HUN-REN Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont - Publikációk
2023. évi kiemelt publikációk
- Adamecz-Völgyi Anna, Henderson Morag, Shure Nikki: The labor market returns to “first-in-family” university graduates. JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS 36 pp. 1395-1429. (2023) DOI
- Csercsik Dávid, Jorswieck Eduard: Preallocation-based combinatorial auction for efficient fair channel assignments in multi-connectivity networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 22:(11) pp. 8407-8422. (2023) DOI
- Keller Tamás, Elwert Felix: Feasible peer effects: experimental evidence for deskmate effects on educational achievement and inequality. SOCIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 10 pp. 806-829. (2023) DOI
- Penner Andrew M., Petersen Trond, Hermansen Are Skeie, Rainey Anthony, Boza István, Elvira Marta M., Godechot Olivier, Hällsten Martin, Henriksen Lasse Folke, Hou Feng, Mrčela Aleksandra Kanjou, King Joe, Kodama Naomi, Kristal Tali, Křížková Alena, Lippényi Zoltán, Melzer Silvia Maja, Mun Eumni, Apascaritei Paula, Avent-Holt Dustin, Bandelj Nina, Hajdu Gergely, Jung Jiwook, Poje Andreja, Sabanci Halil, Safi Mirna, Soener Matthew, Tomaskovic-Devey Donald, Tufail Zaibu: Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries. NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 7 pp. 184-189. (2023) DOI
- Abbasiharofteh Milad, Kogler Dieter F., Lengyel Balázs: Atypical combinations of technologies in regional co-inventor networks. RESEARCH POLICY 52:(10) Paper 104886. 17 p. (2023) DOI
- Adamecz Anna: Longer schooling with grade retention : the effects of increasing the school leaving age on dropping out and labour market success. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW 97 Paper 102487. 33 p. (2023) DOI
- Aquaro Michele, Damioli Giacomo, Lengyel Balázs: Innovative mergers and acquisitions and the broker regions of European integration. REGIONAL STUDIES 57:(2) pp. 287-299. (2023) DOI
- Bakucs Zoltán, Fertő Imre: Location of Hungarian microbreweries : an exploratory analysis. REGIONAL STUDIES 57:(10) pp. 1954-1966. (2023) DOI
- Baranowska-Rataj Anna, Elekes Zoltán, Eriksson Rikard: Escaping from low-wage employment : the role of co-worker networks. RESEARCH IN SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND MOBILITY 83 Paper 100747. 9 p. (2023) DOI
- Beke Csongor, Csáji Gergely Kál, Csikvári Péter, Pituk Sára: Short proof of a theorem of Brylawski on the coefficients of the Tutte polynomial. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 110 Paper 103678. 4 p. (2023) DOI
- Biró Péter, Gyetvai Márton: Online voluntary mentoring : optimising the assignment of students and mentors. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 307:(1) pp. 392-405. (2023) DOI
- Bisztray Márta, de Nicola Francesca, Muraközy Balázs: High-growth firms’ contribution to aggregate productivity growth. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 60 pp. 771-811. (2023) DOI
- Boros Ildikó Fruzsina, Székely Géza, Balázs László, Csambalik László, Sipos László: Effects of LED lighting environments on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in PFAL systems – a review. SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 321 Paper 112351. 19 p. (2023) DOI
- Czaller László, Hermann Zoltán: Return to skills and labour market size. REGIONAL STUDIES 57:(5) pp. 800-813. (2023) DOI
- Csurilla Gergely, Fertő Imre: The less obvious effect of hosting the Olympics on sporting performance. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13:(1) Paper 819. 10 p. (2023) DOI
- Elekes Zoltán, Baranowska-Rataj Anna, Eriksson Rikard: Regional diversification and labour market upgrading : local access to skill-related high-income jobs helps workers escaping low-wage employment. CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF REGIONS ECONOMY AND SOCIETY 16:(3) pp. 417-430. (2023) DOI
- Elwert Felix, Keller Tamás, Kotsadam Andreas: Rearranging the desk chairs: a large randomized field experiment on the effects of close contact on interethnic relations. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY 128:(6) pp. 1809-1840. (2023) DOI
