HUN-REN Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet - Publikációk
- Bárány I, Frankl P: Cells in the box and a hyperplane, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 25:7 pp. 2863-2877. 15 p. (2023) - Révész SzGy: Oscillation of the Remainder Term in the Prime Number Theorem of Beurling, "Caused by a Given zeta-Zero", INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES 2023:14 pp. 11752-11790. 39 p. (2023) - Manolescu C, Marengon M, Sarkar S, Willis M: A generalization of Rasmussen’s invariant, with applications to surfaces in some four-manifolds, DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 172:2 pp. 231-311. 81 p. (2023) - Abért M, Bergeron N, Biringer I, Gelander T: Convergence of normalized Betti numbers in nonpositive curvature, DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 172:4 pp. 633-700. 68 p. (2023) - Fox J, Pach J, Suk A: Sunflowers in set systems of bounded dimension, COMBINATORICA 43 pp. 187-202. 16 p. (2023) - Berdysheva EE, Révész SzGy: Delsarte’s extremal problem and packing on locally compact Abelian groups, ANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA-CLASSE DI SCIENZE 24:2 pp. 1007-1052. 45 p. (2023) - Napoli L, Sekara V, García-Herranz M, Karsai M: Socioeconomic reorganization of communication and mobility networks in response to external shocks, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 120:50 Paper: 2305285120, 7 p. (2023) - Ivanov G, Naszódi M: Functional John and Löwner Conditions for Pairs of Log-Concave Functions, INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES 2023:23 pp. 20613-20669. 57 p. (2023) - Gerbner D: The profile polytope of nontrivial intersecting families, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 37:4 pp. 2265-2275. 11 p. (2023) - Ambrus G, Bárány I, Frankl P, Varga D: Piercing the chessboard, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 37:3 pp. 1457-1471. 15 p. (2023) - Benjamini I, Fraczyk M, Kun G: Expander spanning subgraphs with large girth, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 251:1 pp. 156-172. 17 p. (2023) - Domokos M: Separating monomials for diagonalizable actions, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 55:1 pp. 205-223. 19 p. (2023) - Bencs F, Borbényi M, Csikvári P: Random Cluster Model on Regular Graphs, COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 399 pp. 203-248. 46 p. (2023) - Juhász I, van Mill J, Soukup L, Szentmiklóssy Z: The double density spectrum of a topological space, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 255 pp. 383-400. 18 p. (2023) - Cavallo A, Stipsicz AI: Traces of links and simply connected 4-manifolds, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 55:1 pp. 321-337. 17 p. (2023) - Grósz D, Methuku A, Tompkins C: Ramsey numbers of Boolean lattices, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 55:2 pp. 914-932. 19 p. (2023) - Bárány I, Kalai G, Pór A: Universal sequences of lines in Rd, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 256 pp. 35-60. 26 p. (2023) - Zhu X, Győri E, He Z, Lv Z, Salia N, Xiao C: Stability version of Dirac's theorem and its applications for generalized Turán problems, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 55:4 pp. 1857-1873. 17 p. (2023) - Gong S, Marengon M: Nonorientable link cobordisms and torsion order in Floer homologies, ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY 23 pp. 2627-2672. 46 p. (2023) - Alon N, Gujgiczer A, Körner J, Milojević A, Simonyi G: Structured Codes of Graphs, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 37:1 pp. 379-403. 25 p. (2023) - Berkes I, Borda B: Random walks on the circle and Diophantine approximation, JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 108:2 pp. 409-440. 32 p. (2023)
- Gerencsér B, Gerencsér L: Tight bounds on the convergence rate of generalized ratio consensus algorithms, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL (0018-9286 1558-2523): 67 4 pp 1669-1684 (2022)
- Fraczyk M, Harcos G, Maga P: Counting Bounded Elements of a Number Field, INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES (1073-7928 1687-0247): 2022 1 pp 373-390 (2022)
- Balog A, Biró A, Cherubini G, Laaksonen N: Bykovskii-Type Theorem for the Picard Manifold,
INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES (1073-7928 1687-0247): 2022 3 pp 1893-1921 (2022) - Némethi A, Szabó Sz: The Geometric P=W conjecture in the Painlevé cases via plumbing calculus, INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES (1073-7928 1687-0247): 2022 5 pp 3201-3218 (2022) - Kharel S, Mezei TR, Erdős LP, Chung S, Toroczkai Z: Degree-preserving network growth, NATURE PHYSICS (1745-2473 1745-2481): 18 1 pp 100-106 (2022) - Kunszenti-Kovács D, Lovász L, Szegedy B: Multigraph limits, unbounded kernels, and Banach space decorated graphs, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (0022-1236 1096-0783): 282 2 Paper 109284. (2022) - Kun G: On Gardner's Conjecture, COMBINATORICA (0209-9683 1439-6912): 42 4 pp 553-558 (2022) - Lev N, Matolcsi M: The Fuglede conjecture for convex domains is true in all dimensions, ACTA MATHEMATICA (0001-5962 1871-2509): 228 2 pp 385-420 (2022) - Nagy J, Némethi A: The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities, SELECTA MATHEMATICA - NEW SERIES (1022-1824 1420-9020): 28 3 Paper 58. (2022) - Tizzoni M, Nsoesie EO, Gauvin L, Karsai M, Perra N, Bansal S: Addressing the socioeconomic divide in computational modeling for infectious diseases, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2041-1723 2041-1723): 13 1 Paper 2897. 7 p. (2022) - Bárány B, Simon K, Solomyak B, Spiewak A: Typical absolute continuity for classes of dynamically defined measures, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS (0001-8708 1090-2082): 399 Paper 108258. 73 p. (2022) - Chau HN, Fukasawa M, Rásonyi M: Super-replication with transaction costs under model uncertainty for continuous processes, MATHEMATICAL FINANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS AND FINANCIAL ECONOMICS (0960-1627 1467-9965): 32 4 pp 1066-1085 (2022) - Belotto da Silva A, Fantini L, Némethi A, Pichon A: Polar exploration of complex surface germs, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY (0002-9947 1088-6850): 375 9 pp 6747-6767 (2022) - Blomer V, Harcos G, Maga P, Milićević D: Beyond the spherical sup-norm problem, JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES (0021-7824 1776-3371): 168 pp 1-64 (2022) - Candela P, Szegedy B: Regularity and inverse theorems for uniformity norms on compact abelian groups and nilmanifolds, JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK (0075-4102 1435-5345): 2022 789 pp 1-42 (2022) - Gosztonyi K: Series of problems in Clairaut’s Elements of Geometry: interaction between historical analysis and mathematics education research, ZDM - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (1863-9690 1863-9704): 54 7 pp 1463-1478 (2022) - Pete G, Timár Á: The Free Uniform Spanning Forest is disconnected in some virtually free groups, depending on the generator set, ANNALS OF PROBABILITY (0091-1798 2168-894X): 50 6 pp 2218-2243 (2022) - Neamtu R, Ahsan R, Nguyen CDT, Lovering C, Rundensteiner EA, Sárközy G: A General Approach for Supporting Time Series Matching Using Multiple-Warped Distances, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING (1041-4347 1558-2191): 34 4 pp 1516-1529 (2022) - Backhausz Á, Bordenave C, Szegedy B: Typicality and entropy of processes on infinite trees, ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-PROBABILITES ET STATISTIQUES (0246-0203 1778-7017): 58 4 pp 1959-1980 (2022) - Giménez Conejero R, Nuño-Ballesteros JJ: Singularities of mappings on ICIS and applications to Whitney equisingularity, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS (0001-8708 1090-2082): 408 Paper 108660. (2022) - Abért M, Biringer I: Unimodular measures on the space of all Riemannian manifolds, GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY (1465-3060 1364-0380): 26 5 pp 2295-2404 (2022)
- Ódor G, Czifra D, Komjáthy J, Lovász L, Karsai M: Switchover phenomenon induced by epidemic seeding on geometric networks, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 118(41): Paper e2112607118, 9 p. (2021) - Lovász L: Flows on measurable spaces, GEOMETRIC AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 31(2): pp 402-437. (2021) - Matszangosz Á: On the cohomology rings of real flag manifolds: Schubert cycles, MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN 381(3-4): pp 1537-1588. (2021) - Füredi Z, Gerbner D: Hypergraphs without exponents, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A 184: Paper 105517, 9 p. (2021) - Timár Á: A nonamenable "factor" of a Euclidean space, ANNALS OF PROBABILITY 49(3): pp 1427-1449. (2021)
