HUN-REN Ökológiai Kutatóközpont - Publikációk
ÖK Evolúciótudományi Intézet
- Számadó, S., Zachar, I., Czégel, D., Penn, D.J. (2023) Honesty in signalling games is maintained by trade-offs rather than costs. BMC Biology 21:4.
- Szilágyi, A., Kovács, V.P., Czárán, T., Szathmáry, E. (2023) Evolutionary ecology of language origins through confrontational scavenging. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378:20210411.
- Podani, J., Schmera, D., Bagella, S. (2023) Correlating variables with different scale types: A new framework based on matrix comparisons. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14:1049-1060.
- De Laender, F., Carpentier, C., Carletti, T., Song, C., Rumschlag, S.L., Mahon, M.B., Simonin, M., Meszéna, G., Barabás, G. (2023) Mean species responses predict effects of environmental change on coexistence Ecology Letters 26:1535–1547.
- Szathmáry, E. (2023) Modeling the origin of cells. Trends in Genetics 39(10):719-720.
- Lu, H., Blokhuis, A., Turk-MacLeod, R., Karuppusamy, J., Franconi, A., Woronoff, G., Jeancolas, C., Abrishamkar, A., Loire, E., Ferrage, F., Pelupessy, P., Jullien, L., Szathmary, E., Nghe, P., Griffiths, A.D. (2023) Small-molecule autocatalysis drives compartment growth, competition and reproduction, Nature Chemistry.
- Williams, T.A., Davin, A.A., Morel, B., Szánthó, L.L., Spang, A., Stamatakis, A., Hugenholtz, B., Szöllősi, G.J. (2023) Parameter estimation and species tree rooting using ALE and GeneRax, Genome Biology and Evolution, evad134.
- Barabás, Gy. (2023) Parameter sensitivity of transient community dynamics. American Naturalist (accepted for publication)
- Szilágyi, A., Czárán, T., Santos, M., Szathmáry, E. (2023) Directional selection coupled with kin selection favors the establishment of senescence. BMC Biology 21:230.
- Sharma, A., Czégel, D., Lachmann, M., Kempes, C. P., Walker, S. I., Cronin, L. (2023) Assembly theory explains and quantifies selection and evolution. Nature 622:321–328.
- Apari P., Földvári G. (2022) Tick bite induced α‐gal syndrome highlights anticancer effect of allergy. BioEssays, 44:2100142.
- Czégel, D., Giaffar, H., Tenenbaum, J. B., Szathmáry, E. (2022). Bayes and Darwin: How replicator populations implement Bayesian computations. BioEssays, e2100255.
- Balážová, A., Földvári, G., Bilbija, B., Nosková, E., Široký, P. (2022). High prevalence and low diversity of Rickettsia in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks, Central Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 28:893-895.
- Zachar, I., Boza, G. (2022) The Evolution of Microbial Facilitation: Sociogenesis, Symbiogenesis, and Transition in Individuality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:798045.
- Földvári, G., Szabó, É., Tóth, G.E., Lanszki, Z., Zana, B., Varga, Z., Kemenesi, G. (2022) Emergence of Hyalomma marginatum and Hyalomma rufipes adults revealed by citizen science tick monitoring in Hungary. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 69:e2240-e2248.
- Vásárhelyi, Zs., Scheuring, I., Avilés, L. (2022) The Ecology of Spider Sociality: A Spatial Model The American Naturalist 199(6):776-788.
- Scheuring, I., Rasmussen, J. A., Bozzi, D. (2022) A strategic model of a host–microbe–microbe system reveals the importance of a joint host–microbe immune response to combat stress-induced gut dysbiosis. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:912806.
- Garay, J., Kun, Á., Varga, Z., Gámez, N., Castano-Fernandez, A.B., Móri, T.F. (2022) State-controlled epidemic in a game against a novel pathogen. Scientific Reports 12:15716.
- Ocaña-Pallarès, E., Williams, TA., López-Escardó, D., Arroyo, AS., Pathmanathan, JS., Bapteste, E., Tikhonenkov, DV., Keeling, PJ., Szöllősi, GJ., Ruiz-Trillo, I. (2022) Divergent genomic trajectories predate the origin of animals and fungi. Nature 609(7928):747-753.
- Demeter, M., Derényi, I., Szöllősi, GJ. (2022) Trade-off between reducing mutational accumulation and increasing commitment to differentiation determines tissue organization. Nature communications 13(1):1-10.