- Godechot Olivier, Neumann Nils, Apascaritei Paula, Boza István, Hallsten Martin, Henriksen Lasse, Hermansen Are, Hou Feng, Jung Jiwook, Kodama Naomi, Křížková Alena, Lippényi Zoltán, Marta Elvira, Melzer Silvia Maja, Mun Eunmi, Sabanci Halil, Soener Matthew, Thaning Max: Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality. SOCIO-ECONOMIC REVIEW 21:(3) pp. 1601-1627. (2023) DOI
- Hajdu Tamás, Hajdu Gábor: Climate change and the mortality of the unborn. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT 118 Paper 102771. 12 p. (2023) DOI
- Havas Attila, Schartinger Doris, Weber K. Matthias: Innovation studies, social innovation, and sustainability transitions research : from mutual ignorance towards an integrative perspective? ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATION AND SOCIETAL TRANSITIONS 48 Paper 100754. 21 p. (2023) DOI
- Ilyés Virág, Boza István, Lőrincz László, Eriksson Rikard H.: How to enter high-opportunity places? The role of social contacts for residential mobility. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 23:(2) pp. 371-395. (2023) DOI
- Ilyés Virág, Sebők Anna: University peers and career prospects : the impact of university ties on early labor market outcomes. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW 96 Paper 102456. 13 p. (2023) DOI
- Keller Tamás: No evidence of direct peer influence in upper-secondary track choice—evidence from Hungary. EUROPEAN SOCIETIES 25:(1) pp. 154-180. (2023) DOI
- Keller Tamás, Kim Jinho, Elwert Felix: Peer effects on academic self-concept : a large randomized field experiment. EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 39:(5) pp. 759-774. (2023) DOI
- Klimentova Xenia, Biró Péter, Viana Ana, Costa Virginia, Pedroso Joao Pedro: Novel Integer Programming models for the stable kidney exchange problem. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 307:(3) p. 1391-1407. (2023) DOI
- Kovács Ádám J., Juhász Sándor, Bokányi Eszter, Lengyel Balázs: Income-related spatial concentration of individual social capital in cities. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE 50:(4) pp. 1072-1086. (2023) DOI
- Méder Zsombor Z., Somogyi Róbert: Optimal capacity sharing for global genomic surveillance. EPIDEMICS 43 Paper 100690. 9 p. (2023) DOI
- Molnár Gyöngyvér, Hermann Zoltán: Short- and long-term effects of COVID-related kindergarten and school closures on first- to eighth-grade students’ school readiness skills and mathematics, reading and science learning. LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION 83 Paper 101706. 13 p. (2023) DOI
- Perényi Szilvia, Polcsik Balázs, Paár Dávid, Csurilla Gergely: The concept of territorial capital : considerations for measuring sports events. SPORT IN SOCIETY: CULTURES COMMERCE MEDIA POLITICS 26:(12) pp. 2087-2107. (2023) DOI
- Szabó-Morvai Ágnes, Horn Dániel, Lovász Anna, De Witte Kristof: Universal preschool and cognitive skills – the role of school starting age as a moderating factor. EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH QUARTERLY 64:(3) pp. 278-289. (2023) DOI
- Végh Rita, Csóka Mariann, Mednyánszky Zsuzsanna, Sipos László: Potentially toxic trace elements in bee bread, propolis, beeswax and royal jelly – A review of the literature and dietary risk assessment. CHEMOSPHERE 339 Paper 139571. 15 p. (2023) DOI
- Adamecz-Völgyi Anna, Szabó-Morvai Ágnes: Confidence in public institutions is critical in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. WORLD MEDICAL & HEALTH POLICY 15:(4) pp. 553-569. (2023) DOI
- Bérczi Kristóf, Csáji Gergely, Király Tamás: On the complexity of packing rainbow spanning trees. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 346:(4) Paper 113297. 8 p. (2023) DOI
- Cechlárová Katarína, Cseh Ágnes, Jankó Zsuzsanna, Kireš Marián, Miňo Lukáš: A quest for a fair schedule : The International Young Physicists’ Tournament. JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING 26 pp. 3-18. (2023) DOI
