HUN-REN Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont - Publikációk
- Papp Zsófia, Azevedo et al.: Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. In Azevedo et al. (2023) Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Scientific Data, First published 11 May 2023, 8,501 Q1 - Zombory Máté, Kékesi Zoltán: Beyond multidirectional memory: Opening pathways to politics and solidarity. Memory Studies June 2023 online first. 1, 053 Q1
- Ring Orsolya, Üveges István: HunEmBERT: a fine-tuned BERT-model for classifying sentiment and emotion in political communication
IEEE Access, 2023. június. 3,476 Q1 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3285536 - Sebők Miklós, Kiss Rebeka, Kovács Ádám: The Concept and Measurement of Legislative Backsliding. Parliamentary Affairs, gsad 014, Published: 12 June 2023, 1,324 Q1
- Petrekanics Márton, Bene Mátyás: Facebook as a Political Marketing Tool in an Illiberal Context. Mapping Political Advertising Activity on Facebook during the 2019 Hungarian European Parliament and Local Election Campaigns. Journal of Political Marketing, online first, 1-20. 1,2 Q1
- Bene Márton, Boda Zsolt:A safety net against populism? An investigation of the interaction effect of political efficacy and democratic capacities on populist attitudes. Political Research Exchange, online first, 1-22. 2,4 Q1
- Susánszky Pál, Bernhard Kittel; Akos Kopper: Acceptance of political restrictions and societal polarization during the COVID-19 pandemic – a comparative study of Austria and Hungary. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 2,156 Q1 - Elwert, Felix Keller, Tamás Kotsadam, Andreas: Rearranging the Desk Chairs: A Large Randomized Field Experiment on the Effects of Close Contact on Interethnic Relations. American Journal of Sociology. 4,4 Q1
- Gárdos Judit: Questions and Explanations in Sociology A Science Studies Field Study. Science & Technology Studies, 2023, online first. 3,105 D1 - Bíró-Nagy András, Ania Skrzypek: The Social Democratic Parties in the Visegrád Countries: Predicaments and Prospects for Progressivism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (Svájc), 2023, 230 oldal
- Turán Tamás: Ignaz Goldziher as a Jewish Orientalist. Traditional Learning, Critical Scholarship, and Personal Piety
- Hoffman István: Local development policies in the V4 countries – in the light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Comparative Politics 16 (1) (2023) 64-79 0,9. - Mikecz Dániel, Böcskei Balázs, Vasali Zoltán: Populist Counterframing of the Climate Movement: The Case of the Hungarian Incumbent Right Politologicky Casopis / Czech Journal of Political Science 30 : 2 pp. 116-132. , 17 p. 0,7 Q3
- Gruszczynski Lukasz, Joanne Scott: The WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. A Commentary. Oxford University Press, 2023 - Kmetty Zoltán, Bouzarovski, S., Damigos, D., Simcock, N., Robinson, C., Jayyousi, M., & Crowther, A: Energy justice intermediaries: Living Labs in the low-carbon transformation. Local Environment, 1-18. 2,4 Q1
- Rakovics Zsófia, Máté-Tóth András: The Discourse of Christianity in Viktor Orbán’s Rhetoric
Religions 2023, 14(8), 1035; 0,8 Q1 - Hajdu Gábor, Hajdu Tamás: Does the unemployment rate moderate the well-being disadvantage of the unemployed? Within-region estimates from the European Social Survey. Kyklos, First published: 04 September 2023 1, Q1
- Hermann Zoltán, Kisfalusi Dorottya: School segregation, student achievement, and educational attainment in HungaryHermann Z., Kisfalusi D. (2023): School segregation, student achievement, and educational attainment in Hungary. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 2 ,0 Q1 - Kisfalusi Dorottya: Are equally competent Roma-minority students perceived as less smart than their non-Roma classmates? Ethnic differences in teachers’ ability attributions. Kisfalusi, D. (2023): Are equally competent Roma minority students perceived as less smart than their non-Roma classmates? Ethnic differences in teachers’ ability attributions. Journal for Multicultural Education, DOI: 10.1108/JME-03-2023-0015. Q1
- Győri Ágnes, Kovách Imre: The New Dimension of Social Inequality: The Agricultural Land Use Structure and the Development Level of Settlements
