HUN-REN Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont - Publikációk
Biofizikai Intézet
- Barabási B, Barna L, Santa-Maria AR, Harazin A, Molnár R, Kincses A, Vigh, JP, Dukay B, Sántha M, Tóth ME, Walter FR, Deli MA, Hoyk Zs: Role of interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 in morphological and functional changes of the blood-brain barrier in hypertriglyceridemia. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS volume 20, Article number: 15 (2023) D1
- Bérczi A, Márton Z; Laskay K; Tóth A, Rákhely G, Duzs Á, Sebők‐Nagy K, Páli T, Zimányi L: Spectral and Redox Properties of a Recombinant Mouse Cytochrome b561 Protein Suggest Transmembrane Electron Transfer Function. MOLECULES 28: 5 p. 2261 (2023) Q1
- Kincses A, Vigh JP, Petrovszki D, Valkai S, Kocsis AE, Walter FR, Lin H-Y, Jan J-S, Deli MA, Dér A: The Use of Sensors in Blood-Brain Barrier-on-a-Chip Devices: Current Practice and Future Directions. BIOSENSORS 13: 3 p. 357 (2023) Q1
- Krekic Sz, Mero M, Kuhl M, Balasubramanian K, Dér A, Heiner, Zs: Photoactive Yellow Protein Adsorption at Hydrated Polyethyleneimine and Poly-l-Glutamic Acid Interface. MOLECULES 28: 10 Paper: 4077, 16 p. (2023) Q1
- Krekic Sz, Mero M, Dér A, Heiner Zs: Ultrafast All-Optical Switching Using Doped Chromoprotein Films. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 127: 3 pp. 1499-1506., 8 p. (2023) Q1
- Mészáros Á, Molnár K, Fazakas Cs, Nógrádi B, Lüvi A, Dudás T, Tiszlavic Á, Farkas EA, Krizbai IA, Wilhelm I: Inflammasome activation in peritumoral astrocytes is a key player in breast cancer brain metastasis development. ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA COMMUNICATIONS 11: 1 Paper: 155, 17 p. (2023) D1
- Mészáros M, Phan THM, Vigh JP, Porkoláb G, Kocsis A, Páli EK, Polgár TF, Walter FR, Bolognin S, Schwamborn JC, Jan J-S, Deli MA, Veszelka Sz: Targeting Human Endothelial Cells with Glutathione and Alanine Increases the Crossing of a Polypeptide Nanocarrier through a Blood–Brain Barrier Model and Entry to Human Brain Organoid. CELLS 12: 3 Paper: 503, 20 p. (2023) Q1
- Misra R, Das I, Dér A, Steinbach G, Shim J-g, Busse W, Jung K-H, Zimányi L, Sheves M: Impact of protein–chromophore interaction on the retinal excited state and photocycle of Gloeobacter rhodopsin: role of conserved tryptophan residues. CHEMICAL SCIENCE 14 pp. 9951-9958., 8 p. (2023) D1
- Nagy Á, Dombi J, Fülep MP, Rudics E, Hompoth EA, Szabó Z, Dér A, Búzás A, Viharos ZsJ, Hoang AT, Maczák B, Vadai G, Gingl Z, László Sz, Bilicki V, Szendi I: SENSORS 23: 2 Paper: 958, 25 p. (2023) D1
- Pajer K, Bellák T, Grósz T, Nógrádi B, Patai R, Sinkó J, Vinay L, Liabeuf S, Erdélyi M, Nógrádi A: Riluzole treatment modulates KCC2 and EAAT-2 receptor expression and Ca2+ accumulation following ventral root avulsion injury. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 102: 2 Paper: 151317, 14 p. (2023) D1
- Pellicciotta N, Bagal, OS, Sosa, VC, Frangipane G, Vizsnyiczai G, Leonardo RD: Light Controlled Biohybrid Microbots. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 33: 39 Paper: 2214801 (2023) D1
- Petrovszki D, Valkai S, Kelemen L, Nagy L, Agarwal V, Krekic Sz, Zimányi L, Dér A: Microsecond All-Optical Modulation by Biofunctionalized Porous Silicon Microcavity. NANOMATERIALS 13: 14 p. 2070 (2023) Q1
- Sebők-Nagy K, Blastyák A, Juhász G, Páli T: Reversible binding of divalent cations to Ductin protein assemblies—A putative new regulatory mechanism of membrane traffic processes. FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES 10 Paper: 1195010 (2023) Q1
- Sebők-Nagy K, Kóta, Z, Kincses A, Fazekas ÁF, Dér A, László Z, Páli T: Spin-Label Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Reveals Effects of Wastewater Filter Membrane Coated with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Bovine Serum Albumin. MOLECULES 28: 19 p. 6750 (2023) Q1
- Sipos B, Bella Zs, Gróf I, Veszelka Sz, Deli MA, Szűcs KF, Sztojkov-Ivanov A, Ducza E, Gáspár R, Kecskeméti G, Janáky T, Volk B, Budai-Szűcs M, Ambrus R, Révész P, P Cs I, Katona G: Soluplus® promotes efficient transport of meloxicam to the central nervous system via nasal administration. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS 632 Paper: 122594, 11 p. (2023) D1
- Szebenyi Cs, Gu Y, Gebremariam T, Kocsubé S, Kiss-Vetráb S, Jáger O, Patai R, Spisák K, Sinka R, Binder U, Homa M, Vágvölgyi Cs, Ibrahim AS, Nagy G, Pappa T: cotH Genes Are Necessary for Normal Spore Formation andVirulence in Mucor lusitanicus. MBIO 14: 1 Paper: e03386-2, 17 p. (2023) Q1
- Szuhaj M, Kakuk B, Wirth R, Rakhely G, Kovacs KL, Bagi Z: Regulation of the methanogenesis pathways by hydrogen at transcriptomic level in time. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS 86: 4 pp. 1074-1080., 7 p. (2023) Q1
- Tóth G, Santa Maria AR, Herke I, Gáti T, Galvis-Montes D, Walter FR, Deli MA, Hunyadi A: Highly Oxidized Ecdysteroids from a Commercial Cyanotis arachnoidea Root Extract as Potent Blood−Brain Barrier Protective Agents. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS 86: 4 pp. 1074-1080., 7 p. (2023) D1
- Váradi Gy, Kele Z, Czajlik A, Borics A, Bende G, Papp Cs, Rakhely G, Tóth GK, Batta Gy, Galgóczy, L: Hard nut to crack: Solving the disulfide linkage pattern of the Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri antifungal protein 2. PROTEIN SCIENCE 32: 7 Paper: e4692, 13 p. (2023) D1
- Voros C, Bauer D, Migh E, Grexa I, Végh AG, Szalontai B, Castellani, G.; Danka, T.; Dzeroski, S, Koos K, Piccinini F, Horvath P: Correlative Fluorescence and Raman Microscopy to Define Mitotic Stages at the Single-Cell Level: Opportunities and Limitations in the AI Era. BIOSENSORS 13: 2 Paper: 187, 16 p. (2023) Q1
- Bashir F, Kovács S, Ábrahám, Á, Nagy K, Ayaydin F, Kelemen-Valkony I, Ferenc Gy, Galajda P, Tóth SzZ, Sass L, Kós P, Vass I, Szabó M: Viable protoplast formation of the coral endosymbiont alga Symbiodinium spp. in a microfluidics platform. LAB ON A CHIP 22(16):2986-2999. Q1
- Boros É, Hegedűs Z, Kellermayer Z, Balogh P, Nagy I: Global alteration of colonic microRNAome landscape associated with inflammatory bowel disease. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 13 Paper: 991346, 14 p. (2022) Q1
- Buzas A, Horvath T, Der A: A Novel Approach in Heart-Rate-Variability Analysis Based on Modified Poincare Plots. IEEE ACCESS 10 pp. 36606-36615., 10 p. (2022) Q1
- Csoboz B, Gombos I, Kóta Z, Dukic B, Klement É, Varga-Zsíros V, Lipinszki Z, Páli T, Vígh L, Török Z: The Small Heat Shock Protein, HSPB1, Interacts with and Modulates the Physical Structure of Membranes. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 7317 (2022) D1
- Hudak A, Morgan G, Bacovsky J, Patai R, Polgar TF, Letoha A, Pettko-Szandtner A, Vizler Cs, Szilak L, Letoha T: Biodistribution and Cellular Internalization of Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 in Wild-Type Mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 14 Paper: 7609, 17 p. (2022) D1
- Kajner Gy, Kéri A, Bélteki Á, Valkai S, Dér A, Geretovszky Zs, Galbács, G: Multifunctional microfluidic chips for the single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis of inorganic nanoparticles. LAB ON A CHIP 22: 14 pp. 2766-2776., 11 p. (2022) D1
- Kata D, Grof I, Hoyk Zs, Ducza E, Deli MA, Zupko I, Foldesi I: Immunofluorescent Evidence for Nuclear Localization of Aromatase in Astrocytes in the Rat Central Nervous System. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 16 Paper: 8946, 21 p. (2022) D1
- Menyhart A, Frank R, Farkas AE, Sule Z, Varga VE, Nyul-Toth A, Meiller A, Ivankovits-Kiss O, Lemale CL, Szabo I, Toth R, Zolei-Szenasi D, Woitzik J, Marinesco S, Krizbai IA, Bari F, Dreier JP, Farkas E: Malignant astrocyte swelling and impaired glutamate clearance drive the expansion of injurious spreading depolarization foci. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM 42: 4 pp. 584-599., 16 p. (2022) D1
- Miklovics N, Duzs A, Balogh F, Paragi G, Rakhely G, Toth A: Quinone binding site in a type VI sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 106: 22 pp. 7505-7517., 13 p. (2022) Q1