- Csercsik Dávid: Simulation-based estimation of the economic benefits implied by coordinated balancing capacity procurement and deployment in a day-ahead market model. ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS 50 Paper 101248. 14 p. (2023) DOI
- Gáspár Attila, Cervone Carmen, Durante Federica, Maass Anne, Suitner Caterina, Valtorta Roberta Rosa, Vezzoli Michela: A twofold subjective measure of income inequality. SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 168 pp. 25-43. (2023) DOI
- Keller Tamás, Szakál Péter: The framing of information nudge affects students' anticipated effort : a large-scale, randomized survey experiment. JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS 104 Paper 102012. 9 p. (2023) DOI
- Krekó Judit, Munkácsy Balázs, Csillag Márton, Scharle Ágota: A job trial subsidy for youth : cheap labour or a screening device? SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION 57:(7) pp. 1089-1116. (2023) DOI
- Lovász Anna, Bat-Erdene Boldmaa, Cukrowska-Torzewska Ewa, Rigó Mariann, Szabó-Morvai Ágnes: Competition, subjective feedback, and gender gaps in performance. JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS 102 Paper 101954. 22 p. (2023) DOI
- Muraközy Balázs, Telegdy Álmos: The effects of EU-funded enterprise grants on firms and workers. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS 51:(1) pp. 216-234. (2023) DOI
- Nemes Gusztáv, Reckinger Rachel, Lajos Veronika, Zollet Simona: ‘Values‐based territorial food networks’—Benefits, challenges and controversies. SOCIOLOGIA RURALIS 63:(1) pp. 3-19. (2023) DOI
- Somogyi Róbert, Vergote Wouter, Virag Gabor: Price competition with capacity uncertainty - feasting on leftovers. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR 140 pp. 253-271. (2023) DOI
- Sziklai Balázs, Lengyel Balázs: Finding early adopters of innovation in social networks. SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND MINING 13:(1) Paper 4. 12 p. (2023) DOI
- Végh Rita, Csóka Mariann, Mednyánszky Zsuzsanna, Sipos László: Pesticide residues in bee bread, propolis, beeswax and royal jelly – A review of the literature and dietary risk assessment. FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 176 Paper 113806. 19 p. (2023) DOI
- Wachs Johannes: Digital traces of brain drain : developers during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. EPJ DATA SCIENCE 12:(1) Paper 14. 18 p. (2023) DOI
- Csomós György, Borza Endre Márk, Farkas Jenő Zsolt: Exploring park visitation trends during the Covid-19 pandemic in Hungary by using mobile device location data. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13: (1) Paper: 11078, 12 p. (2023) DOI
- Csomós György, Farkas Jenő Zsolt, Szabó Balázs, Bertus Zoltán, Kovács Zoltán: Exploring the use and perceptions of inner-city small urban parks: A case study of Budapest, Hungary. URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING 86 Paper: 128003 11 p. (2023) DOI
- Nagy Beáta, Geambașu Réka, Gergely Orsolya, Somogyi Nikolett: “In this together”? Gender inequality associated with home‐working couples during the first COVID lockdown. GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION 30: (3) pp 1059-1079 (2023) DOI
- Óvári Ágnes, Kovács András Donát, Farkas Jenő Zsolt: Assessment of local climate strategies in Hungarian cities. URBAN CLIMATE 49 Paper: 101465 17 p. (2023) DOI
- Éltető Andrea, Medve-Bálint Gergő: Illiberal versus externally fomented growth model readjustment : post-GFC state aid in the EU’s semi-periphery. COMPETITION AND CHANGE 27:(5) pp. 830-850. (2023) DOI
- Klimek Artur, Sass Magdolna: Offshoring white collar jobs and structural change in host economies : the regional dimension. EURASIAN GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS 64:(1) pp. 35-59. (2023) DOI
- Muth Dániel: Pathways to stringent carbon pricing : configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of thirty national level policies. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 214 Paper 107995. 11 p. (2023) DOI