Social Sciences (BASEL), 2023: 12(2), Paper: 88. 1,7 Q2. - Bíró-Nagy András, Buzogány Áron: Beyond Institutional Adaptation: Legislative Europeanisation and Parliamentary Attention to the EU in the Hungarian Parliament. Parliamentary Affairs, 2023, online first 1,2 Q1
- Kovách Imre, Bai Attila, Czibere Ibolya, Megyesi Boldizsár, Balogh Péter: The monetary value of convenience and environmental features in residential heat energy consumption, in particular its social determinants. Energy Strategy Reviews 2211-467X 2211-4688 50 pp. 1-18 2023. 10,1 Q1 - Mikecz Dániel: Civil Movements in an Illiberal Regime. Political Activism in Hungary
- Kiss Rebeka, Sebők, Miklós; Gárdos-Orosz, Fruzsina; Járay, István: The Transparency of Constitutional Reasoning: A Text Mining Analysis of the Hungarian Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia 32: 3 pp. 11-44. 34 p. (2023) 0.23 Q2 - Koltai Júlia Anna, Rebeka O. Szabó, Federico Battiston: Faultlines, Familiarity, Communication: Predictors and Moderators of Team Success in Escape Rooms. Small Group Research, first published online July 2, 2023 Q1
- Gárdos Judit, Egyed-Gergely, Júlia és Horváth, Anna és Pataki, Balázs és Vajda, Róza és Micsik, András: Identification of social scientifically relevant topics in an interview repository: a natural language processing experiment. Journal of Documentation, ahead of print. 2,1 Q1
- Bíró-Nagy András, Szászi Áron: Perceptions of the European Union’s Policy Impact: Europeanisation of Public Attitudes in Hungary
East European Politics and Societies, 2023, online first. 0,7 Q2 - Valuch Tibor: The changing world of labour in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe before and after the 1989/90 transition
Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe,Volume 31, Issue 2 (2023) 174-188 Q1 - Nagy Csongor István: The EU’s New Regime on Foreign Subsidies: Has the Time Come for a Paradigm-Shift? Journal of World Trade, vol. 57, no. 6 (December 2023) Q1 (2021)
- Gergely Olt, Borbála Simonovits, Anikó Bernát, Adrienne Csizmady: Commodification and Increasing Potential Ground Rents in Post-Socialist Budapest
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol. 0, No. 0, pp. 1–16. 4,8 Q1 - Stojilovska Ana, Thomson, Harriet ; Mejía-Montero, Adolfo: Making a Case for Centring Energy Poverty in Social Policy in Light of the Climate Emergency: A Global Integrative Review. Social Policy and Society, 1-15. doi:10.1017/S1474746423000209. 1,5 Q1
- Keller Tamás, Felix Elwert: Feasible Peer Effects: Experimental Evidence for Deskmate Effects on Educational Achievement and Inequality. Sociological Science. 6,222 Q1
- Bene Márton, Dobos Gábor: In the Web of the Parties: Local Politicians on Facebook in Hungary
Bene, Márton & Gábor Dobos (2023). In the web of the parties: Local politicians on Facebook in Hungary. Media & Communication, 11(3), 141-152 3,1Q1 - Bene, Márton, Melanie Magin, Jörg Haßler, Uta Russmann, Darren Lilleker, Simon Kruschinski, Daniel Jackson, Vicente Fenoll, Xénia Farkas, Paweł Baranowski & Delia Balaban: Populism in Context: A Cross-Country Investigation of the Facebook Usage of Populist Appeals During the 2019 European Parliament Elections. The International Journal of Press/Politics, Online first. (IF= 4.8; Scimago = Q1) - Simonovits Gabor, Julia Payson: Locally Controlled Minimum Wages Leapfrog Public Preferences. Quarterly Journal of Political Science: Vol. 18: No. 4, pp 543-570. 1,7 D1
- Simonovits Gabor, Alexander Bor: Stability and change in the opinion-policy relationship: Evidence from state minimum wage laws. Research and Politics 2,7 D1 - Eszter Neumann & Paweł Rudnicki (2023) Populist radical-right governments in Central-Eastern Europe and education policy-making: a comparison of Hungary and Poland, Journal of Contemporary European Studies,
DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2023.2211935 1,3 Q1/Q2
2022. 1. félév
Impakt faktoros nemzetközi folyóiratcikk
- Márton Gerő - Anna Fejős - Szabina Kerényi - Dorottya Szikra (2022). From Exclusion to Co-Optation: Political Opportunity Structures and Civil Society Responses in De-Democratising Hungary. Politics and Governance, 11(1). (Q1, IF: 1.775)