- Radványi, Á., Kun, Á. (2021). The Mutational Robustness of the Genetic Code and Codon Usage in Environmental Context: A Non-Extremophilic Preference? Life-Basel, 11(8):773.
- Apari, P., Földvári, G. (2021). Harm or protection? The adaptive function of tick toxins. Evolutionary Applications, 14:241–247.
- Barabási, D. L., Czégel, D. (2021). Constructing graphs from genetic encodings. Scientific Reports, 11:13270.
- Czégel, D., Giaffar, H., Csillag, M., Futo, B., Szathmáry, E. (2021). Novelty and imitation within the brain: a Darwinian neurodynamic approach to combinatorial problems. Scientific Reports, 11:12513
- Coleman, G.A., Davín, A.A., Mahendrarajah, T.A., Szánthó, L.L., Spang, A., Hugenholtz, P., Szöllősi, G.J., Williams, T.A. (2021) A rooted phylogeny resolves early bacterial evolution. Science 372:6542.
- Ishida, K., Oborny, B., Gastner, M. T. (2021). Agent-based neutral competition in two-community networks. Physical Review E, 104(2):024308.
- Móréh, Á., Endrédi, A., Piross, S. I., Jordán, F. (2021). Topology of additive pairwise effects in food webs. Ecological Modelling, 440:109414.
- Pankovics, P., Boros, Á., László, Z., Szekeres, S., Földvári, G., Altan, E., Delwart, E., Reuter, G. (2021) Genome characterization, prevalence and tissue distribution of astrovirus, hepevirus and norovirus among wild and laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus) and mice (Mus musculus) in Hungary. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 93:104942.
- Vörös, D., Könnyű, B., Czárán, T. (2021). Catalytic promiscuity in the RNA World may have aided the evolution of prebiotic metabolism. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1): e1008634
- Williams, T. A., Schrempf, D., Szöllősi, G. J., Cox, C. J., Foster, P. G., Embley, T. M. (2021). Inferring the Deep Past from Molecular Data. Genome Biology and Evolution, 13(5): evab067
- Jimenez P, Scheuring I: Density-dependent private benefit leads to bacterial mutualism. Evolution, 75:1619-1635 (2021).
- Khataee, H., Kibble, J., Scheuring, I., Czirók, A., Neufeld, Z. (2021). Transition from growth to decay of an epidemic due to lockdown. Biophysical Journal, 120(14):2872–2879.
- Khataee H, Scheuring I, Czirok A, Neufeld Z:. Effects of social distancing on the spreading of COVID-19 inferred from mobile phone data. Scientific Reports, 11:1661 (2021).
- Mokos J, Scheuring I, Liker A, Freckleton RP, Székely T: Degree of anisogamy is unrelated to the intensity of sexual selection. Scientific Reports, 11:19424 (2021).
- Radványi, Á., Kun, Á. (2021). Phylogenetic analysis of mutational robustness based on codon usage supports that the standard genetic code does not prefer extreme environments. Scientific Reports, 11(1):10963.
- Adamski, P., Eleveld, M., Sood, A., Kun, Á., Szilágyi, A., Czárán, T., Szathmáry, E., Otto, S. (2020) From self-replication to replicator systems en route to de novo life. NATURE REVIEWS CHEMISTRY 4: 386-403.
- Jankowiak, Ł., Rózsa, L., Tryjanowski, P., Møller, A. P. (2020) A negative covariation between toxoplasmosis and CoVID-19 with alternative interpretations. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10: 12512.
- Penn, D. J., Számadó, S. (2020) The Handicap Principle: how an erroneous hypothesis became a scientific principle. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS 95: 267-290.
- Rezende, E. L., Bozinovic, F., Szilágyi, A., Santos, M. (2020) Predicting temperature mortality and selection in natural Drosophila populations. Science 369: 1242-1245. DOI: 10.1126/science.aba9287
- Szilágyi, A., Könnyű, B., Czárán, T. (2020) Dynamics and stability in prebiotic information integration: an RNA World model from first principles. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10: 51.
- Boza, G.; Worsley, S.F.; Douglas W.Y.; Scheuring, I. (2019) Efficient assembly and long-term stability of defensive microbiomes via private resources and community bistability. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 15: e1007109.