- Szalavetz Andrea: Digital technologies shaping the nature and routine intensity of shopfloor work. COMPETITION AND CHANGE 27:(2) pp. 277-301. (2023) DOI
2022. évi kiemelt publikációk
- Keller Tamás, Takács Károly, Elwert Felix: Yes, you can! Effects of transparent admission standards on high school track choice : a randomized field experiment. SOCIAL FORCES 101:(1) pp. 341-368. (2022) DOI
- Ágoston Kolos Csaba, Biró Péter, Kováts Endre, Jankó Zsuzsanna: College admissions with ties and common quotas : integer programming approach. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 299:(2) pp. 722-734. (2022) DOI
- Berlinger Edina, Kiss Hubert János, Khayouti Sára: Loan forbearance takeup in the Covid-era - the role of time preferences and locus of control. FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 50 Paper 103250. 9 p. (2022) DOI
- Bíró Anikó, Prinz Dániel, Sándor László: The minimum wage, informal pay, and tax enforcement. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS 215 Paper 104728. 11 p. (2022) DOI
- Bojnec Štefan, Fertő Imre: Do different types of Common Agricultural Policy subsidies promote farm employment? LAND USE POLICY 112 Paper 105823. 12 p. (2022) DOI
- Bukowski Paweł, Clark Gregory, Gáspár Attila, Pető Rita: Social mobility and political regimes : intergenerational mobility in Hungary, 1949–2017. JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS 35 pp. 1551-1588. (2022) DOI
- Csóka Péter, Illés Ferenc, Solymosi Tamás: On the Shapley value of liability games. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 300:(1) pp. 378-386. 2022) DOI
- Czaller László, Tóth Gergő, Lengyel Balázs: Allocating vaccines to remote and on-site workers in the tradable sector. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12:(1) Paper 4098. 9 p. (2022) DOI
- Csercsik Dávid: Convex combinatorial auction of pipeline network capacities. ENERGY ECONOMICS 111 Paper 106084. 14 p. (2022) DOI
- Gessler Theresa, Tóth Gergő, Wachs Johannes: No country for asylum seekers? How short-term exposure to refugees influences attitudes and voting behavior in Hungary. POLITICAL BEHAVIOR 44:(4) pp. 1813–1841. (2022) DOI
- Hajdu Tamás, Hajdu Gábor: Temperature, climate change, and human conception rates : evidence from Hungary. JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS 35 pp. 1751-1776. (2022) DOI
- Hermann Zoltán, Péntek Márta, Gulácsi László, Kopcsóné Németh Irén Anna, Zrubka Zsombor: Measuring the acceptability of EQ-5D-3L health states for different ages : a new adaptive survey methodology. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS 23 pp. 1243-1255. (2022) DOI
- Högberg Björn, Horn Dániel: National high-stakes testing, gender, and school stress in Europe : a difference-in-differences analysis. EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 38:(6) pp. 975-987. (2022) DOI
- Kavitha Telikepalli, Király Tamás, Matuschke Jannik, Schlotter Ildikó, Schmidt-Kraepelin Ulrike: Popular branchings and their dual certificates. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING 192 pp. 567-595. (2022) DOI
- Kutasi Kristóf, Koltai Júlia, Szabó-Morvai Ágnes, Röst Gergely, Karsai Márton, Biró Péter, Lengyel Balázs: Understanding hesitancy with revealed preferences across COVID-19 vaccine types. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12:(1) Paper 13293. 10 p. (2022) DOI
- Lillemets Jüri, Fertő Imre, Viira Ants-Hannes: The socioeconomic impacts of the CAP : systematic literature review. LAND USE POLICY 114 Paper 105968. 17 p. (2022) DOI
- Sziklai Balázs, Biró Péter, Csató László: The efficacy of tournament designs. COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH 144 Paper: 105821. 14 p. (2022) DOI
- Tóth Gergő, Elekes Zoltán, Whittle Adam, Lee Changjun, Kogler Dieter F.: Technology network structure conditions the economic resilience of regions. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 98:(4) pp. 355-378. (2022) DOI