- Judit Takács – Katherine Fobear – Szilvia Schmitsek (2022) Resisting Genderphobia in Hungary. Politics and Governance 10(4) 1-11. (Q1, IF: 1,775)
- Adrienne Csizmady – Lea Kőszeghy (2022) 'Generation Rent’ in a Super Homeownership Environment: The Case of Budapest, Hungary, Sustainability 14(14), 8929; (Q2, IF: 3.889)
- Aron Buzogány – Szabina Kerényi – Gergely Olt (2022): Back to the grassroots? The shrinking space of environmental activism in illiberal Hungary. Environmental Politics (Q1, IF: 5.147)
- Ivett Szalma – Hana Hašková – Livia Oláh – Judit Takács (2022) Fragile Pronatalism? Barriers to Parenthood, One-Child Families, and Childlessness in European Post-Socialist Countries, Social Inclusion (10)3, 82-86. (Q2, IF: 1.543)
- Ivett Szalma – Judit Takács (2022) Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter? Social Inclusion (10)3, 138-148. (Q2, IF: 1.543)
- Veronika Paksi – Beáta Nagy – Katalin Tardos (2022) Perception of Barriers to Motherhood: Female Phd Students’ Changing Family Plans in the STEM Fields, Social Inclusion (10)3, 149-159. (Q2, IF: 1.543)
- Ákos Huszár, Ágnes Győri, Karolina Balogh (2022): Resistance to Change: Intergenerational Class Mobility in Hungary, 1973–2018. Sociological Research Online. (Q1, IF: 2.41)
- Bernadett Csurgó, Melanie K. Smith (2022): Cultural Heritage, Sense of Place and Tourism: An Analysis of Cultural Ecosystem Services in Rural Hungary. Sustainability Vol 14, no. 12: 7305. (Q1, IF: 3.251)
- Adrienne Csizmady, Márton Bagyura, Gergely Olt (2022): From a Small Village to an Exclusive Gated Community: Unplanned Suburbanisation and Local Sovereignty in Post‐Socialist Hungary. Urban Planning, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Online first (Q2)
- Ivett Szalma, Judit Takács (2022): Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter? Social Inclusion Volume 10, Issue 3, (IF:1.333)
- Marieke Heers – Ivett Szalma (2022) Gender role attitudes and father practices as predictors of nonresident father-child contact. PLOS One 17(4): e026680, (IF: 3.04, Q1)
- Herke, Boglárka – Vicsek, Lilla (2022) The attitudes of young citizens in higher education towards universal basic income in the context of automation – A qualitative study. International Journal of Social Welfare, 1– 13. (IF: 1.96, Q1)
- Stefkovics, Ádám – Sik, Endre (2022) What Drives Happiness? The Interviewer’s Happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies (IF: 3.852)
- Czibere, Ibolya – Kovách, Imre – Szukalski, Piotr – Starosta, Pawel (2021): Depopulation and Public Policies in Rural Central Europe. The Hungarian and Polish Cases. Ager: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblacion y Desarrollo Rural, 33, 57-82. (Q3)
- Kovách, Imre – Megyesi, Boldizsár – Bai, Attila – Balogh, Péter (2022): Sustainability and Agricultural Regeneration in Hungarian Agriculture. Sustainability, 14(2), 969. (IF: 3.25, Q1)
- Attila Bai – Imre Kovách – Ibolya Czibere – Boldizsár Megyesi – Péter Balogh (2022) Examining the Adoption of Drones and Categorisation of Precision Elements among Hungarian Precision Farmers Using a Trans-Theoretical Model Drones 6(8) 200. (IF: 5.532)
- Adrienne Csizmady – Ágnes Győri – Lea Kőszeghy (2022) No money, no housing security? The role of intergenerational transfers, savings, and mortgage in mobility within and into insecure housing positions in Hungary. Eastern Journal of European Studies 13(1): 208-227. (Q2)
Könyv, könyvfejezet
- Cornelia Möser, Jennifer Ramme, Judit Takács (Eds.) (2022): Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 278.
- Cornelia Möser, Jennifer Ramme, Judit Takács (2022) Paradoxes that Matter. Introducing Critical Perspectives on Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe. In Möser, C.; Ramme, J.; Takács J. (Eds.) Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 1-24.
- Zsuzsanna, Árendás – Judit, Durst – Noémi, Katona – Vera, Messing (2022) The Limits of Trading Cultural Capital: Returning Migrant Children and Their Educational Trajectory in Hungary, In: Atterberry, A.L., McCallum, D.G., Tu, S., Lutz, A. and Bass, L.E. (Ed.) Children and Youths' Migration in a Global Landscape (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 29), Emerald Publishing Limited. 115-139.
