to Volcanic Electrical Activity in the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Eruption on 15 January 2022. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128, e2022JD038238.
  • Bozóki, T.Sátori, G., Williams, E., Guha, A., Liu, Y., Steinbach, P., Leal, A., Herein, M., Atkinson, M., Beggan, C.D., DiGangi, E., Koloskov, A., Kulak, A., LaPierre, J., Milling, D.K., Mlynarczyk, J., Neska, A., Potapov, A., Raita, T., Rawat, R., Said, R., Sinha, A.K., Yampolski, Y., 2023. Day-To-Day Quantification of Changes in Global Lightning Activity Based on Schumann Resonances. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128, e2023JD038557.
  • Lange, T.P., Pálos, Z., Pósfai, M., Berkesi, M., Pekker, P., Szabó, Á., Szabó, Cs.Kovács, I.J., 2023. Nanoscale hydrous silicate melt inclusions at the clinopyroxene-amphibole interface in a mantle xenolith from the Perșani Mountains Volcanic Field. Lithos 454–455, 107210.
  • Pásztor, M.Czanik, Cs., Bondár, I., 2023. A Single Array Approach for Infrasound Signal Discrimination from Quarry Blasts via Machine Learning. Remote Sensing 15, 1657.
  • Porkoláb, K., Broerse, T., Kenyeres, A., Békési, E., Tóth, S., Magyar, B., Wesztergom, V., 2023. Active tectonics of the Circum-Pannonian region in the light of updated GNSS network data. Acta Geod Geophys 58, 149–173.
  • Porkoláb, K., Willingshofer, E., Sokoutis, D., Békési, E., Beekman, F., 2023. Post-5 Ma rock deformation on Alonnisos (Greece) constrains the propagation of the North Anatolian Fault. Tectonophysics 846, 229654.
  • Varga, P.Győri, E.Fodor, Cs., Timár, G., 2023. An Attempt to Determine the Magnitudes and Epicenters of Significant Historical Earthquakes in the Pannonian Basin. Seismological Research Letters 94, 1715–1728.
  • Zembaty, Z., Bońkowski, P.A., Jaworski, M.A., Gribovszki, K., 2023. Seismic Vulnerability of a Slender Stalagmite. Journal of Earthquake Engineering 27, 878–897.

2022. év

  • Békési, E., Fokker, P.A., Candela, T., Szanyi, J., van Wees, J.-D., 2022. Ground motions induced by pore pressure changes at the Szentes geothermal area, SE Hungary. Geothermal Energy 10, 3.
  • Bór, J.Szabóné André, K.Bozóki, T., Mlynarczyk, J., Steinbach, P., Novák, A.Lemperger, I., 2022. Estimating the Attenuation of ELF-Band Radio Waves in the Earth’s Crust by Q-Bursts. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 70, 6973–6982.
  • Cloetingh, S., Koptev, A., Lavecchia, A., Kovács, I.J., Beekman, F., 2022. Fingerprinting secondary mantle plumes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 597, 117819.
  • Czirok, L.Kuslits, L.Bozsó, I., Radulian, M., Gribovszki, K., 2022. Cluster Analysis for the Study of Stress Patterns in the Vrancea-Zone (SE-Carpathians). Pure Appl. Geophys. 179, 3693–3712.
  • Liptai, N.Gráczer, Z.Szanyi, G.Cloetingh, S.A.P.L.Süle, B.Aradi, L.E., Falus, G., Bokelmann, G., Timkó, M., Timár, G., Szabó, Cs.Kovács, I.J., 2022. Seismic anisotropy in the mantle of a tectonically inverted extensional basin: A shear-wave splitting and mantle xenolith study on the western Carpathian-Pannonian region. Tectonophysics 845, 229643.
  • Papp, G.Csáki, D.I.Benedek, J., 2022. Newtonian (moving mass) calibration of tilt and gravity meters and the investigation of some factors influencing its accuracy. J Geod 96, 98.
  • Patkó, L., Kovács, Z., Liptai, N., Aradi, L.E., Berkesi, M., Ciazela, J., Hidas, K., Garrido, C.J., Kovács, I.J.Szabó, Cs., 2022. Deciphering metasomatic events beneath Mindszentkálla (Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, western Pannonian Basin) revealed by single-lithology and composite upper mantle xenoliths. Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 998391.
  • Porkoláb, K., Matenco, L., Hupkes, J., Willingshofer, E., Wijbrans, J., van Schrojenstein Lantman, H., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2022. Tectonic Evolution of the Nevado-Filábride Complex (Sierra de Los Filábres, Southeastern Spain): Insights From New Structural and Geochronological Data. Tectonics 41, e2021TC006922.
  • Sulca, J., Takahashi, K., Tacza, J., Espinoza, J.-C., Dong, B., 2022. Decadal variability in the austral summer precipitation over the Central Andes: Observations and the empirical-statistical downscaling model. International Journal of Climatology 42, 9836–9864.