- Zrubka Zsombor, Csabai István, Hermann Zoltán, Golicki Dominik, Prevolnik-Rupel Valentina, Ogorevc Marko, Gulácsi László, Péntek Márta: Predicting Patient-Level 3-Level version of EQ-5D index scores from a aarge international database using machine learning and regression methods. VALUE IN HEALTH 25:(9) pp. 1590-1601. (2022) DOI
- Grünhut Zoltán, Bodor Ákos: Framing entrepreneurial actorness from a value-theoretical perspective : A comparative analysis of European specificities. GEOGRAPHIA POLONICA 95: (4) pp. 311-326. (2022) DOI
- Keller Judit, Virág Tünde: A drop in the sea or catalyst for change : diverse effects of the place-based approach in Europe. EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 30:(5) pp. 860-878. (2022) DOI
- Kovács Zoltán, Farkas Jenő Zsolt, Szigeti Cecília, Harangozó Gábor: Assessing the sustainability of urbanization at the sub-national level : the ecological footprint and biocapacity accounts of the Budapest metropolitan region, Hungary. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY 84 Paper 104022. 12 p. (2022) DOI
- Szabó John: Energy transition or transformation? Power and politics in the European natural gas industry’s trasformismo. ENERGY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 84 Paper 102391. 12 p. (2022) DOI
- Szalavetz Andrea: Transition to electric vehicles in Hungary : a devastating crisis or business as usual? TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE 184 Paper: 122029. 12 p. (2022) DOI
2021. évi kiemelt publikációk
- Alem Yonas, Behrendt Hannah, Belot Michéle, Bíró Anikó: Mind training, stress and behaviour — A randomised experiment. PLOS ONE 16:(11) Paper e0258172. 24 p. (2021) DOI
- Andersson Tommy, Cseh Ágnes, Ehlers Lars, Erlanson Albin: Organizing time exchanges : lessons from matching markets. AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS 13:(1) pp. 338-373. (2021) DOI
- Benedek Márton, Fliege Jörg, Tri-Dung Nguyen: Finding and verifying the nucleolus of cooperative games. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING 190 pp. 135-170. (2021) DOI
- Benedek Zsófia, Fertő Imre, Marreiros Cristina Galamba, de Aguiar Pâmela Mossmann, Pocol Cristina Bianca, Čechura Lukáš, Põder Anne, Pääso Piia, Bakucs Zoltán: Farm diversification as a potential success factor for small-scale farmers constrained by COVID-related lockdown. Contributions from a survey conducted in four European countries during the first wave of COVID-19. PLOS ONE 16:(5) 18 p. Paper e0251715. (2021) DOI
- Berezvai Zombor, Lukáts Gergely Dániel, Molontay Roland: Can professors buy better evaluation with lenient grading? The effect of grade inflation on student evaluation of teaching. ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION 46:(5) pp. 793-808. (2021) DOI
- Békés Gábor, Benito Gabriel R G, Castellani Davide, Muraközy Balázs: Into the unknown : the extent and boldness of firms' international footprint. GLOBAL STRATEGY JOURNAL 11:(3) pp. 468-493 (2021) DOI
- Biró Péter, Gudmundsson Jens: Complexity of finding Pareto-efficient allocations of highest welfare. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 291:(2) pp. 614-628. (2021) DOI
- Biró Péter, van de Klundert Joris, Manlove David, Pettersson William, Andersson Tommy, Burnapp Lisa, Chromy Pavel, Delgado Pablo, Dworczak Piotr, Haase Bernadette, Hemke Aline, Johnson Rachel, Klimentova Xenia, Kuypers Dirk, Nanni Costa Alessandro, Smeulders Bart, Spieksma Frits, Valentín María O., Viana Ana: Modelling and optimisation in European kidney exchange programmes. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 291:(2) pp. 447-456. (2021) DOI
- Bíró Anikó: The impact of sweet food tax on producers and household spending—Evidence from Hungary. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 52:(4) pp. 545-559. (2021) DOI
- Bíró Anikó, Hajdu Tamás, Kertesi Gábor, Prinz Dániel: Life expectancy inequalities in Hungary over 25 years : the role of avoidable deaths. POPULATION STUDIES-A JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHY 75:(3) pp. 443-455. (2021) DOI
- Bíró Anikó, Szabó-Morvai Ágnes: Mass media coverage and vaccination uptake : evidence from the demand for meningococcal vaccinations in Hungary. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS 22 pp. 887-903. (2021) DOI