- Csanádi, Mária – Gerő, Márton – Hajdu, Miklós – Kovách, Imre – Tóth, István János – Laki, Mihály (2022) Dynamics of an Authoritarian System: Hungary, 2010–2021, Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press.
- Kovách, Imre – Gerő, Márton (2022) Redistribution and Integration. In: Csanádi, Mária – Gerő, Márton – Hajdu, Miklós – Kovách, Imre – Tóth, István János – Laki, Mihály: Dynamics of an Authoritarian System: Hungary, 2010–2021, Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press. 201-229.
2021. 2. félév
- Balázs Zoltán: Constraining Government. "Lexington Books. Lanham; New York; London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2021.
- Balázs Zoltán: The Sovereign’s Beatitude. Political Theory 4 (2021): 1-21. Q1
- Balogh Karolina, Huszár Ákos, Győri Ágnes: Differences in the Domestic Energy Consumption in Hungary: Trends between 2006–2017. Energies folyóirat, 2021. október. 3,004. Q2
- Bene Márton, Simon Kruschinski: In varietate concordia?! Political parties’ digital political marketing in the 2019 European Parliament election campaign. European Union Politics, Online first, 1-23. 3,391. Q1
- Bene Márton, Simon Kruschinski: Political Advertising on Facebook. Jörg, Haßler; Melanie, Magin; Uta, Russmann; Vicente, Fenoll (szerk.) Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election: Informing, Interacting with, and Mobilising Voters London, Egyesült Királyság: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2021) 331 p. pp. 283-299. Paper: Chapter 18 , 17 p.
- Bene Márton, Farkas Xénia, Burai Krisztina: Same Strategy, but Different Content. Hungarian Parties’ Facebook Campaign During the 2019 EP Election. Jörg, Haßler; Melanie, Magin; Uta, Russmann; Vicente, Fenoll (szerk.) Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election: Informing, Interacting with, and Mobilising Voters London, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2021) 331 p. pp. 119-134. Paper: Chapter 8, 16 p.
- Benedek István, Arató Krisztina: Are democratic backsliding and staying out of the Eurozone interconnected? In: Arató Krisztina - Koller Boglárka - Pelle Anita (2021): The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? (1st ed.). London, New York (NY): Routledge. Chapter 4.
- Bocskor Ákos: Reputational Status Dynamics from a Mixed Methods Perspective: Coolness and Popularity in a Hungarian Primary School Sample. Youth & Society. May 2021 (online first) 2,923. Q1
- Boda Zsolt, Hajnal György: Illiberal Transformation of Government Bureaucracy in a Fragile Democracy: The Case of Hungary
- Boda Zsolt, Szűcs Zoltán: When Illiberalism Meets Neoliberalism: State and the Social Sciences in Present Hungary.
- Csata Zsombor, Marácz László: Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: Linguistic Justice and Language Policy. Social Inclusion, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pp. 1–4. 1,333. Q2
- Csata Zsombor, Roman Hlatky, Amy H. Liu, Ariel Pitre Young: The economic effects of the territoriality principle Evidence from Transylvania, Romania. Language Problems and Language Planning, Volume 45 (2021), Issue 2, pp.165–187. 0,517. Q2
- Csizmady Adrienne, Zoltán Ferencz, Lea Kőszeghy, Gergely Tóth: Beyond the Energy Poor/Non Energy Poor Divide: Energy Vulnerability and Mindsets on Energy Generation Modes in Hungary. Energies 2021, 14, 6487. en14206487. 3,004. Q2.
- Csizmady Adrienne, Bernadett Csurgó, Szabina Kerényi, András Balázs, Veronika Kocsis: Young Farmers’ Perceptions of Sustainability in a Wine Region in Hungary. Land. 2021; 10(8):815. 3,395. Q2 (
- Csurgó Bernadett, Melanie.K. Smith: The value of cultural ecosystem services in a rural landscape context. Journal of Rural Studies, 2021. Vol 86. 76-86. 4,849. Q1
- Dobos Gábor: Municipal splits and hidden amalgamations in Hungary. Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development 2021/1 pp. 37-45. Q2
- Farkas Eszter: Discussing immigration in an illiberal media environment: Hungarian political scientists about the migration crisis in online public discourses. European Political Science, 2021. június 10., p. 1-20. 1,756. 0.78
- Fedinec Csilla, Szakál Imre: Another Short-Lived State of the Carpatho-Rusins – the Hutsul Republic Rusin International Journal of History vol, 64 (2021) no. 2, pp. 115-134. Q2
- Fekete Balázs: Legal Ethnology and Legal Anthropology in Hungary. In Marie-Claire, Foblets; Mark, Goodale; Maria, Sapignoli; Olaf, Zenker (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology Oxford, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia : Oxford University Press (2021) Online first.
- Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina Kinga: Why does a constitutional change emerge and who has a say in it? Constitution-making, constitutional amendments and their constitutional review in Hungary between 2010 and 2018. 2020 Edward Elgar In: Martin, Belov; Antoni, Abat i Ninet (szerk.) Revolution, Transition, Memory, and Oblivion. Reflections on Constitutional Change
- Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina, Szente Zoltán (szerk): Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond. London and New York, Routledge, 2021. 329.
- Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina, Szente Zoltán: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation: An Assessment. In: Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz and Zoltán Szente eds., Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond; New York-London, Routledge, 2021. pp. 329.
- Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina, Szente Zoltán: The art of constitutional interpretation. In Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz and Zoltán Szente (eds.) Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond, Routledge, New York-London, 2021. pp. 329.
- Gruszczynski Lukasz: SPS: Environmental Risk Assessment P. Delimatsis & L. Reins (eds.), Trade and Environmental Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: 2021
- Gulyás Attila, Koltai Júlia, Ságvári Bence: Attitudes towards Participation in a Passive Data Collection Experiment. Sensors 2021, 21(18), 6085; 3,56. Q2
- Győri Ágnes, Perpék Éva: Work conditions and burnout: an exploratory study among Hungarian workers in family and child welfare, child protection and pedagogical professional services. European Journal of Social Work, Taylor&Francis, online first, 1-16 pp., 2021. november. 1,8. Q1
- Győri Ágnes, Perpék Éva, Lengyel György: Preferred leadership style, managerial and entrepreneurial inclination among Hungarian students. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 10, 44 (2021) SCOPUS CiteScore 2020 3.3, SJR 2020 0.480, SNIP 2020 1.716, Q2
- Győry Csaba: Day Fines in Hungary. In E. Kantorowicz-Reznichenko & M. Faure (Eds.), Day Fines in Europe: Assessing Income-Based Sanctions in Criminal Justice Systems (pp. 146-166). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hajdu Gábor, Hajdu Tamás: Temperature, climate change, and birth weight: evidence from Hungary. Population and Environment , 43(2), 131–148. 3,537. Q1 (Demography: 13/110)
- Hajnal György, Katarina Staronova: Changing patterns of individual performance appraisal systems for civil service in European Union countries: toward a developmental or an incentivizing model International Journal of Public Sector Management Paper: ahead-of-print, 17 p. (2021) Q1 (2020 PolSci)
- Huszár Ákos, Füzér, Katalin; Bodor, Ákos; Bálint, Lajos; Pirmajer, Attila: Social capitals, social class, and prosperity in high-trust and low-trust societies. International Journal of Sociology Volume 50, 2020 - Issue 1, pp. 48-67. Q2
- Illés Gábor István, Körösényi András: From the theater to the hippodrome: A critique of Jeffrey Green’s theory of plebiscitary democracy and an alternative. Contemporary Political Theory, 2021. október 6. (Online first). 0,892. Q2 (2020)
- Janky Béla, Kisfalusi Dorottya, Takács Károly: Grading in Hungarian Primary Schools: Mechanisms of Ethnic Discrimination against Roma Students. European Sociological Review, 2,96
- Katona Noémi: Combating trafficking of Hungarian women to Western Europe: a multi-level analysis of the international law enforcement cooperation. Trends in Organized Crime 1084-4791 22 1 1–29. 2,8
- Keller Tamás: Proximity can induce diverse friendships: A large randomized classroom experiment. Plos One. 2,74. Q1
- Keller Tamás, Szakál Péter: Not just words! Effects of a light-touch randomized encouragement intervention on students’ exam grades, self-efficacy, motivation, and test anxiety. Plos One, 2,74. Q1
- Keller Tamás, Takács Károly, Felix Elwert: Yes, You Can! Effects of Transparent Admission Standards on High School Track Choice: A Randomized Field Experiment. Social Forces. 3,57. Q1
- Kisfalusi Dorottya, Romano, Angelo, Francesca Giardini, Simon Columbus, Erik W. de Kwaadsteniet, Zegni Triki, Chris Snijders, Kristin Hagel: Reputation and socio-ecology in humans. Philosophical Transactions B, Volume 376 Issue 1838, 6,237