- Czégel, D., Zachar, I., Szathmáry, E. (2019) Multilevel selection as Bayesian inference, major transitions in individuality as structure learning. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 6: 190202.
- Kun, A., Oborny, B., Dieckmann, U. (2019) Five main phases of landscape degradation revealed by a dynamic mesoscale model analysing the splitting, shrinking, and disappearing of habitat patches. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9: 11149.
- McKee, C. D., Krawczyk, A., I., Sándor, A. D., Görföl, T., Földvári, M., Földvári, G., Dekeukeleire, D., Haarsma, A.-J., Kosoy, M. Y., Webb, C. T., Sprong, H. (2019) Host phylogeny, geographic overlap, and roost sharing shape parasite communities in European bats. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 7: 69.
- Piross, I. S., Harnos, A., Rózsa, L. (2019) Rensch’s rule in avian lice: contradictory allometric trends for sexual size dimorphism. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9: 7908. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-44370-5
- Reiczigel, J., Marozzi, M., Fábián, I., Rózsa. L. (2019) Biostatistics for parasitologists – a primer to Quantitative Parasitology. TRENDS IN PARASITOLOGY 35: 277-281.
- Roberts, T. P., Kern F. B., Fernando, C., Szathmáry, E., Husbands, P., Philippides, A. O., Staras, K. (2019) Encoding temporal regularities and information copying in hippocampal circuits. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9: 19036.
- Szekeres, S.; van Leeuwen, A.D.; Tóth, E.; Majoros, G.; Sprong, H.; Földvári, G. (2019) Road‐killed mammals provide insight into tick‐borne bacterial pathogen communities within urban habitats. Transboundary and emerging diseases 66: 277-286. doi:10.1111/tbed.13019
- Vig-Milkovics, Z., Zachar, I., Kun, Á., Szilágyi, A., Szathmáry, E. (2019) Moderate sex between protocells can balance between a decrease in assortment load and an increase in parasite spread. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 462: 304-310.
- Garay, J., Számadó, S., Varga, Z., Szathmáry, E. (2018) Caring for parents: an evolutionary rationale. BMC BIOLOGY 16: 53.
- Garay, J., Varga, Z., Móri, T. F., López, I., Gámez, M., Gallego, J. R., Cabello T. (2018) Opportunistic random searcher versus intentional search image user. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8: 1-8.
- Moréh, A., Szilágyi, A., Scheuring, I., Müller, V. (2018) Variable Effect of HIV Superinfection on Clinical Status: Insights From Mathematical Modeling. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 9: 1634.
- Müller, V., de Boer, R. J., Bonhoeffer, S., Szathmáry, E. (2018) An evolutionary perspective on the systems of adaptive immunity. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 93: 505-528.
- Nordbotten, J. M., Levin, S.A., Szathmáry, E., Stenseth, N. C. (2018) Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of interconnectedness and modularity. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 115: 750-755.
- Öllinger, M., Volz, K., Szathmáry, E. (Eds). (2018) Insight and intuition – two sides of the same coin? Frontiers Media, Lausanne. 166p.
- Zachar, I., Szilágyi, A., Számadó, S., Szathmáry, E. (2018) Farming the mitochondrial ancestor as a model of endosymbiotic establishment by natural selection. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 115: E1504-E1510.
- de Vladar, H. P., Szathmáry, E. (2017) Beyond Hamilton's rule. SCIENCE 356: 485-486. DOI: 10.1126/science.aam6322
- de Vladar, H.P., Santos, M., Szathmáry, E. (2017) Grand Views of Evolution. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 32: 324-334.
- Harnos, A., Lang, Z., Petrás, D., Bush, S. E., Szabó, K., Rózsa, L. (2017) Size matters for lice on birds: coevolutionary allometry of host and parasite body size. EVOLUTION 71: 421–431.
- Müller, V., de Boer, R.J., Bonhoeffer, S., Szathmáry, E. (2017) An evolutionary perspective on the systems of adaptive immunity. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS 93: 505-528.
- Szilágyi, A., Zachar, I., Scheuring, I., Kun, Á., Könnyű, B., Czárán, T. (2017) Ecology and evolution in the RNA world: Dynamics and stability of prebiotic replicator systems. LIFE 7: 48. doi:10.3390/life7040048
- Zachar, I., Szathmáry, E. (2017) Breath-giving cooperation: critical review of origin of mitochondria hypotheses. Major unanswered questions point to the importance of early ecology. BIOLOGY DIRECT 12: 19.