- Molnár K, Nógrádi B, Kristóf R, Mészáros Á, Pajer K, Siklós L, Nógrádi A, Wilhelm I, Krizbai IA: Motoneuronal inflammasome activation triggers excessive neuroinflammation and impedes regeneration after sciatic nerve injury. JOURNAL OF NEUROINFLAMMATION 19: 1 Paper: 68, 22 p. (2022) D1
- Mostafa HIA, Tóth-Boconádi R, Dér L, Fábián L, Taneva SG, Dér A, Keszthelyi L: Nonlinear electric response of the diffuse double layer to an abrupt charge displacement inside a biological membrane. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY 146 Paper: 108138, 6 p. (2022) Q2
- Nagy K, Dukic B, Hodula O, Abraham A, Csakvari E, Der L, Wetherington MT, Noorlag J, Keymer JE, Galajda P: Emergence of Resistant Escherichia coli Mutants in Microfluidic On-Chip Antibiotic Gradients. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 13 Paper: 820738, 12 p. (2022) Q1
- Petrovszki D, Walter FR, Vigh JP, Kocsis A, Valkai S, Deli MA, Dér A: Penetration of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein across the Blood–Brain Barrier, as Revealed by a Combination of a Human Cell Culture Model System and Optical Biosensing. BIOMEDICINES 10: 1 Paper: 188 (2022) Q1
- Réthi-Nagy Zs, Ábrahám E, Udvardy K, Klement É, Darula Zs, Pál M, Katona RL, Tubák V, Páli T, Kóta Z, Sinka R, Udvardy A, Lipinszki Z: STABILON, a Novel Sequence Motif That Enhances the Expression and Accumulation of Intracellular and Secreted Proteins. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 23: 15 Paper: 8168, 18 p. (2022) D1
- Szabo K, Varga D, Vegh AG, Liu N, Xiao X, Xu L, Dux L, Erdelyi M, Rovo L, Keller-Pinter A: Syndecan-4 affects myogenesis via Rac1-mediated actin remodeling and exhibits copy-number amplification and increased expression in human rhabdomyosarcoma tumors. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 79: 2 Paper: 122 (2022) D1
- Széles E, Nagy K, Ábrahám Á, Kovács S, Podmaniczki A, Nagy V, Kovács L, Galajda P, Tóth SzZ: Microfluidic Platforms Designed for Morphological and Photosynthetic Investigations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii on a Single-Cell Level. CELLS 11: 2 Paper: 285 (2022 Q1
- Veszelka Sz, Mészáros M, Porkoláb G, Szecskó A, Kondor N, Ferenc Gy, Polgár TF, Katona G, Kóta Z, Kelemen L, Páli T, Vigh JP, Walter FR, Bolognin S, Schwamborn JC, Jan J-S, Deli MA: A Triple Combination of Targeting Ligands Increases the Penetration of Nanoparticles across a Blood-Brain Barrier Culture Model. PHARMACEUTICS 14: 1 Paper: 86, 19 p. (2022) Q1
- Walter FR, Harazin A, Toth AE, Veszelka Sz, Santa-Maria AR, Barna L, Kincses A, Biczo G, Balla Z, Kui B, Maleth J, Cervenak L, Tubak V, Kittel A, Rakonczay Zjr, Deli MA: Blood–brain barrier dysfunction in l-ornithine induced acute pancreatitis in rats and the direct effect of l-ornithine on cultured brain endothelial cells. FLUIDS AND BARRIERS OF THE CNS 19: 1 Paper: 16, 20 p. (2022) D1
- Wetherington MT, Nagy K, Dér L, Ábrahám Á, Noorlag J, Galajda P, Keymer JE: Ecological succession and the competition-colonization trade-off in microbial communities. BMC BIOLOGY 20: 1 Paper: 262 (2022) D1
- Wetherington MT, Nagy K, Der L, Noorlag J, Galajda P, Keymer J: Variance in Landscape Connectivity Shifts Microbial Population Scaling. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 13 Paper: 831790, 7 p. (2022) Q1
- Buchroithner B, MayrS, Hauser F, Priglinger E, Stangl H, Santa-Maria AR, Deli MA, Dér A, Klar TA, Axmann M, Sivun D, Mairhofer M, Jacak J: Dual Channel Microfluidics for Mimicking the Blood-Brain Barrier. ACS NANO 15: 2984-2993 (2021) IF: 15.881, D1,
- Bodor A, Bounedjoum N, Feigl G, Duzs A, Laczi K, Szilagyi A, Rákhely G, Perei L: Exploitation of extracellular organic matter from Micrococcus luteus to enhance ex situ bioremediation of soils polluted with used lubricants. J. Hazardous Materials 417: 125996 (2021) IF: 10.588, D1,
- Fekete T, Mészáros M, Szegletes Z, Vizsnyiczai G, Zimányi L, Deli MA, Veszelka S, Kelemen L: Optically manipulated microtools to measure adhesion of the nanoparticle targeting ligand glutathione to endothelial cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13: 39018-39029 (2021) IF: 9.229, D1,
- Dukay B, Walter FR, Vigh JP, Barabási B, Hajdu P, Balassa T, Migh A, Kincses A, Hoyk Z, Szögi T, Borbély E, Csoboz B, Horváth P, Fülöp L, Penke B, Vígh L, Deli MA, Sántha M, Tóth ME: Neuroinflammatory processes are augmented in mice overexpressing humanheat-shock protein B1 following ethanol-induced brain injury. J. Neuroinflammation 18: 22 (2021) IF: 8.322, D1,
- Taneva SG, Krumova S, Bogár F, Kincses A, Stoichev S, Todinova S, Danailova A, Horváth J, Násztor Z, Kelemen L, Dér A: Insights into graphene oxide interaction with human serum albumin in isolated state and in blood plasma. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 175: 19-29 (2021) IF: 6.953, Q1,
- Figueira I, Galego S, Custódio-Santos T, Vicente R, Molnár K, Haskó J, Malhó R, Videira M, Wilhelm I, Krizbai I, Brito MA: Picturing Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis Development to Unravel Molecular Players and Cellular Crosstalk. Cancers (Basel) 13: 910. (2021) IF: 6.639, Q1,
- Santa-Maria AR, Walter FR, Figueiredo R, Kincses A, Vigh J P, Heymans M, Culot M, Winter P, Gosselet F, Dér A, Deli MA: Flow induces barrier and glycocalyx-related genes and negative surface charge in a lab-on-a-chip human blood-brain barrier model. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab 9: 271678X21992638 (2021) IF: 6.2, D1,
- Páli T, Petrovszki P, Sebők-Nagy K: The activity of native vacuolar proton-ATPase in an oscillating electric field – demystifying an apparent effect of music on a biomolecule. Front. Mol. Biosci. 1085 (2021) IF: 5.246, Q1,
- Zimányi L, Sipos A, Sarlós F, Nagypál R, Groma GI: Machine-learning model selection and parameter estimation from kinetic data of complex first-order reaction systems, PLOS ONE 16: e0255675 (2021) IF: 3.24, D1,
- Molnár K, Lőrinczi, Fazakas C, Szatmári I, Fülöp F, Kmetykó N, Berkecz R, Ilisz I, Krizbai IA, Wilhelm I, Vécsei L: SZR-104, a Novel Kynurenic Acid Analogue with High Permeability through the Blood-Brain Barrier. Pharmaceutics 13: 61 (2021) IF: 6.321, Q1,
- Polgár TF, Meszlényi V, Nógrádi B, Körmöczy L, Spisák K, Tripolszki K, Széll M, Obál I, Engelhardt JI, Siklós L, Patai R: Passive Transfer of Blood Sera from ALS Patients with Identified Mutations Results in Elevated Motoneuronal Calcium Level and Loss of Motor Neurons in the Spinal Cord of Mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 9994 (2021) IF: 5.924, D1,
- Topal GR, Mészáros M, Porkoláb G, Szecskó A, Polgár TF, Siklós L, Deli MA, Veszelka S, Bozkir A: ApoE-Targeting Increases the Transfer of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles with Donepezil Cargo across a Culture Model of the Blood-Brain Barrier. Pharmaceutics 13: 38 (2021) IF: 6.321, Q1,
- Khoroshyy P, Tenger K, Chertkova RV, Bocharova OV, Kirpichnikov MP, Borovok N, Groma GI, Dolgikh DA, Kotlyar AB, Zimányi L: Kinetics and Energetics of Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Single-Point Labeled TUPS-Cytochrome c Derivatives. Molecules 1420-3049 (2021) IF: 4.412, Q1,
- Tóth R, Farkas AE, Krizbai IA, Makra P, Bari F, Farkas E, Menyhárt Á, Astrocyte Ca2+ Waves and Subsequent Non-Synchronized Ca2+ Oscillations Coincide with Arteriole Diameter Changes in Response to Spreading Depolarization. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 3442 (2021) IF: 5.924, D1,
- Fazakas C, Kozma M, Molnár K, Kincses A, Dér A, Fejér A, Horváth B, Wilhelm I, Krizbai IA, Végh AG: Breast adenocarcinoma-derived exosomes lower first-contact de-adhesion strength of adenocarcinoma cells to brain endothelial layer. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 204:111810 (2021) IF: 5.268, Q1,
- Buchroithner, B.; Mayr S.; Hauser, F.; Priglinger, E.; Stangl, H.; Santa-Maria, A. R.; Deli, M. A.; Der, A.; Klar, T. A.; Axmann, M.; Sivun, D.; Mairhofer; M., Jacak, J.: Dual Channel Microfluidics for Mimicking the Blood-Brain Barrier. ACS NANO, 15: 2. 2984-2993. (2021)