- Kisfalusi Dorottya, Marianne Hooijsma, Gijs Huitsing, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Andreas Flache, René Veenstra. Crossing ethnic boundaries? A social network investigation of defending relationships in schools. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 3,129
- Kiss Balázs: Double Ressentiment. The Political Communication of Kulturkampf in Hungary. Politics and Governance, Vol 9, No 3, 2021, 227-236. 2,061. Q1
- Kiss Balázs, Szabó Gabriella: Sharing political nostalgia in Hungary. Is yearning for the past successful on social media? Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2021.1995332 online first, 1,867, Q2
- Kmetty Zoltán, Stefkovics Ádám: Assessing the effect of questionnaire design on unit and item-nonresponse: evidence from an online experiment. International Journal of Social Research Methodology Online first pp. 1-14. , 14 p. (2021) 3,061. Q1
- Koltai Júlia Anna, Tófalvy Tamás: “Splendid Isolation”: The reproduction of music industry inequalities in Spotify’s recommendation system. New Media & Society (online first: 1-25) 8,061. Q1
- Kovách Imre, Péter Balogh, Attila Bai, Ibolya Czibere, László Fodor, Ágnes Bujdosó, Dénes Sulyok, Zoltán Gabnai, Zoltán Birkner: Economic and Social Barriers of Precision Farming in Hungary. Agronomy 11 : 6 pp. 1112-1136. 27 p. (2021) 3,417. Q1
- Kovách Imre, Czibere Ibolya: State Populism in Rural Hungary. Rural Sociology online first : 31 August 2021 pp. 1-25. Paper: ruso.12407 DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12407 4,078. Q1
- Kovách Imre, Barthes, A.; Oral, H.V.; Smederevac-Lalic, M Megyesi B: Knowledge Use in Education for Environmental Citizenship—Results of Four Case Studies in Europe (France, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey). Sustainability 2021, 13, 11118. su131911118. 3,251. Q1
- Kőszeghy Lea, Bajomi Anna Zsófia, Feldmár Nóra: Trapped in politics - Energy poverty in Hungary. Routledge, 2020. George Jiglau, Anca Sinea, Ute Dubois, Philipp Biermann (eds.) Perspectives on Energy Poverty in Post-Communist Europe, pp. 25-55.
- Mátyás Eszter, Oross Dániel, Sergiu Gherghina: Sustainability and Politics: Explaining the Emergence of the 2020 Budapest Climate Assembly Sustainability 2021, 13(11), 6100, 2021 May 28, 3,251
- Medgyesi Márton, Pieter Vanhuysse, Róbert Iván Gál: Welfare states as lifecycle redistribution machines: Decomposing the roles of age and socio-economic status shows that European tax-and-benefit systems primarily redistribute across age groups. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255760. 3,24. Q1
- Megyesi Gergely Boldizsár: Towards a Cross-Sectoral View of Nature-Based Solutions for Enabling Circular Cities. Water 2021, 13(17), 2352. 3,103 Q1 (Geography planning and development
- Metz Rudolf: The missing link: Studying political leadership from the followers’ perspective. Politics. 2,492. Q1
- Metz Rudolf, Várnagy Réka: “Mass,” “Movement,” “Personal,” or “Cartel” Party? Fidesz’s Hybrid Organisational Strategy. Politics and Governance (9)4. 2,061. Q1
- Metz Rudolf, David Wineroither: A Tale of Odds and Ratios: Political Preference Formation in Postindustrial Democracies. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 0,926 Q3
- Nagy Csongor István: Case C-66/18 Commission v. Hungary (Central European University). American Journal of International Law, 2021. 115. évf. 4. sz. 700-706. o., doi:10.1017/ajil.2021.45. 3,091. Q1, H-INDEX: 73
- Nagy Csongor István: EU Competition Law Devours Its Children: The Proliferation Of Anti-Competitive Object And The Problem Of False Positives. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, (2021), pp. 1–21 doi:10.1017/cel.2021.2. Q1
- Neumann Eszter, Mitescu-Manea, M., Safta-Zecheria, L., Bodrug-Lungu, V., Milenkova, V., & Lendzhova, V.: Inequities in first education policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis: A comparative analysis in four Central and East European countries. European Educational Research Journal. 2,509. Q3
- Olt Gergely, Csizmady Adrienne, Melanie Smith, Sziva Ivett: Gentrification, tourism and the night-time economy in Budapest's district VII – the role of regulation in a post-socialist context Tourism and the Night Rethinking Nocturnal Destinations Edited By Andrew Smith, Adam Eldridge Copyright Year 2021. ISBN 9780367695132 Published May 19, 2021 by Routledge 126 Pages