- Biró A, Lev VF: Uncertainty in finite planes, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 281(3): Paper 109026, 32 p. (2021)
- Pach J, Rubin N, Tardos G: Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 386: Paper 107779 (2021) - Szabó Sz: Perversity equals weight for Painlevé spaces, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 383: Paper 107667 (2021)
- Bencs F, Tóth LM: Invariant random subgroups of groups acting on rooted trees, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 374: pp 7011-7040. (2021) - Virosztek D: The metric property of the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 380: Paper 107595 (2021) - Böröczky K, Domokos M, Solanes G: Dimension of the space of unitary equivariant translation invariant tensor valuations, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 280(4): Paper 108862, 18 p. (2021) - Balka R, Elekes M, Kiss V, Poór M: Singularity of maps of several variables and a problem of Mycielski concerning prevalent homeomorphisms, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 385: Paper 107773 (2021) - Keszegh B, Lemons N, Martin RR, Pálvölgyi D, Patkós B: Induced and non-induced poset saturation problems, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A 184: Paper 105497, 20 p. (2021) - Győri E, Lemons N, Salia N, Zamora O: The structure of hypergraphs without long Berge cycles, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B 148: pp 239-250. (2021) - Guasoni P, Nagy L, Rásonyi M: Young, timid, and risk takers, MATHEMATICAL FINANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS AND FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 31(4): pp 1332-1356. (2021)
- Hutchcroft T, Pete G: Kazhdan groups have cost 1, INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE 221:3 873-891. (2020)
- Pach J, Tomon I: On the chromatic number of disjointness graphs of curves, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B 144: 167-190. (2020)
- Nemes G, Daalhuis AB: Large-parameter asymptotic expansions for the Legendre and allied functions, SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 52:1 437-470. (2020)
- Nagy J, Némethi A: The Abel map for surface singularities II. Generic analytic structure, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 371: Paper: 107268 (2020)
- Mészáros A: The distribution of sandpile groups of random regular graphs, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 373: 6529-6594. (2020)
- Mészáros A: Limiting entropy of determinantal processes, ANNALS OF PROBABILITY 48:5 2615-2643. (2020)
- Böröczky KJ, Lutwak E, Yang D, Zhang G, Zhao Y: The Gauss image problem, COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 73:7 1406-1452. (2020)
- Holmsen AF, Nassajian MH, Pach J, Tardos G: Two extensions of the Erdős-Szekeres problem, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 22:12 3981-3995. (2020)
- Gehér GP, Titkos T, Virosztek D: Isometric study of Wasserstein spaces - the real line, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 373: 5855-5883. (2020)
- Kiss G, Malikiosis RD, Somlai G, Vizer M: On the discrete Fuglede and Pompeiu problems, ANALYSIS & PDE 13:3 765-788. (2020)
- Harcos G, Soltész D: New bounds on even cycle creating Hamiltonian paths using expander graphs, COMBINATORICA 40: 435-454. (2020)
- Domokos M, Drensky V: Cocharacters for the weak polynomial identities of the Lie algebra of 3 × 3 skew-symmetric matrices, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 374: Paper: 107343 (2020)
- Lutsko C, Tóth B: Invariance Principle for the Random Lorentz Gas - Beyond the Boltzmann-Grad Limit, COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 379: 589-632. (2020)
- Alfieri A, Kang S, Stipsicz AI: Connected Floer homology of covering involutions, MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN 377:3-4 1427-1452. (2020)
- Abért M, Tóth LM: Uniform rank gradient, cost, and local-global convergence, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 373:4 2311-2329. (2020)