- Figueira, I.; Galego, S.; Custódio-Santos, T.; Vicente, R.; Molnár, K.; Haskó, J.; Malhó, R.; Videira, M.; Wilhelm, I.; Krizbai, I.; Brito, M. A.: Picturing Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis Development to Unravel Molecular Players and Cellular Crosstalk. CANCERS (Basel), 13: 4. :910. (2021)
- Santa-Maria, A. R.; Walter, F. R.; Figueiredo, R.; Kincses, A.; Vigh, J. P.; Heymans, M.; Culot, M.; Winter, P.; Gosselet, F.; Dér, A.;, Deli, M. A.: Flow induces barrier and glycocalyx-related genes and negative surface charge in a lab-on-a-chip human blood-brain barrier model. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM, 2021 Feb 9:271678X21992638. (2021)
- Taneva, S. G.; Krumova, S.; Bogár, F.; Kincses, A.; Stoichev, S.; Todinova, S.; Danailova, A.; Horváth, J.; Násztor, Z.; Kelemen, L.; Dér, A.: Insights into graphene oxide interaction with human serum albumin in isolated state and in blood plasma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, 175: pp. 19–29. (2021)
- Tóth, R., Farkas, A. E.; Krizbai, I. A.; Makra, P.; Bari, F.; Farkas, E.; Menyhárt, Á.: Astrocyte Ca2+ Waves and Subsequent Non-Synchronized Ca2+ Oscillations Coincide with Arteriole Diameter Changes in Response to Spreading Depolarization. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 22: 7. 3442. (2021)
- Imre, Norbert ; Hetényi, Anasztázia ; Szabó, Enikő ; Bodnár, Brigitta ; Szkalisity, Abel ; Gróf, Ilona ; Bocsik, Alexandra ; Deli, Mária A. ; Horvath, Peter ; Czibula, Ágnes et al. Routing Nanomolar Protein Cargoes to Lipid Raft‐Mediated/Caveolar Endocytosis through a Ganglioside GM1‐Specific Recognition Tag ADVANCED SCIENCE 7 : 4 Paper: 1902621 , 10 p. (2020)
- Vizsnyiczai, G. ; Frangipane, G. ; Bianchi, S. ; Saglimbeni, F. ; Dell’Arciprete, D. ; Di, Leonardo R. A transition to stable one-dimensional swimming enhances E. coli motility through narrow channels NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 : 1 Paper: 2340 (2020)
- Sereno, Marta ; Haskó, János ; Molnár, Kinga ; Medina, Sarah J ; Reisz, Zita ; Malhó, Rui ; Videira, Mafalda ; Tiszlavicz, László ; Booth, Stephanie A ; Wilhelm, Imola et al. Downregulation of circulating miR 802-5p and miR 194-5p and upregulation of brain MEF2C along breast cancer brain metastasization. MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY 14 : 3 pp. 520-538. , 19 p. (2020)
- Varga, Dániel P.; Szabó, Írisz; Varga, Viktória É. ; Menhyárt, Ákos ; M. Tóth, Orsolya ; Kozma, Mihály ; Bálint, Armand R. ; Krizbai, István A. ; Bari, Ferenc ; Farkas, Eszter. The antagonism of prostaglandin FP receptors inhibits the evolution of spreading depolarization in an experimental model of global forebrain ischemia NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE 137 p. 104780 Paper: 104780 (2020)
- Bodor, Attila ; Bounedjoum, Naila ; Vincze, Gyorgy Erik ; Erdeine, Kis Agnes ; Laczi, Krisztian ; Bende, Gabor ; Szilagyi, Arpad ; Kovacs, Tamas ; Perei, Katalin ; Rakhely, Gabor Challenges of unculturable bacteria: environmental perspectives REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY 19 : 1 pp. 1-22. , 22 p. (2020)
- Imre, N.; Hetenyi, A.; Szabo, E.; Bodnar, B.; Szkalisity, A.; Grof, I.; Bocsik, A.; Deli, Maria A.; Horvath, P.; Czibula, A.; Monostori, E.; Martinek, T. A.: Routing Nanomolar Protein Cargoes to Lipid Raft‐Mediated/Caveolar Endocytosis through a Ganglioside GM1‐Specific Recognition Tag. ADVANCED SCIENCE, 7: 4 Paper: 1902621, 10 p. (2020)
- Vizsnyiczai, G.; Frangipane, G.; Bianchi, S.; Saglimbeni, F.; Dell’Arciprete, D.; Di, Leonardo R.: A transition to stable one-dimensional swimming enhances E. coli motility through narrow channels. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11: 1 Paper: 2340 (2020)
- Kincses, A.; Santa-Maria, A. R.; Walter, F. R.; Der, L.; Horányi, N.; Lipka, D. V.; Valkai, S,; Deli, M, A.; Der, A.: A chip device to determine surface charge properties of confluent cell monolayers by measuring streaming potential. LAB ON A CHIP, 20: 20 pp. 3792-3805. 14 p. (2020)
- Molnár, K.; Mészáros, Á.; Fazakas, C.; Kozma, M.; Győri, F.; Reisz, Z.; Tiszlavicz, L.; Farkas, A. E.; Nyúl‐Tóth, Á.; Haskó, J.; Krizbai, I. A., Wilhelm, I.: Pericyte‐secreted IGF2 promotes breast cancer brain metastasis formation. MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY, Paper: 1878-0261.12752 (2020)
- Bodor, A.; Bounedjoum, N.; Vincze, G. E.; Erdeine Kis, A.; Laczi, K.; Bende, G.; Szilagyi, A.; Kovacs, T.; Perei, K.; Rakhely, G.: Challenges of unculturable bacteria: environmental perspectives. REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY, 19: 1 pp. 1-22., 22 p. (2020)
- Kelemen, L. ; Lepera, E. ; Horvath, B. ; Ormos, P. ; Osellame, R. ; Vazquez, R. Martinez Direct writing of optical microresonators in a lab-on-a-chip for label-free biosensing LAB ON A CHIP 19 : 11 pp. 1985-1990. , 6 p. (2019)
- Haskó, János ; Fazakas, Csilla ; Molnár, Kinga ; Mészáros, Ádám ; Patai, Roland ; Szabó, Gábor ; Erdélyi, Ferenc ; Nyúl-Tóth, Ádám ; Győri, Fanni ; Kozma, Mihály et al. Response of the neurovascular unit to brain metastatic breast cancer cells. ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA COMMUNICATIONS 7 : 1 Paper: 133,15 p. (2019)
- Bocsik, Alexandra ; Gróf, Ilona ; Kiss, Lóránd ; Ötvös, Ferenc ; Zsíros, Ottó ; Daruka, Lejla ; Fülöp, Lívia ; Vastag, Monika ; Kittel, Ágnes ; Imre, Norbert et al. Dual Action of the PN159/KLAL/MAP Peptide: Increase of Drug Penetration across Caco-2 Intestinal Barrier Model by Modulation of Tight Junctions and Plasma Membrane Permeability. PHARMACEUTICS 11 : 2 Paper: 73 , 21 p. (2019)
- Herman, Hildegard* ; Fazakas, Csilla* ; Haskó, János ; Molnár, Kinga ; Mészáros, Ádám ; Nyúl-Tóth, Ádám ; Szabó, Gábor ; Erdélyi, Ferenc ; Ardelean, Aurel ; Hermenean, Anca et al. Paracellular and transcellular migration of metastatic cells through the cerebral endothelium JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE 23 : 4 pp. 2619-2631. , 13 p. (2019)
- Santa-Maria, Ana R ; Walter, Fruzsina R ; Valkai, Sándor ; Brás, Ana Rita ; Mészáros, Mária ; Kincses, András ; Klepe, Adrián ; Gaspar, Diana ; Castanho, Miguel A R B ; Zimányi, László et al. Lidocaine turns the surface charge of biological membranes more positive and changes the permeability of blood-brain barrier culture models. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES 1861 : 9 pp. 1579-1591. , 13 p. (2019)
- Bianchi S, Vizsnyiczai G, Ferretti S, Maggi C, Di Leonardo R: An optical reaction micro-turbine. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9:4476(2018)
- Wilhelm I, Fazakas C, Molnár K, Végh AG, Haskó J, Krizbai IA: Foe or friend? Janus-faces of the neurovascular unit in the formation of brain metastases. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW & METABOLISM, 38:563-587(2018)
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Biokémiai Intézet
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- Zhang S, Wang T, Lima RM, Pettkó-Szandtner A, Kereszt A, Downie JA, Kondorosi E. Widely conserved AHL transcription factors are essential for NCR gene expression and nodule development in Medicago. Nature Plants. doi: 10.1038/s41477-022-01326-4 D1
- Nagy LG, Vonk PJ, Künzler M, Földi C, Virágh M, Ohm RA, Hennicke F, Bálint B, Csernetics Á, Hegedüs B, Zhou Z, Liu XB, Nan S, Pareek M, Sahu N, Szathmári B, Varga T, Wu H, Yang X, Merényi Z. Lessons on fruiting body morphogenesis from genomes and transcriptomes of Agaricomycetes. Studies in Mycology D1
- Grézal G, Spohn R, Méhi O, Dunai A, Lázár V, Bálint B, Nagy I, Pál C, Papp B. Plasticity and stereotypic rewiring of the transcriptome upon bacterial evolution of antibiotic resistance. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msad020, D1
- Apjok G, Számel M, Christodoulou C, Seregi V, Vásárhelyi BM, Stirling T, Eszenyi B, Sári T, Vidovics F, Nagrand E, Kovács D, Szili P, Lantos II, Méhi O, Jangir PK, Herczeg R, Gálik B, Urbán P, Gyenesei A, Draskovits G, Nyerges Á, Fekete G, Bodai L, Zsindely N, Dénes B, Yosef I, Qimron U, Papp B, Pál C, Kintses B. Characterization of antibiotic resistomes by reprogrammed bacteriophage-enabled functional metagenomics in clinical strains. Nature Microbiology (2023). D1