- Oross Dániel, Kiss Gabriella: More than just an experiment? Politicians arguments behind introducing participatory budgeting in Budapest. Acta Politica, online first 2,404. Q1
- Oross Dániel, Paul Tap: Moving online: political parties and the internal use of digital tools in Hungary. European Societies, Taylor and Francis Online, online first, 2,923. Q1 0.769 (2020) SJR
- Oross Dániel, Paul Tap: Using deliberation for partisan purposes: evidence from the Hungarian National Consultation Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. 1,867. Q1
- Oross Dániel, Mátyás Eszter, Sergiu Gherghina: Sustainability and Politics: Explaining the Emergence of the 2020 Budapest Climate Assembly. Sustainability 2021, 13(11), 6100; 3,251. Q1 (Geography, Planning and Development)
- Patkós Veronika: Does partisan polarisation predict economic growth? Evidence from 27 European countries. Contemporary Politics, Published online: 28 Oct 2021, 1,578. Q1
- Péli Gábor, Rudas Tamás: Changing Understanding in Algorithmic Societies: Exploring a New Social Reality with the Tools of Computational Social Science. In Pathways Between Social Science and Computational Social Science , Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021, pp. 259-271.
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- Pokornyi Zsanett, Sághy Eszter: The Policy Agendas of Liberal and Illiberal Democracy. In: Policy Agendas in Autocracy, and Hybrid Regimes. The Case of Hungary. Editors: Sebők, Miklós, Boda, Zsolt (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2030
- Ságvári Bence, Gergő Tóth, Johannes Wachs, Riccardo Di Clemente, Ákos Jakobi, János Kertész & Balázs Lengyel: Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology. Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 1143 (2021). 12.121, D1
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- Sebők Miklós, Kristin Makszin, Jasper Simons: Mission adapted: the hidden role of governors in shaping central bank operating missions in Hungary. East European Politics, first view, Q1
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- Bartha Attila, Ilona Liliána Birtalan; Ágnes Neulinger; György Bárdos; Attila Oláh; József Rácz; Adrien Rigó: Community Supported Agriculture as a Driver of Food-Related Well-being. Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) Vol. 12 Open Access. 2018 IF 2.592, Q2
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- Chronowski Nóra, Bárd Petra, Sulyok Gábor, Varju Márton: Hungary: Constitutional (R)evolution or Regression? National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law – National Reports (eds. Anneli Albi and Samo Bardutzky), print ISBN 978-94-6265-272-9, e-book ISBN 978-94-6265-273-6, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague 2019. 1439-1488.
- Csata Zsombor, Hlatky, Amy H. Liu: How to head count ethnic minorities: validity of census surveys versus other identification strategies. East European Politics, Volume 36, Issue 4 (2020). IF 0,57, Q1
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- Papp Mónika, Varju Márton: Member State Capitalism(s) and EU Law: Protecting Local Varieties in the Single Market. Nagy, Csongor István (szerk.) World Trade and Local Public Interest: Trade Liberalization and National Regulatory Sovereignty Heidelberg, Németország : Springer International Publishing, (2020) pp. 95-115
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- Sebők Miklós, Kacsuk Zoltán: The Multiclass Classification of Newspaper Articles with Machine Learning: The Hybrid Binary Snowball Approach Political Analysis, 1-14. doi:10.1017/pan.2020.27. IF 4.232, D1
- Susánszky Pál, Manuela Caiani: Radical-Right Political Activism on the Web and the Challenge for European Democracy: A Perspective from Eastern and Central Europe. Routledge, 2020, Democracy and Fake News Information Manipulation and Post-Truth Politics By Serena Giusti, Elisa Piras
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- Varju Márton: 5G Networks, (Cyber)Security Harmonisation and the Internal Market: the Limits of Article 114 TFEU EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW 45 : 4 pp. 471-486. 16 p. (2020) Q2
2020. 2. félév
- Albert Fruzsina, Hajdu Gábor: Association between poverty indicators and social relations. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, vol xx, no xx, 1–23, DOI: 10.1332/175982720X15966472176159. IF 0,952, Q1