- Hubai, A. G., Kun, Á. (2016) Maximal gene number maintainable by stochastic correction – The second error threshold. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 405: 29-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.02.007
- Matsumura, S., Kun, Á., Ryckelynck, M., Coldren, F., Szilágyi, A., Jossinet, F., Rick, C., Nghe, P., Szathmáry, E., Griffiths, A. D. (2016) Transient compartmentalization of RNA replicators prevents extinction due to parasites. SCIENCE 354:1293-1296. DOI: 10.1126/science.aag1582
- Pásztor, L., Botta-Dukát, Z., Magyar, G., Czárán, T., Meszéna, G. (2016) Theory-Based Ecology: A Darwinian approach. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, UK. (ISBN:9780199577859)
- Számadó, S., Szalai, F., Scheuring, I. (2016) Deception undermines the stability of cooperation in games of indirect reciprocity. PLOS ONE 11: e0147623. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147623
- Watson, R. A., Szathmáry, E. (2016) How Can Evolution Learn? TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 31: 147-157. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2015.11.009
ÖK Vízi Ökológiai Intézet (2021 előtt Duna-kutató Intézet)
- Abonyi, A., Rasconi, S., Ptacnik, R., Pilecky, M., Kainz, M. J. (2023). Chytrids enhance Daphnia fitness by selectively retained chytrid‐synthesised stearidonic acid and conversion of short‐chain to long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 68(1), 77–90.
- Borics, G., Várbíró, G., Falucskai, J., Végvári, Z., T‐Krasznai, E., Görgényi, J., B-Béres, V., Lerf, V. (2023). A two‐dimensional morphospace for cyanobacteria and microalgae: Morphological diversity, evolutionary relatedness, and size constraints. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 68(1), 115–126.
- Boros, E., Zarina, I., Lánczos, Zs., Végvári, Zs. (2023) Waterbird guilds predict environmental attributes of inland saline aquatic ecosystems on multi-spatial scales. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 855 Paper: 158845 (2023)
- Dujon, A. M., Vincze, O., Lemaitre, J.-F., Alix-Panabieres, C., Pujol, P., Giraudeau, M., … Thomas, F. (2023). The effect of placentation type, litter size, lactation and gestation length on cancer risk in mammals. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 290(2001), 20230940.
- Green, A. J., Lovas‐Kiss, Á., Reynolds, C., Sebastián‐González, E., Silva, G. G., van Leeuwen, C. H. A., Wilkinson, D. M. (2023). Dispersal of aquatic and terrestrial organisms by waterbirds: A review of current knowledge and future priorities. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 68(2), 173–190.
- Haase, P., Bowler, D. E., Baker, N. J., Bonada, N., Domisch, S., Garcia Marquez, J. R., … Várbíró, G., ... Welti, E. A. R. (2023). The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. NATURE, 620(7974), 582–588.
- Kees, W., Guangji, C., Shaohong, F., Guojie, Z., Tamás, S., Mike, B., … Végvári, Z., … Araxi, U. (2023). Polygamy and purifying selection in birds. EVOLUTION, 77(1), 276–288.
- Lengyel, S., Nagy, G., Tóth, M., Mészáros, G., Nagy, C. P., Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, M., Mester, B., Mérő, T. O. (2023). Grassland restoration benefits declining farmland birds: A landscape-scale before-after-control-impact experiment. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 277(109).
- Urgyán, R., Lukács, B. A., Fekete, R., Molnár V., A., Nagy, A., Vincze, O., … Lovas‐Kiss, Á. (2023). Plants dispersed by a non‐frugivorous migrant change throughout the annual cycle. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 32(1), 70–82.
- Vad, C. F., Hanny-Endrédi, A., Kratina, P., Abonyi, A., Mironova, E., Murray, D. S., … Ptacnik, R. (2023). Spatial insurance against a heatwave differs between trophic levels in experimental aquatic communities. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 29(11), 3054–3071.
- Alice, C., Orsolya, V., Paco, B., Joshua, T. A., Evan, M. A., Frédéric, A., … Jérôme, F. (2022). Quantitative meta-analysis reveals no association between mercury contamination and body condition in birds. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, 97(4), 1253–1271.
- Cunillera-Montcusí, D., Beklioğlu, M., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Jeppesen, E., Ptacnik, R., Amorim, C. A., … Horváth, Z., … Vad, C. F., … Matias, M. (2022). Freshwater salinisation: a research agenda for a saltier world. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 37(5), 440–453.