- Gál L, Bellák T, Marton A, Fekécs Z, Weissman D, Török D, Biju R, Vizler C, Kristóf R, Beattie MB, Lin PJC, Pardi N, Nógrádi A, Pajer K. Restoration of Motor Function through Delayed Intraspinal Delivery of Human IL-10-Encoding Nucleoside-Modified mRNA after Spinal Cord Injury. Research (Wash D C). 2023;6:0056. doi: 10.34133/research.0056 Q1
- Verster KI, Cinege G, Lipinszki Z, Magyar LB, Kurucz É, Tarnopol RL, Ábrahám E, Darula Z, Karageorgi M, Tamsil JA, Akalu SM, Andó I, Whiteman NK. Evolution of insect innate immunity through domestication of bacterial toxins. PNAS 120 (16) e2218334120 D1
- Moshkov N, Becker T, Yang K, Horvath P, Dancik V, Wagner BK, Clemons PA, Singh S, Carpenter AE, Caicedo JC. Predicting compound activity from phenotypic profiles and chemical structures. Nature Communications (2023)14:1967 D1
- Huszár K, Welker Z, Györgypál Z, Tóth E, Ligeti Z, Kulcsár PI, Dancsó J, Tálas A, Krausz SL, Varga É, Welker E. Position-dependent sequence motif preferences of SpCas9 are largely determined by scaffold-complementary spacer motifs. Nucleic Acids Research, gkad323, D1
- Sikkema L, Ramírez-Suástegui C, [..], Lung Biological Network Consortium, […], Theis FJ (Lung Biological Network Consortium member: Horváth P). An integrated cell atlas of the lung in health and disease. Nature Medicine (2023). D1
- Merényi Z, Krizsán K, Sahu N, Liu XB, Bálint B, Stajich JE, Spatafora JW, Nagy LG. Genomes of fungi and relatives reveal delayed loss of ancestral gene families and evolution of key fungal traits. Nature Ecology and Evolution (2023). D1
- Hirling D, Tasnadi E, Caicedo J, Caroprese MV, Sjögren R, Aubreville M, Koos K, Horvath P. Segmentation metric misinterpretations in bioimage analysis. Nature Methods (2023). D1
- Pál C, Papp B. How selection shapes the short- and long-term dynamics of molecular evolution. PNAS 2023 Vol. 120 No. 33 e2311012120 D1
- Sahu N, Indic B, Wong-Bajracharya J, Merényi Z, Ke HM, Ahrendt S, Monk TL, Kocsubé S, Drula E, Lipzen A, Bálint B, Henrissat B, Andreopoulos B, Martin FM, Bugge Harder C, Rigling D, Ford KL, Foster GD, Pangilinan J, Papanicolaou A, Barry K, LaButti K, Virágh M, […], Sipos G, Plett J, Nagy LG. Nagy. Vertical and horizontal gene transfer shaped plant colonization and biomass degradation in the fungal genus Armillaria. Nature Microbiology (2023). D1
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- Liska O, Boross G, Rocabert C, Szappanos B, Tengölics R, Papp B. Principles of metabolome conservation in animals. PNAS 2023 Aug 29;120(35):e2302147120 D1
- Sturm Á, Saskői É, Hotzi B, Tarnóci A, Barna J, Bodnár F, Sharma H, Kovács T, Ari E, Weinhardt N, Kerepesi C, Perczel A, Ivics Z, Vellai T. Downregulation of transposable elements extends lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature Communications 14, 5278 (2023). D1
- Gerber D, Szeifert B, Székely O, Egyed B, Gyuris B, Giblin JI, Horváth A, Köhler K, Kulcsár G, Kustár Á, Major I, Molnár M, Palcsu L, Szeverényi V, Fábián S, Mende BG, Bondár M, Ari E, Kiss V, Szécsényi-Nagy A. Interdisciplinary analyses of Bronze Age communities from Western Hungary reveal complex population histories. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msad182, D1
- Kulcsár PI, Tálas A, Ligeti Z, Tóth E, Rakvács Z, Bartos Z, Krausz SL, Welker Á, Végi VL, Huszár K, Welker E. A cleavage rule for selection of increased-fidelity SpCas9 variants with high efficiency and no detectable off-targets. Nature Communications 14, 5746 (2023). D1
- Bukva M, Dobra G, Gyukity-Sebestyen E, Boroczky T, Korsos MM, Meckes DG Jr, Horvath P, Buzas K, Harmati M. (2023). Machine learning-based analysis of cancer cell-derived vesicular proteins revealed significant tumor-specificity and predictive potential of extracellular vesicles for cell invasion and proliferation – A meta-analysis. Cell Commun Signal 21, 333 (2023). Q1
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- Boros É, Hegedűs Z, Kellermayer Z, Balogh P, Nagy I: Global alteration of colonic microRNAome landscape associated with inflammatory bowel disease. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOL. 13 Sept 2022; 13: 991346. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.991346 (2022) Q1
- Csabai L, Fazekas D, Kadlecsik T, Szalay-Bekő M, Bohár B, Madgwick M, Módos D, Ölbei M, Gul L, Sudhakar P, Kubisch J, Oyeyemi OJ, Liska O, Ari E, Hotzi B, Billes VA, Molnár E, Földvári-Nagy L, Csályi K, Demeter A, Pápai N, Koltai M, Varga M, Lenti K, Farkas IJ, Türei D, Csermely P, Vellai T, Korcsmáros T: SignaLink3: a multi-layered resource to uncover tissue-specific signaling networks. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7; 50(D1): D701-D709. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab909. (2022) D1
- Dörner K, Badertscher L, Horváth B, Hollandi R, Molnár Cs, Fuhrer T, Meier R, Sárazová M, van den Heuvel J, Zamboni N, Horvath P, Kutay U: Genome-wide RNAi screen identifies novel players in human 60S subunit biogenesis including key enzymes of polyamine metabolism.
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- Hollandi R, Moshkov N, Paavolainen L, Tasnádi E, Piccinini F, Horváth P:
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- Merényi Zs, Virágh M, Gluck-Thaler E, Slot JC, Kiss B, Varga T, Geösel A, Hegedüs B, Bálint B, Nagy LG: Gene age shapes the transcriptional landscape of sexual morphogenesis in mushroom forming fungi (Agaricomycetes). eLife 14 Febr 2022;11:e71348. doi: 10.7554/eLife.71348 (2022) D1
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- Virágh M, Merényi Zs, Csernetics Á, Földi Cs, Sahu N, Liu X, Hibbett DS, Nagy LG: Evolutionary Morphogenesis of Sexual Fruiting Bodies in Basidiomycota: Toward a New Evo-Devo Synthesis. MICROBIOL MOL BIOL REVIEWS. March 2022; 86(1): e00019-21. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00019-21. (2022) Q1
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- Diósdi Á, Hirling D, Kovács M, Tóth T, Harmati M, Koós K, Buzas K, Piccinini F, Horváth P: A quantitative metric for the comparative evaluation of optical clearing protocols for 3D multicellular spheroids. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 19: 1233-1243 (2021) IF: 7.271, Q1,
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- Tálas A, Huszár K, Kulcsár PI, Varga JK, Varga É, Tóth E, Welker Z, Erdős G, Pach PF, Welker Á, Györgypál Z, Tusnády GE, Welker E: A method for characterizing Cas9 variants via a one-million target sequence library of self-targeting sgRNAs. Nucleic Acids res. 49: e31 (2021) IF: 16.971, D1,
- Tálas A, Simon DA, Kulcsár PI, Varga É, Krausz SL, Welker E: BEAR reveals that increased fidelity variants can successfully reduce the mismatch tolerance of adenine but not cytosine base editors. Nat Commun. 12: 6353 (2021) IF: 14.919, D1,
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- Virágh M, Merényi Z, Csernetics Á, Földi C, Sahu N, Liu X, Hibbett DS, Nagy L: Evolutionary Morphogenesis of Sexual Fruiting Bodies in Basidiomycota: Toward a New Evo-Devo Synthesis. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 86: e0001921 (2021) IF: 11.056, D1,
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- Kulcsar, P.I.; Talas, A.; Toth, E.; Nyeste, A.; Ligeti, Z.; Welker, Z.; Welker, E.: Blackjack mutations improve the on-target activities of increased fidelity variants of SpCas9 with 5'G-extended sgRNAs. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11: 1, p. 1223. (2020)
- Merenyi, Z.; Prasanna, A.N.; Wang, Z.; Kovacs, K.; Hegedus, B.; Balint, B.; Papp, B.; Townsend, J.P.; Nagy, L.G.: Unmatched level of molecular convergence among deeply divergent complex multicellular fungi. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, (2020)
- Moshkov, N.; Mathe, B.; Kertesz-Farkas, A.; Hollandi, R.; Horvath, P.: Test-time augmentation for deep learning-based cell segmentation on microscopy images. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10: 1, p. 5068. (2020)
- Vernyik, V.; Karcagi, I.; Timar, E.; Nagy, I.; Gyorkei, A.; Papp, B.; Gyorfy, Z.; Posfai, G.: Exploring the fitness benefits of genome reduction in Escherichia coli by a selection-driven approach. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10: 1, p. 7345. (2020)