- Bokányi Eszter, Juhász Sándor, Karsai Márton, Lengyel Balázs: Universal patterns of long-distance commuting and social assortativity in cities. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11 Paper 20829. 10 p. (2021) DOI
- Csóka Péter, Jean-Jacques Herings P.: An axiomatization of the proportional rule in financial networks. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 67:(5) pp. 2799-2812. (2021) DOI
- Dube Arindrajit, Lindner Attila: City limits : what do local-area minimum wages do? JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES 35:(1) pp. 27-50. (2021) DOI
- Duernecker Georg, Herrendorf Berthold, Valentinyi Ákos: The productivity growth slowdown and Kaldor's growth facts. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL 130 Paper: 104200. 20 p. (2021) DOI
- Elek Péter, Bíró Anikó: Regional differences in diabetes across Europe – regression and causal forest analyses. ECONOMICS AND HUMAN BIOLOGY 40 Paper 100948. 13 p. (2021) DOI
- Elek Péter, Bíró Anikó, Fadgyas‐Freyler Petra: Income gradient of pharmaceutical panic buying at the outbreak of the COVID‐19 pandemic. HEALTH ECONOMICS 30:(9) pp. 2312-2320. (2021) DOI
- Hajdu Gábor, Hajdu Tamás: The long-term impact of restricted access to abortion on children’s socioeconomic outcomes. PLOS ONE 16:(3) Paper e0248638. 14 p. (2021) DOI
- Hajdu Tamás, Hajdu Gábor: Post-conception heat exposure increases clinically unobserved pregnancy losses. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11:(1) Paper 1987. 11 p. (2021) DOI
- Herings P. Jean-Jacques, Kóczy László Á.: The equivalence of the minimal dominant set and the myopic stable set for coalition function form games. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR 127 pp. 67-79. (2021) DOI
- Herrendorf Berthold, Rogerson Richard, Valentinyi Ákos: Structural change in investment and consumption — a unified analysis. REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 88:(3) pp. 1311-1346. (2021) DOI
- Juhász Sándor: Spinoffs and tie formation in cluster knowledge networks. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 56 pp. 1385-1404. (2021) DOI
- Keller Tamás, Kiss Hubert János: Do exhausted primary school students cheat more? A randomized field experiment. PLOS ONE 16:(12) Paper e0260141. 11 p. (2021) DOI
- Keller Tamás, Szakál Péter: Not just words! Effects of a light-touch randomized encouragement intervention on students’ exam grades, self-efficacy, motivation, and test anxiety. PLOS ONE 16:(9) Paper e0256960. 27 p. (2021) DOI
- Leduc Gaëlle; Manevska-Tasevska Gordana; Hansson Helena; Arndt Marie; Bakucs Zoltán; Böhm Michael; Chitea Mihai; Florian Violeta; Luca Lucian; Martikainen Anna; Pham Hai Vu; Rusu Marioara: How are ecological approaches justified in European rural development policy? Evidence from a content analysis of CAP and rural development discourses. JOURNAL OF RURAL STUDIES 86 pp. 611-622. (2021) DOI
- Ongena Steven, Schindele Ibolya, Vonnák Dzsamila: In lands of foreign currency credit, bank lending channels run through? JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 129 Paper 103435. 31 p. (2021) DOI
- Pető Rita, Reizer Balázs: Gender differences in the skill content of jobs. JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS 34 pp. 825-864. (2021) DOI
- Rohrer Julia M., Keller Tamás, Elwert Felix: Proximity can induce diverse friendships : a large randomized classroom experiment. PLOS ONE 16:(8) Paper e0255097. 15 p. (2021) DOI
- Samu Flóra, Takács Károly: Evaluating mechanisms that could support credible reputations and cooperation : cross-checking and social bonding. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B - BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 376 Paper 20200302. 9 p. (2021) DOI
- Sziklai Balázs: Ranking institutions within a discipline : the steep mountain of academic excellence. JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 15:(2) Paper 101133. 11 p. (2021) DOI