- Egri, Á., Mészáros, Á., Kriska, G. (2022). Spectral sensitivity transition in the compound eyes of a twilight-swarming mayfly and its visual ecological implications. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 289(1973).
- Green, A. J., Baltzinger, C., Lovas-Kiss, A. (2022). Plant dispersal syndromes are unreliable, especially for predicting zoochory and long-distance dispersal. OIKOS, 22(2).
- Guzman, L. M., Thompson, P. L., Viana, D. S., Vanschoenwinkel, B., Horváth, Z., Ptacnik, R., … Chase, J. M. (2022). Accounting for temporal change in multiple biodiversity patterns improves the inference of metacommunity processes. ECOLOGY, 103(6).
- Haubrock, P.J., Ahmed, D.A., Cuthbert, R.N. et al. & Haase, P. 2022. Invasion impacts and dynamics of a European‐wide introduced species. Global Change Biology, 28(15), pp.4620-4632.
- Szabó, B., Szabó, A., Vad, C. F., Boros, E., Lukić, D., Ptacnik, R., Márton, Z., Horváth, Z. (2022). Microbial stowaways: Waterbirds as dispersal vectors of aquatic pro‐ and microeukaryotic communities. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 49(7), 1286–1298.
- T-Krasznai, E., Lerf, V., Tóth, I., Kisantal, T., Várbíró, G., Vasas, G., B-Béres, V., Görgényi, J., Lukács, Á., Kókai, Z., Borics, G. (2022). Uncertainties of cell number estimation in cyanobacterial colonies and the potential use of sphere packing. HARMFUL ALGAE, 117.
- Vincze, O., Vágási, C. I., Penzes, J., Szabó, K., Magonyi, N., Czirják, G., Pap, P. (2022). Sexual dimorphism in immune function and oxidative physiology across birds: the role of sexual selection. ECOLOGY LETTERS, 25(4), 958–970.
- Vincze, O., Fernando, C., Jean-Francois, L., Dalia, A. C., Samuel, P., Margaux, B., … Mathieu, G. (2022). Cancer risk across mammals. NATURE, 601(7892), 263–267.
- Lukić D., Pinceel T., Marrone F., Mioduchowska M., Vad Cs. F., Brendonck L., Ptacnik R. & Horváth Zs., 2021. Pleistocene allopatric differentiation followed by recent range expansion explains the distribution and molecular diversity of two congeneric crustacean species in the Palaearctic. Scientific Reports 11: 22866.
- Vad Cs. F., Schneider C., Fischer R., Kainz M. J. & Ptacnik R., 2021. From adverse to beneficial: Contrasting dietary effects of freshwater mixotrophs on zooplankton. Freshwater Biology 66: 2272–2282.
- Borics, G., Lerf, V., Enikő, T., Stanković, I., Pickó, L., Béres, V. and Várbíró, G., 2021. Biovolume and surface area calculations for microalgae, using realistic 3D models. Science of The Total Environment, 773, p.145538.
- Vincze O, Loiseau C, Giraudeau M (2021) Avian blood parasite richness decreases with MHC class I loci number. Biology Letters, 17, 20210253.
- Botta-Dukát Z. & Lukács B.A. (2021). Optimal pooling of data for the reliable estimation of trait probability distributions (TPDs) – Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (6), 1344-1352.
- Green, A.J., Baltznger, C., Lovas-Kiss, Á. (2021). Plant dispersal syndromes are unreliable, especially for predicting zoochory and long-distance dispersal. Oikos. DOI: 10.1111/oik.08327
- Löki V., Nagy J., Nagy A., Babai D., Molnár Zs. & Lukács B.A. (2021): Known but not called by name: recreational fishers’ ecological knowledge of freshwater plants in Hungary. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17:63.
- Boda, P., Bozóki, T., Krasznai-K., E. Á., Várbíró, G., Móra, A., & Csabai, Z (2021). Restoration-mediated alteration induces substantial structural changes, but negligible shifts in functional and phylogenetic diversity of a non-target community: a case study from a soda pan. Hydrobiologia 848, 857–871 (2021).