- Wannier, T.M.; Nyerges, A.; Kuchwara, H.M.; Czikkely, M.; Balogh, D.; Filsinger, G.T.; Borders, N.C.; Gregg, C.J.; Lajoie, M.J.; Rios, X.; Pal, C.; Church, G.M.: Improved bacterial recombineering by parallelized protein discovery. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 117: 24, pp. 13689-13698. (2020)
- Balogi, Z.; Multhoff, G.; Jensen, T.K.; Lloyd-Evans, E.; Yamashima, T.; Jaattela, M.; Harwood, J.L.; Vigh, L.: Hsp70 interactions with membrane lipids regulate cellular functions in health and disease. PROGRESS IN LIPID RESEARCH, 74: pp. 18-30. (2019)
- Kintses, B.; Mehi, O.; Ari, E.; Szamel, M.; Gyorkei, A.; Jangir, P.K.; Nagy, I.; Pal, F.; Fekete, G.; Tengolics, R.; Nyerges, A.; Liko, I.; Balint, A.; Molnar, T.; Balint, B.; Vasarhelyi, B.M.; Bustamante, M.; Papp, B.; Pal, C.: Phylogenetic barriers to horizontal transfer of antimicrobial peptide resistance genes in the human gut microbiota. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY, 4: 3, pp. 447-458. (2019)
- Krizsan, K.; Almasi, E.; Merenyi, Z.; Sahu, N.; Viragh, M.; Koszo, T.; Mondo, S.; Kiss, B.; Balint, B.; Kues, U.; Barry, K.; Cseklye, J.; Hegedus, B.; Henrissat, B.; Johnson, J.; Lipzen, A.; Ohm, R.A.; Nagy, I.; Pangilinan, J.; Yan, J.; Xiong, Y.; Grigoriev, I.V.; Hibbett, D.S.; Nagy, L.G.: Transcriptomic atlas of mushroom development reveals conserved genes behind complex multicellularity in fungi. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 116: 15, pp. 7409-7418. (2019)
- Prasanna, A.N.; Gerber, D.; Kijpornyongpan, T.; Aime, M.C.; Doyle, V.P.; Nagy, L.G.: Model Choice, Missing Data, and Taxon Sampling Impact Phylogenomic Inference of Deep Basidiomycota Relationships. SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY, 69: 1, pp. 17-37. (2019)
- Varga, T.; Krizsan, K.; Foldi, C.; Dima, B.; Sanchez-Garcia, M.; Sanchez-Ramirez, S.; Szollosi, G.J.; Szarkandi, J.G.; Papp, V.; Albert, L.; Andreopoulos, W.; Angelini, C.; Antonin, V.; Barry, K.W.; Bougher, N.L.; Buchanan, P.; Buyck, B.; Bense, V.; Catcheside, P.; Chovatia, M.; Cooper, J.; Damon, W.; Desjardin, D.; Finy, P.; Geml, J.; Haridas, S.; Hughes, K.; Justo, A.; Karasinski, D.; Kautmanova, I.; Kiss, B.; Kocsube, S.; Kotiranta, H.; LaButti, K.M.; Lechner, B.E.; Liimatainen, K.; Lipzen, A.; Lukacs, Z.; Mihaltcheva, S.; Morgado, L.N.; Niskanen, T.; Noordeloos, M.E.; Ohm, R.A.; Ortiz-Santana, B.; Ovrebo, C.; Racz, N.; Riley, R.; Savchenko, A.; Shiryaev, A.; Soop, K.; Spirin, V.; Szebenyi, C.; Tomsovsky, M.; Tulloss, R.E.; Uehling, J.; Grigoriev, I.V.; Vagvolgyi, C.; Papp, T.; Martin, F.M.; Miettinen, O.; Hibbett, D.S.; Nagy, L.G.: Megaphylogeny resolves global patterns of mushroom evolution. NATURE ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 3: 4, pp. 668-678. (2019)
- Carragher, N.; Piccinini, F.; Tesei, A.; Trask, O.J., Jr.; Bickle, M.; Horvath, P.: Concerns, challenges and promises of high-content analysis of 3D cellular models. NATURE REVIEWS: DRUG DISCOVERY, 17: 8, p. 606. (2018)
- Lazar, V.; Martins, A.; Spohn, R.; Daruka, L.; Grezal, G.; Fekete, G.; Szamel, M.; Jangir, P.K.; Kintses, B.; Csorgo, B.; Nyerges, A.; Gyorkei, A.; Kincses, A.; Der, A.; Walter, F.R.; Deli, M.A.; Urban, E.; Hegedus, Z.; Olajos, G.; Mehi, O.; Balint, B.; Nagy, I.; Martinek, T.A.; Papp, B.; Pal, C.: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria show widespread collateral sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY, 3: 6, pp. 718-731. (2018)
- Nyerges, A.; Csorgo, B.; Draskovits, G.; Kintses, B.; Szili, P.; Ferenc, G.; Revesz, T.; Ari, E.; Nagy, I.; Balint, B.; Vasarhelyi, B.M.; Bihari, P.; Szamel, M.; Balogh, D.; Papp, H.; Kalapis, D.; Papp, B.; Pal, C.: Directed evolution of multiple genomic loci allows the prediction of antibiotic resistance. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 115: 25, pp. E5726-E5735. (2018)
- Sipos, G.; Anderson, J.B.; Nagy, L.G.: Armillaria. CURRENT BIOLOGY, 28: 7, pp. R297-R298. (2018)
- Toth, E.; Czene, B.C.; Kulcsar, P.I.; Krausz, S.L.; Talas, A.; Nyeste, A.; Varga, E.; Huszar, K.; Weinhardt, N.; Ligeti, Z.; Borsy, A.E.; Fodor, E.; Welker, E.: Mb- and FnCpf1 nucleases are active in mammalian cells: activities and PAM preferences of four wild-type Cpf1 nucleases and of their altered PAM specificity variants. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 46: 19, pp. 10272-10285. (2018)
- Bodi, Z.; Farkas, Z.; Nevozhay, D.; Kalapis, D.; Lazar, V.; Csorgo, B.; Nyerges, A.; Szamecz, B.; Fekete, G.; Papp, B.; Araujo, H.; Oliveira, J.L.; Moura, G.; Santos, M.A.S.; Szekely, T., Jr.; Balazsi, G.; Pal, C.: Phenotypic heterogeneity promotes adaptive evolution. PLOS BIOLOGY, 15: 5, p. e2000644. (2017)
- Kulcsar, P.I.; Talas, A.; Huszar, K.; Ligeti, Z.; Toth, E.; Weinhardt, N.; Fodor, E.; Welker, E.: Crossing enhanced and high fidelity SpCas9 nucleases to optimize specificity and cleavage. GENOME BIOLOGY, 18: 1, p. 190. (2017)
- Montiel, J.; Downie, J.A.; Farkas, A.; Bihari, P.; Herczeg, R.; Balint, B.; Mergaert, P.; Kereszt, A.; Kondorosi, E.: Morphotype of bacteroids in different legumes correlates with the number and type of symbiotic NCR peptides. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 114: 19, pp. 5041-5046. (2017)
- Piccinini, F.; Balassa, T.; Szkalisity, A.; Molnar, C.; Paavolainen, L.; Kujala, K.; Buzas, K.; Sarazova, M.; Pietiainen, V.; Kutay, U.; Smith, K.; Horvath, P.: Advanced Cell Classifier: User-Friendly Machine-Learning-Based Software for Discovering Phenotypes in High-Content Imaging Data. CELL SYSTEMS, 4: 6, pp. 651-655 e655. (2017)
- Sipos, G.; Prasanna, A.N.; Walter, M.C.; O'Connor, E.; Balint, B.; Krizsan, K.; Kiss, B.; Hess, J.; Varga, T.; Slot, J.; Riley, R.; Boka, B.; Rigling, D.; Barry, K.; Lee, J.; Mihaltcheva, S.; LaButti, K.; Lipzen, A.; Waldron, R.; Moloney, N.M.; Sperisen, C.; Kredics, L.; Vagvolgyi, C.; Patrignani, A.; Fitzpatrick, D.; Nagy, I.; Doyle, S.; Anderson, J.B.; Grigoriev, I.V.; Guldener, U.; Munsterkotter, M.; Nagy, L.G.: Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria. NATURE ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 1: 12, pp. 1931-1941. (2017)
- Horvath, P.; Aulner, N.; Bickle, M.; Davies, A.M.; Nery, E.D.; Ebner, D.; Montoya, M.C.; Ostling, P.; Pietiainen, V.; Price, L.S.; Shorte, S.L.; Turcatti, G.; von Schantz, C.; Carragher, N.O.: Screening out irrelevant cell-based models of disease. NATURE REVIEWS: DRUG DISCOVERY, 15: 11, pp. 751-769. (2016)
- Karcagi, I.; Draskovits, G.; Umenhoffer, K.; Fekete, G.; Kovacs, K.; Mehi, O.; Baliko, G.; Szappanos, B.; Gyorfy, Z.; Feher, T.; Bogos, B.; Blattner, F.R.; Pal, C.; Posfai, G.; Papp, B.: Indispensability of Horizontally Transferred Genes and Its Impact on Bacterial Genome Streamlining. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 33: 5, pp. 1257-1269. (2016)
- Nyerges, A.; Csorgo, B.; Nagy, I.; Balint, B.; Bihari, P.; Lazar, V.; Apjok, G.; Umenhoffer, K.; Bogos, B.; Posfai, G.; Pal, C.: A highly precise and portable genome engineering method allows comparison of mutational effects across bacterial species. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 113: 9, pp. 2502-2507. (2016)
- Papp, B.; Lazar, V.: Antibiotics: New recipe for targeting resistance. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, 12: 11, pp. 891-892. (2016)
- Szappanos, B.; Fritzemeier, J.; Csorgo, B.; Lazar, V.; Lu, X.; Fekete, G.; Balint, B.; Herczeg, R.; Nagy, I.; Notebaart, R.A.; Lercher, M.J.; Pal, C.; Papp, B.: Adaptive evolution of complex innovations through stepwise metabolic niche expansion. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 7: p. 11607. (2016)
Genetikai Intézet
- Boda A, Varga LP, Nagy A, Szenci G, Csizmadia T, Lőrincz P, Juhász G.: Rab26 controls secretory granule maturation and breakdown in Drosophila. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCI. 80:1 Paper: 24, 15 p. (2023) D1
- Cinege G, Magyar LB, Kovács H, Varga V, Bodai L, Zsindely N, Nagy G, Hegedűs Z, Hultmark D**, Andó I.: Distinctive features of Zaprionus indianus hemocyte differentiation and function revealed by transcriptomic analysis. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 14 Paper: 1322381, 14 p. (2023) Q1