- Tóth Gergő, Juhász Sándor, Elekes Zoltán, Lengyel Balázs: Repeated collaboration of inventors across European regions. EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 29:(12) pp. 2252-2272. (2021) DOI
- Tóth Gergő, Lengyel Balázs: Inter-firm inventor mobility and the role of co-inventor networks in producing high-impact innovation. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 46 pp. 117-137. (2021) DOI
- Tóth Gergő, Wachs Johannes, Di Clemente Riccardo, Jakobi Ákos, Ságvári Bence, Kertész János, Lengyel Balázs: Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 12 Paper 1143. 9 p. (2021) DOI
- Varga Kinga, MacDonncha Ciaran, Blondel Laurence, Bozzano Enrico, Burlot Fabrice, Costa Rute, Debois Nadine, Delon Dominique, Figueiredo Antonio, Foerster Joerg, Gjaka Masar, Gonçalves Carlos, Guidotti Flavia, Pesce Caterina, Pišl Andrej, Rheinisch Eoin, Rolo Ana, Rozman Sara, Ryan Gary, Templet Anne, Tessitore Antonio, Warrington Giles, Capranica Laura, Doupona Mojca: Collective conceptualization of parental support of dual career athletes : the EMPATIA framework. PLOS ONE 16:(9) Paper e0257719. 23 p. (2021) DOI
- Vida Zsófia Viktória, Járay István Péter, Lengyel Balázs: PhD students in life sciences can benefit from team cohesion. F1000RESEARCH 10 Paper: 692. 16 p. (2021) DOI
- Czirfusz Márton: Labour's Spatial Fix: State Socialist Hungary in the 1970s. ANTIPODE 53: 5 pp. 1400-1420. (2021) DOI
- Czirfusz Márton: The concept of solidarity in cohesion policies of the European Union and Hungary. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING C: POLITICS AND SPACE 39: 5 pp. 919-937. (2021) DOI
- Csomós György, Farkas Jenő Zsolt, Kolcsár Ronald András, Szilassi Péter, Kovács Zoltán: Measuring socio-economic disparities in green space availability in post-socialist cities. HABITAT INTERNATIONAL 117 Paper: 102434. 9 p. (2021) DOI
- Farkas Jenő Zsolt, Kovács András Donát: Nature conservation versus agriculture in the light of socio-economic changes over the last half-century–Case study from a Hungarian National Park. LAND USE POLICY 101. Paper 105131. 10 p. (2021) DOI
- Iloskics Zita, Sebestyén Tamás, Braun Erik: Shock propagation channels behind the global economic contagion network. The role of economic sectors and the direction of trade. PLOS ONE 16: 10 Paper: e0258309. 26 p. (2021) DOI
- Kováts Bence: Is There a Core-semiperiphery Division in Housing? Applying World-systems Theory in European Comparative Housing Research. HOUSING THEORY & SOCIETY 38: (4) pp. 419-438. (2021) DOI
- Nagy Erika, Gajzágó Gergő, Mihály Melinda, Molnár Ernő: Crisis, institutional change and peripheral industrialization: Municipal-central state relations and changing dependencies in three old industrial towns of Hungary. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY 136 Paper 102576. 9 p. (2021) DOI
- Sanjuan-Delmás David, Taelman Sue Ellen, Arlati Alessandro, Obersteg Andreas, Vér Csaba, Óvári Ágnes, Tonini Davide, Dewulf Jo: Sustainability assessment of organic waste management in three EU Cities: Analysing stakeholder-based solutions. WASTE MANAGEMENT 132 pp 44-55 (2021) DOI
- Szabo John: Fossil capitalism’s lock-ins : the natural gas-hydrogen nexus. CAPITALISM NATURE SOCIALISM: A JOURNAL OF SOCIALIST ECOLOGY 32:(4) pp. 91-110. (2021) DOI
2020. évi kiemelt publikációk
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2019. évi kiemelt publikációk
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- Eriksson Rikard H., Lengyel Balázs: Co-worker networks and agglomeration externalities. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 95:(1) pp. 65-89. (2019) DOI REAL WoS Scopus
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DOI REAL WoS Scopus - Wachs Johannes, Yasseri Taha, Lengyel Balázs, Kertész János: Social capital predicts corruption risk in towns. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 6:(4) Paper 182103. (2019) DOI REAL WoS Scopus
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- Timár Judit: Hungarian feminist geography in a curved space? GENDER PLACE AND CULTURE 26:(7-9) pp. 1094-1102. (2019) DOI Scopus