- Krakkó D., Illés Á., Licul-Kucera V., Dávid B., Dobosy P., Pogonyi A, Demeter A, Mihucz G. V., Dóbé S. & Záray Gy., 2021. Application of (V)UV/O3 technology for post-treatment of biologically treated wastewater: A pilot-scale study. Chemosphere 275:130080.
- Sandil S., Óvári M, Dobosy P., Vetési V., Endrédi A., Anita Takács, Füzy A & Záray Gy., 2021. Effect of arsenic-contaminated irrigation water on growth and elemental composition of tomato and cabbage cultivated in three different soils, and related health risk assessment. Environmental Research 197:111098. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111098
- Boros E, Takács A, Dobosy P, Vörös L (2021): Extreme guanotrophication by phosphorus in contradiction with the productivity of alkaline soda pan ecosystems Science of The Total Environment 793: 148300. (2020 IF: 7,963| D1)
- Mizsei E, Szabolcs M, Szabó L, Boros Z, Mersini K, Roussos SA, Dimaki M, Ioannidis Y, Végvári Zs, Lengyel Sz. 2021. Determining priority areas for an Endangered cold-adapted snake on warming mountaintops. Oryx – The International Journal of Conservation 55: 334-343.
- B-Béres V., Stenger-Kovács C., Török P., Török-Krasznai, E., 2021. Are recent protection strategies sufficient for maintaining diverse freshwater benthic diatom assemblages? Ecological Indicators, 127, p.107782.
- Borza, P., Arbačiauskas, K., Zettler, M.L., 2021. Multidimensional niche differentiation might buffer invasion impacts: the case of oligohaline corophiids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Baltic Sea. Biological Invasions, 23(6), pp.1891-1900.
- Kecskeméti, S., Geösel, A., Fail, J. and Egri, Á., 2021. In search of the spectral composition of an effective light trap for the mushroom pest Lycoriella ingenua (Diptera: Sciaridae). Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-12.
- Abonyi, A., Kiss, K. T, Hidas, A., Borics, G., Várbíró, G., Ács, É. (2020) Cell size decrease and altered size structure of phytoplankton constrain ecosystem functioning in the middle Danube River over multiple decades. ECOSYSTEMS Online first Paper: 372.
- Boros, E, V.‐Balogh, K, Csitári, B., Vörös, L., Székely, A. J. (2020) Macrophytes and groundwater drive extremely high organic carbon concentration of soda pans. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 65: 1555-1568.
- Engel, N., Végvári, Z, Rice, R., Kubelka, V., Székely, T. (2020) Incubating parents serve as visual cues to predators in Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus). PloS ONE 15: e0236489.
- Engloner, A. I., Németh, K., Gere, D., Stefán, D., Óvári, M. (2020) Effects of water depth and water level fluctuation on the total and bio-available element concentrations in riverine reed stands. Ecological Indicators 114: 106328.
- Lovas‐Kiss, Á., Vincze, O., Kleyheeg, E., Sramkó, G., Laczkó, L., Fekete, R., Molnár, V., A., Green, A. J. (2020) Seed mass, hardness, and phylogeny explain the potential for endozoochory by granivorous waterbirds. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 10: 1413-1424.
- Lovas-Kiss, Á., Vincze, O., Löki, V., Pallér-Kapusi, F. Halasi-Kovács, B., Kovács, G., Green, A. J., Lukács, B. A. (2020) Experimental evidence of dispersal of invasive cyprinid eggs inside migratory waterfowl. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117: 15397-15399.
- Löki, V., Schmotzer, A., Takács, A., Süveges, K, Lovas‐Kiss, Á., Lukács, B. A., Tökölyi, J., Molnár, V. A. (2020) The protected flora of long‐established cemeteries in Hungary: Using historical maps in biodiversity conservation. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 10: ece3.6476.
- Stenger‐Kovács, C., Lengyel, E., Buczkó, K., Padisák, J., Korponai, J. (2020) Trait‐based diatom functional diversity as an appropriate tool for understanding the effects of environmental changes in soda pans. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 10: 320-335.
- Szabó, S., Peeters, E. T. H. M., Borics, G., Veres, Sz, Nagy, P. T., Lukács, B. A. (2020) The ecophysiological response of two invasive submerged plants to light and nitrogen. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 10:1747.
- Vági, B., Végvári, Z., Liker, A, Freckleton, R. P., Székely, T. (2020) Climate and mating systems as drivers of global diversity of parental care in frogs. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 1373-1386.
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ÖK Ökológiai és Botanikai Intézet
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