- Czimmerer Z, Nagy L.: Epigenomic regulation of macrophage polarization: Where do the nuclear receptors belong? IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 14 p. (2023) D1
- Dániel B, Belk JA, Meier SL, Chen AZ, Sándor K, Czimmerer Z, Varga Z, Bene K, Buquicchio FA, Qi Y, Satpathy AT et al.: Macrophage inflammatory and regenerative response periodicity is programmed by cell cycle and chromatin state. MOLECULAR CELL 83:1 pp. 121-138 e7. (2023) D1
- Domokos A, Varga Z*, Jambrovics K, Caballero-Sánchez N, Szabó E, Nagy G, Scholtz B, Halász L, Váradi E, Bene KP, Mázló A, Bacsi A, Jeney V, Szebeni GJ, Nagy L, Czimmerer Z.: The transcriptional control of the VEGFA-VEGFR1 (FLT1) axis in alternatively polarized murine and human macrophages. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 14 Paper: 1168635 (2023) Q1
- Gazsó-Gerhát G, Gombos R*, Tóth K, Kaltenecker P, Szikora S, Bíró J, Csapó E, Asztalos Z, Mihály J.: FRL and DAAM are required for lateral adhesion of interommatidial cells and patterning of the retinal floor. DEVELOPMENT 150:22 Paper: dev. 201713 (2023) D1
- González Morales N, Marescal O, Szikora S, Katzemich A, Correia-Mesquita T, Bíró P, Erdélyi M, Mihály J, Schöck F.: The oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex is involved in myofibril growth and Z-disc assembly in Drosophila. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 136:13 Paper: jcs260717, 12 p. (2023) Q1
- Henry S, Kókity L, Pirity MK.: Polycomb protein RYBP activates transcription factor Plagl1 during in vitro cardiac differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. OPEN BIOLOGY 13:2 Paper: 20305, 20 p. (2023) D1
- Imre G, Takács B*, Czipa E, Bakné Drubi A, Jaksa G, Latinovics D, Nagy A, Karkas R, Hudoba L, Vásárhelyi BM, Mátés L et al.: Prolonged activity of the transposase helper may raise safety concerns during DNA transposon-based gene therapy. MOLECULAR THERAPY-METHODS AND CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT 29 pp. 145-159., 15 p. (2023) Q1
- Jipa A, Juhász G.: Disagreement among the three musketeers of the unfolded protein response. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 222:5 Paper: e202304013 (2023) D1
- Kúthy-Sutus E, Kharrat B, Gábor E, Csordás G, Sinka R, Honti V.: A Novel Method for Primary Blood Cell Culturing and Selection in Drosophila melanogaster. CELLS 12:1 p. 24 (2023) Q1
- Longarini EJ, Dauben H, Locatelli C, Wondisford AR, Smith R, Fajka-Boja R, Schuller M, Ahel I, Timinszky G, Huet S, Matic I et al.: Modular antibodies reveal DNA damage-induced mono-ADP-ribosylation as a second wave of PARP1 signaling. MOLECULAR CELL 83:10 pp. 1743-1760.e11. (2023) D1
- Maruzs T, Feil-Börcsök D*, Lakatos E, Juhász G, Blastyák A, Hargitai D, Jean S, Lőrincz P, Juhász G.: Interaction of the sorting nexin 25 homolog Snazarus with Rab11 balances endocytic and secretory transport and maintains the ultrafiltration diaphragm in nephrocytes MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL (2023) Q1
- Pekker E, Priskin K, Szabó-Kriston É, Csányi B, Buzás-Bereczki O, Adorján L, Szukacsov V, Haracska L et al.: Development of a Large-Scale Pathogen Screening Test for the Biosafety Evaluation of Canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells. BIOLOGICAL PROCEDURES ONLINE 25:1 Paper: 33, 14 p. (2023) Q1
- Smith R, Zentout S, Rother M, Bigot N, Chapuis C, Mihut A, Zobel FF, Ahel I, van Attikum H, Timinszky G, Huet S.: HPF1-dependent histone ADP-ribosylation triggers chromatin relaxation to promote the recruitment of repair factors at sites of DNA damage. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 35 p. (2023) D1
- Szabó Á, Vincze V*, Sanjay Chhatre A*, Jipa A, Bognár S, Varga K, Banik P, Harmatos-Ürmösi A, Neukomm L, Juhász G.: LC3-associated phagocytosis promotes glial degradation of axon debris after injury in Drosophila models. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2023) D1
- Szenci G, Csizmadia T, Juhász G.: The role of crinophagy in quality control of the regulated secretory pathway. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 136:8 Paper: jcs260741 (2023) Q1
- Varga D, Szikora S, Novák T, Pap G, Lékó G, Mihály J, Erdélyi M.: Machine learning framework to segment sarcomeric structures in SMLM data. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13:1 Paper: 1582, 10 p. (2023) D1
- Vedelek V, Vedelek B, Lőrincz P, Juhász G, Sinka R.: A comparative analysis of fruit fly and human glutamate dehydrogenases in Drosophila melanogaster sperm development. FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 11 p. 10.3389/fcell.2023.1281487 (2023) Q1
- Verster KI, Cinege G*, Lipinszki Z, Magyar LB, Kurucz É, Tarnopol RL, Ábrahám E, Darula Z, Karageorgi M, Tamsil JA, Akalu SM, Andó I, Whiteman NK.: Evolution of insect innate immunity through domestication of bacterial toxins. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 120:16 (2023) D1
- Ábrahám A, Villányi Z, Zsindely N, Nagy G, Szabó Á, Bodai L, Henn L, Boros I.: Despite its sequence identity with canonical H4, Drosophila H4r product is enriched at specific chromatin regions. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12:1 Paper: 5007, 11 p. (2022) D1
- Bálint É, Unk I.: Manganese is a strong specific activator of the rna synthetic activity of human polη. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOL. SCI. 23:1 Paper: 230 (2022) D1
- Bhattacharjee A, Ürmösi A, Jipa A, Kovács L, Deák P, Szabó Á, Juhász G.: Loss of ubiquitinated protein autophagy is compensated by persistent cnc/NFE2L2/Nrf2 antioxidant responses. AUTOPHAGY 18:10 pp. 2385-2396., 12 p. (2022) doi: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2037852 D1
- Borkúti P, Kristó I, Szabó A, Bajusz C, Kovács Z, Réthy-Nagy Z, Lipinszki Z, Lukacsovich T, Bogdan S, Vilmos P.: Parallel import mechanisms ensure the robust nuclear localization of actin in Drosophila. FRONTIERS IN MOL. BIOSCIENCES 9 Paper: 963635, 16 p. (2022) Q1
- Cinege G, Magyar LB, Kovács AL, Lerner Z, Juhász G, Lukacsovich D, Winterer J, Lukacsovich T, Hegedűs Z, Kurucz É, Hultmark D, Földy C, Andó I.: Broad Ultrastructural and Transcriptomic Changes Underlie the Multinucleated Giant Hemocyte Mediated Innate Immune Response against Parasitoids. JOURNAL OF INNATE IMMUNITY 14:4 pp. 335-354., 20 p. (2022) Q1
- Czimmerer Z, Halász L, Dániel B, Varga Z, Bene K, Domokos A, Hoeksema M, Shen Z, Berger WK, Cseh T, Jambrovics K, Kolostyák Z, Fenyvesi F, Váradi J, Poliska S, Hajas G, Szatmári I, Glass CK, Bacsi A, Nagy A.: The epigenetic state of IL-4-polarized macrophages enables inflammatory cistromic expansion and extended synergistic response to TLR ligands. IMMUNITY 55:11 pp. 2006-2026.e6. (2022) D1
- Fenteany G, Sharma G, Gaur P, Borics A, Wéber E, Kiss E, Haracska L.: A series of xanthenes inhibiting Rad6 function and Rad6–Rad18 interaction in the PCNA ubiquitination cascade. ISCIENCE 104053: 4 p. 104053 Paper (2022) D1
- Hultmark D, Andó I.: Hematopoietic plasticity mapped in Drosophila and other insects. ELIFE 11 p. e78906 (2022) D1
- Kharrat B, Csordás G, Honti V.: Peeling Back the Layers of Lymph Gland Structure and Regulation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOL. SCI. 23:14 7767-7767. Paper: 7767, 16 p. (2022) D1
- Kopasz AG, Pusztai DZ*, Karkas R, Hudoba L, Abdullah KSA, Imre G, Pankotai-Bodó G, Migh E, Nagy A, Kriston A, Germán P, Bakné Drubi A, Molnár A, Fekete I, Dani VÉ, Ocsovszki I, Puskás LG, Horváth P, Sükösd F, Mátés L.: A versatile transposon-based technology to generate loss- and gain-of-function phenotypes in the mouse liver. BMC BIOLOGY 20:1 Paper: 74 16 p. (2022) D1
- Maróti Z, Neparáczki E, Schütz O, Maár K, Raskó I. et al.: The genetic origin of Huns, Avars, and conquering Hungarians. CURRENT BIOLOGY 32:13 pp. 2858-2870., 13 p. (2022) D1
- McMahon M, O’Dell G, Tan J, Sárközy A, Vadovics M, Carreno JM, Puente-Massaguer E, Muramatsu H, Bajusz C, Rijnink W, Beattie M, Tam YK, Kirkpatrick Roubidoux E, Fransisco I, Strohmeier S, Kanekiyo M, Graham BS, Krammer F, Pardi N.: Assessment of a quadrivalent nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine that protects against group 2 influenza viruses. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USA 119:45 Paper: e2206333119 (2022) D1
- Muramatsu H, Lam K, Bajusz C, Laczkó D, Karikó K, Schreiner P, Martin A, Lutwyche P, Heyes J, Pardi N.: Lyophilization provides long-term stability for a lipid nanoparticle-formulated , nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine. MOLECULAR THERAPY 30:5 pp. 1941-1951., 11 p. (2022) D1
- Pardi N, Carreno JM, O’Dell G, Tan J, Bajusz C, Muramatsu H, Rijnink W, Strohmeier S. et al.: Development of a pentavalent broadly protective nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine against influenza B viruses. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 13:1 Paper: 4677, 14 p. (2022) D1
- Qorri E, Takács B, Gráf A, Enyedi MZ, Pintér L, Kiss E, Haracska L.: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Performance of Prediction Algorithms on Clinically Relevant Missense Variants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOL. SCI. 23:14 p. 7946 (2022) D1
- Rahman A, Lőrincz P, Gohel R, Nagy A, Csordás G, Zhang Y, Juhász G, Nezis IP.: GMAP is an Atg8a-interacting protein that regulates Golgi turnover in Drosophila. CELL REPORTS 39:9 p. 110903 (2022) D1
- Sutus E, Henry S, Adorján L, Kovács G, Pirity MK.: RYBP regulates Pax6 during in vitro neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12:1 Paper: 2364 (2022) D1
- Szikora S, Görög P, Mihály J.: The Mechanisms of Thin Filament Assembly and Length Regulation in Muscles. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOL. SCI. 23:10 p. 5306 (2022) D1
- Tóth R, Balogh D, Pintér L, Jaksa G, Széplaki B, Gráf A, Györfy Z, Enyedi MZ, Kiss E, Haracska L, Unk I.: The Rad5 Helicase and RING Domains Contribute to Genome Stability through their Independent Catalytic Activities. JOURNAL OF MOL. BIOL. 434:5 Paper: 167437 (2022) D1
- Tóth R, Halmai M*, Gyorfy Z, Bálint É, Unk I.: The inner side of yeast PCNA contributes to genome stability by mediating interactions with Rad18 and the replicative DNA polymerase δ. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12:1 Paper: 5163 (2022) D1
- Abuammar H, Bhattacharjee A*, Simon-Vecsei Z*, Blastyák A*, Csordás G*, Páli T, Juhász G: Ion Channels and Pumps in Autophagy: A Reciprocal Relationship. Cells 10: 3537 (2021) IF: 6.600, Q1,
- Bajusz C, Kristó I, Abonyi C, Venit T, Vedelek V, Lukácsovich T, Farkas A, Borkúti P, Kovács Z, Bajusz I, Marton A, Vizler C, Lipinszki Z, Sinka R, Percipalle P, Vilmos P: The nuclear activity of the actin‐binding Moesin protein is necessary for gene expression in Drosophila. FEBS J. 286: 4812-4832 (2021) IF: 5.542, Q1,
- Balog JÁ, Honti V*, Kurucz É*, Kari B, Puskás LG, Andó I, Szebeni GJ: Immunoprofiling of Drosophila Hemocytes by Single-cell Mass Cytometry. Genom. Proteom. Bioinform. gbp.2020.06.22: 1-30 (2021) IF: 7.691, D1,
- Csordás G, Gábor E*, Honti V: There and back again: The mechanisms of differentiation and transdifferentiation in Drosophila blood cells. Dev. Biol. 469: 135–143 (2021) IF: 3.582, Q1,
- Frittmann O, Gali VK, Halmai M, Tóth R, Györfy Z, Bálint E, Unk I: The Zn-finger of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad18 and its adjacent region mediate interaction with Rad5. G3 11: jkab041, (2021) IF: 3.154, Q1,
- Gaur P, Fenteany G*, Tyagi C: Mode of inhibitory binding of epigallocatechin gallate to the ubiquitin-activating enzyme Uba1 via accelerated molecular dynamics. RSC Advances 11: 8264-8276 (2021) IF: 3.361, Q1,
- Gráf A, Enyedi MZ, Pintér L, Kriston-Pál É, Jaksa G, Bálind Á, Ezer É, Horváth P, Sükösd F, Kiss E, Haracska L: The Combination of Single-Cell and Next-Generation Sequencing Can Reveal Mosaicism for BRCA2 Mutations and the Fine Molecular Details of Tumorigenesis. Cancers 13: 2354 (2021) IF: 6.639, Q1,
- Jipa A, Vedelek V, Merényi Z, Ürmösi A, Takáts S, Kovács AL, Horváth GV, Sinka R, Juhász G: Analysis of Drosophila Atg8 proteins reveals multiple lipidation-independent roles. Autophagy 17: 2565-2575 (2021) IF: 16.016, D1,
- Lakatos Zs, Benkő P, Juhász G, Lőrincz P: Drosophila Rab39 Attenuates Lysosomal Degradation Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 10635 (2021) IF: 5.924, D1,
- Li Q, Dudás K, Tick G, Haracska L: Coordinated Cut and Bypass: Replication of Interstrand Crosslink-Containing DNA. Front Cell Dev. Biol. 9: 699966 (2021) IF: 6.684, Q1,
- Manzéger A, Tagscherer K, Lőrincz P, Szaker H, Lukácsovich T, Pliz P, Kméczik R, Csikós G, Erdélyi M, Sass M, Kovács T, Vellai T, Billes VA: Condition-dependent functional shift of two Drosophila Mtmr lipid phosphatases in autophagy control. Autophagy 17: 4010-4028 (2021) IF: 16.016, D1,
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Növénybiológiai Intézet
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- Bernula, P., Pettkó-Szandtner, A., Hajdu, A., Kozma-Bognár, L., Josse, E.-M., Ádám, É., Nagy, F. And Viczián, A. SUMOylation of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3 promotes photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 229: 2050-2061. (2021)
- Knisz, J., Shetty, P., Wirth, R., Maróti, G., Karches, T., Dalkó, I., Bálint, M., Vadkerti, E. and Bíró, T. Genome-level insights into the operation of an on-site biological wastewater treatment unit reveal the importance of storage time. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 766: 144425. (2021)
- Nagy, V., Podmaniczki, A., Vidal-Meireles, A., Kuntam, S., Herman, É., Kovács, L., Tóth, D., Scoma, A., Tóth, S.Z. Thin cell layer cultures of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii L159I-N230Y. pgrl1 and pgr5 mutants perform enhanced hydrogen production at sunlight intensity. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 333: 125217. (2021)
- Sipka, G., Magyar, M., Mezzetti, A., Akhtar, P., Zhu, Q., Xiao, Y., Han, G., Santabarbara, S., Shen, J.-R., Lambrev, P.H., Garab, G. Light-adapted charge-separated state of Photosystem II: Structural and functional dynamics of the closed reaction center. PLANT CELL, 33(4): 1286-1302. (2021)
- Andrási, N.; Pettkó-Szandtner, A.; Szabados, L.: Diversity of plant heat shock factors: regulation, interactions, and functions, Journal of Experimental Botany, 72: 5, 1558-1575, (2021)
- Bernula, P., Pettkó-Szandtner, A., Hajdu, A., Kozma-Bognár, L., Josse, E.-M., Ádám, É., Nagy, F. And Viczián, A. SUMOylation of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3 promotes photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 229: 2050-2061. (2021)
- Dragos, A.; Priyadarshini, B.; Hasan, Z.; Strube, M.L.; Kempen, P.J.; Maroti, G.; Kaspar, C.; Bose, B.; Burton, B.M.; Bischofs, I.B.; Kovacs, A.T.: Pervasive prophage recombination occurs during evolution of spore-forming Bacilli, ISME JOURNAL, DOI:1038/s41396-020-00854-1 (2021)
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- Nagy, V., Podmaniczki, A., Vidal-Meireles, A., Kuntam, S., Herman, É., Kovács, L., Tóth, D., Scoma, A., Tóth, S.Z. Thin cell layer cultures of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii L159I-N230Y. pgrl1 and pgr5 mutants perform enhanced hydrogen production at sunlight intensity. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 333: 125217. (2021)
- Podmaniczki, A.; Nagy, V.; Vidal-Meireles, A.; Tóth, D.; Patai, R.; Kovács, L.; Toth, S.Z.: Ascorbate inactivates the oxygen-evolving complex in prolonged darkness. PhysiologiaPlantarum, 171: 232–245. (2021)
- Sipka, G., Magyar, M., Mezzetti, A., Akhtar, P., Zhu, Q., Xiao, Y., Han, G., Santabarbara, S., Shen, J.-R., Lambrev, P.H., Garab, G. Light-adapted charge-separated state of Photosystem II: Structural and functional dynamics of the closed reaction center. PLANT CELL, 33(4): 1286-1302. (2021)
- Sipka, G.; Magyar, M.; Mezzetti, A.; Akhtar, P.; Zhu, Q.; Xiao, Y.; Han, G.; Santabarbara, S.; Shen, J.-R.; Lambrev, P.H.; Garab, G.: Light-Adapted Charge-Separated State of Photosystem II: Structural and Functional Dynamics of the Closed Reaction Center, The Plant Cell, koab008, (2021)
- Choi, S.W.; Ryu, M.Y.; Viczián, A.; Jung, H.J.; Kim, G.M.; Arce, A.L.; Achkar, N.P.; Manavella, P.; Dolde, U.; Wenkel, S.; Molnár, A.; Nagy, F.; Cho, S.K.; Yang, S.W.: Light triggers the miRNA-biogenetic inconsistency for de-etiolated seedling survivability in Arabidopsis thaliana. MOLECULAR PLANT, 13: 3, pp. 431-445. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2019.10.011. (2020)
- Mergaert, P.; Kereszt, A.; Kondorosi, É.: Gene expression in nitrogen-fixing symbiotic nodule cells in Medicago truncatula and other nodulating plants. PLANT CELL, 32: 1, pp. 42-68. (2020)
- Őszi, E.; Papdi, C.; Mohammed, B.; Pettkó-Szandtner, A.; Vaskó-Leviczky, T.; Molnár, E.; Galvay-Ampudia, C.; Khan, S.; Lopez-Juez, E.; Horváth, B.; Bögre, L.; Magyar, Z.: E2FB interacts with RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED and regulates cell proliferation during leaf development. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 182: 1, pp. 518-533. (2020)
- Viczián, A.; Ádám, É.; Staudt, A.M.; Lambert, D.; Klement, É.; Romero Montepaone, S.; Hiltbrunner, A.; Casal, J.; Schafer, E.; Nagy, F.; Klose, C.: Differential phosphorylation of the N-terminal extension regulates phytochrome B signaling. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 225: pp. 1635-1650. (2020)
- Vidal-Meireles, A.; Tóth, D.; Kovács, L.; Neupert, J.; Toth, S.Z.: Ascorbate deficiency does not limit non-photochemical quenching in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 182: 1, pp. 597-611. (2020)
- Choi, S.W.; Ryu, M.Y.; Viczián, A.; Jung, H.J.; Kim, G.M.; Arce, A.L.; Achkar, N.P.; Manavella, P.; Dolde, U.; Wenkel, S.; Molnár, A.; Nagy, F.; Cho, S.K.; Yang, S.W.: Light triggers the miRNA-biogenetic inconsistency for de-etiolated seedling survivability in Arabidopsis thaliana. MOLECULAR PLANT, 13: 3, pp. 431-445. https://doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2019.10.011. (2020)
- De Luxán-Hernández, C.; Lohmann, J.; Hellmeyer, W.; Seanpong, S.; Wöltje, K.; Magyar, Z.; Pettkó-Szandtner, A.; Pélissier, T.; De Jaeger, G.; Hoth, S.; Mathieu, O.; Weingartner, M.: PP7L is essential for MAIL1-mediated TE silencing and primary root growth. PLANT JOURNAL, 102: 4, pp. 703-717. (2020)
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- Martin, M.; Dragos, A.; Otto, S.B.; Schafer, D.; Brix, S.; Maróti, G.; Kovács, Á.T.: Cheaters shape the evolution of phenotypic heterogeneity in Bacillus subtilis biofilms, ISME JOURNAL, 14(9): 2302-2312. (2020)
- Mergaert, P.; Kereszt, A.; Kondorosi, É.: Gene expression in nitrogen-fixing symbiotic nodule cells in Medicago truncatula and other nodulating plants. THE PLANT CELL, 32: 1, pp. 42-68. (2020)
- Őszi, E.; Papdi, C.; Mohammed, B.; Pettkó-Szandtner, A.; Vaskó-Leviczky, T.; Molnár, E.; Galvay-Ampudia, C.; Khan, S.; Lopez-Juez, E.; Horváth, B.; Bögre, L.; Magyar, Z.: E2FB interacts with RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED and regulates cell proliferation during leaf development. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 182: 1, pp. 518-533. (2020)
- Sós‐Hegedűs, A.; Domonkos, Á.; Tóth, T.; Gyula, P.; Kaló, P.; Szittya, G.: Suppression of NB‐LRR Genes by miRNAs Promotes Nitrogen‐fixing Nodule Development in Medicago truncatula, Plant Cell and Environment, 43: 5, pp. 1117-1129. (2020)
- Viczián, A.; Ádám, É.; Staudt, A.M.; Lambert, D.; Klement, É.; Romero Montepaone, S.; Hiltbrunner, A.; Casal, J.; Schafer, E.; Nagy, F.; Klose, C.: Differential phosphorylation of the N-terminal extension regulates phytochrome B signaling. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 225: pp. 1635-1650. (2020)
- Vidal-Meireles, A.; Tóth, D.; Kovács, L.; Neupert, J.; Toth, S.Z.: Ascorbate deficiency does not limit non-photochemical quenching in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 182: 1, pp. 597-611. (2020)
- Walton, J.H.; Kontra-Kovats, G.; Green, R.T.; Domonkos, A.; Horvath, B.; Brear, E.M.; Franceschetti, M.; Kaló, P.; Balk, J.: The Medicago truncatula Vacuolar iron Transporter-Like proteins VTL4 and VTL8 deliver iron to symbiotic bacteria at differentstages of the infection process. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 228: 651–666. (2020)
- Andrási, N.; Rigó, G.; Zsigmond, L.; Pérez-Salamó, I.; Papdi, C.; Klement, E.; Baba, A.I.; Ayaydin, F.; Dasari, R.; Cséplő, Á.; Szabados, L.: The MPK4-phosphorylated Heat Shock Factor A4A regulates responses to combined salt and heat stresses. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 70: 18, pp. 4903-4918. (2019)
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- Tóth, S.Z.; Yacoby, I.: Paradigm shift in algal H2 production: Bypassing competitive processes. TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 37: 11, pp. 1159-1163. (2019)
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- Vanhaelewyn, L.; Viczián, A.; Prinsen, E.; Bernula, P.; Serrano, A.M.; Arana, M.V.; Ballaré, C.L.; Nagy, F.; Van Der Straeten, D.; Vandenbussche, F.: Differential UVR8 signal across the stem controls UV-B-induced inflorescence phototropism. PLANT CELL, 31: 9, pp. 2070-2088. (2019)
- Dragoš, A.; Martin, M.; Garcia, C.F.; Kricks, L.; Pausch, P.; Heimerl, T.; Bálint, B.; Maróti, G.; Bange, G.; López, D.; Lieleg, O.; Kovács, Á.T.: Collapse of genetic division of labour and evolution of autonomy in pellicle biofilms. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY, 3: 12, pp. 1451-1460. (2018)
- Hajdu, A.; Dobos, O.; Domijan, M.; Bálint, B.; Nagy, I.; Nagy, F.; Kozma-Bognár, L.: ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 mediates blue light signaling to the Arabidopsis circadian clock. PLANT JOURNAL, 96: 6, pp. 1242-1254. (2018)
- Magyar, M.; Sipka, G.; Kovacs, L.; Ughy, B.; Zhu, Q.; Han, G.; Spunda, V.; Lambrev, P.H.; Shen, J.-R.; Garab, G.: Rate-limiting steps in the dark-to-light transition of Photosystem II - revealed by chlorophyll-a fluorescence induction. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8: 1, pp. 2755. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-21195-2(2018)
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- Horvath, B.M.; Kourova, H.; Nagy, S.; Nemeth, E.; Magyar, Z.; Papdi, C.;(16, Pettkó-Szandtner A): Arabidopsis RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED directly regulates DNA damage responses through functions beyond cell cycle control. EMBO JOURNAL, 36: 9, pp.1261-1278. (2017)
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- Vidal-Meireles, A.; Neupert, J.; Zsigmond, L.; Rosado-Souza, L.; Kovács, L.; Nagy, V.;(10, Galambos A, Tóth, S.Z.: Regulation of ascorbate biosynthesis in green algae has evolved to enable rapid stress-induced response via the VTC2 gene encoding GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 214: 2, pp. 668-681 (2017)
- Dudits, D.; Török, K.; Cseri, A.; Paul, K.; Nagy, A.V.; Nagy, B.; Sass, L.; Ferenc, G.; Vankova, R.; Dobrev, P.; Vass, I.; Ayaydin; F.: Response of organ structure and physiology to autotetraploidization in early development of energy willow Salix viminalis L. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 170: 3, pp. 1504-1523. (2016)
- Herdean, A.; Teardo, E.; Nilsson, A.K.; Pfeil, B.E.; Johansson, O.N.; Ünnep, R.; Nagy, G.; Zsiros, O.; Dana, S.; Solymosi, K.; Garab, G.; Szabó, I.; Spetea, C.; Lundin, B.: A voltage-dependent chloride channel fine-tunes photosynthesis in plants. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 7: pp. 11654. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11654. (2016)
- Kirchenbauer, D.; Viczián, A.;, Ádám, É.;, Hegedűs, Z.; Klose, C.; Leppert, M.; Hiltbrunner, A.; Kircher, S.; Schaefer, E.; Nagy, F.: Characterization of photomorphogenic responses and signaling cascades controlled by phytochrome-A expressed in different tissues. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 211: 2, pp. 584-598. (2016)
- Nielsen, J.T.; Kulminskaya, N.V.; Bjerring, M.; Linnanto, J.M.; Rätsep, M.; Pedersen, M.Ø.; Lambrev, P.H.; Dorogi, M.; Garab, G.; Thomsen, K.; Jegerschöld, C.; Frigaard, N.-U.; Lindhal, M.; Nielsen, N. Chr.: In situ high-resolution structure of the baseplate antenna complex in Chlorobaculum tepidum. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 7: pp. 12454. (2016)
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