- Barczikay Tamás, Biedermann Zsuzsánna, Szalai László: An Investigation of a Partial Dutch Disease in Botswana 2020, Resources Policy, Vol. 67, p.1-8. IF 3.986 Q1
- Bartha Attila, Boda Zsolt, Szikra Dorottya: When Populist Leaders Govern: Conceptualising Populism in Policy Making. Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183-2463) 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, DOI: 10.17645/pag.v8i3.2922. 2018 IF 1.333, Q1
- Bartha Attila, Ilona Liliána Birtalan; Ágnes Neulinger; György Bárdos; Attila Oláh; József Rácz; Adrien Rigó: Community Supported Agriculture as a Driver of Food-Related Well-being. Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) Vol. 12 Open Access. 2018 IF 2.592, Q2
- Bartha Attila, Zentai Violetta: Long-Term Care and Gender Equality: Fuzzy-Set Ideal Types of Care Regimes in Europe 2020 okt. 9, Social Inclusion (ISSN: 2183–2803) 2020, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 92–102 DOI: 10.17645/si.v8i4.295. IF 2019: 1,297, Q2
- Bene Márton: Images, Politicians, and Social Media: Patterns and Effects of Politicians’ Image-based Political Communication Strategies on Social Media The International Journal of Press/Politics. Online first, September 2020. doi:10.1177/1940161220959553. IF 2.612
- Chronowski Nóra, Bárd Petra, Sulyok Gábor, Varju Márton: Hungary: Constitutional (R)evolution or Regression? National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law – National Reports (eds. Anneli Albi and Samo Bardutzky), print ISBN 978-94-6265-272-9, e-book ISBN 978-94-6265-273-6, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague 2019. 1439-1488.
- Csata Zsombor, Hlatky, Amy H. Liu: How to head count ethnic minorities: validity of census surveys versus other identification strategies. East European Politics, Volume 36, Issue 4 (2020). IF 0,57, Q1
- Bene Márton, Farkas Xénia: Images, Politicians, and Social Media: Patterns and Effects of Politicians’ Image-based Political Communication Strategies on Social Media. The International Journal of Press/Politics. Online first, September 2020. IF 2,612
- Feischmidt Margit, Zakariás Ildikó: ‘We Are That In-Between Nation’: Discourses of Deservingness of Hungarian Migrants Working in Institutions of Refugee Accommodation in Germany. Sociology, 2020. aug. 29. IF 3.068, Q1
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- Gerő Márton, Susánszky Pál, Kopper Ákos, Tüth Gergely: Strategies for survival: Human Rights Organizations’ Responses to the Closing of Political Opportunity Structures in Hungary. CZECH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE / POLITOLOGICKY CASOPIS XXVII : 2 pp. 119-139. Paper: DOI 10.5817/PC2020-_2-_119 , 20 p. (2020). Q1
- Gruszczynski Lukasz, Margherita Melillo: The FCTC dilemma on heated tobacco products Globalization and Health. IF2: 2.525, IF5: 3.127 1.272
- Gruszczynski Lukasz: Judicial review of science-based measures under WTO law. V. Abazi, J. Adriaensen, T. Christiansen (eds.), The Contestation of Expertise in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke: 2020
- Martina Katalin Szabó, Orsolya Ring, Balázs Nagy, László Kiss, Gábor Berend, László Vidács, Attila Gulyás, Zoltán Kmetty: Exploring the dynamic changes of key concepts of the Hungarian socialist era with natural language processing methods. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. Published online: 23 Sep 2020. IF 0.813, Q1
- Hoffmann Tamás: The Crime of Genocide in Its (Nearly) Infinite Domestic Variety. Marco Odello, Piotr ¸ubiƒski (eds.) The Concept of Genocide in International Criminal Law - Developments after Lemkin (Routledge, 2020) 67-97.
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- Koltai Júlia Anna, Éva Fodor, Anikó Gregor, Eszter Kováts: The impact of COVID-19 on the gender division of childcare work in Hungary European Societies. Published online: 22 Sep 2020. IF 1.051, Q2
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- Medve-Bálint Gergő, Vera Scepanovic: Subsidizing Foreign Investments Through EU Funds in the European Peripheries: The Case of the Automotive Sector in East-Central Europe. Pp. 93–118. In Successes & Failures in EU Cohesion Policy: An Introduction to EU cohesion policy in Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe, edited by I. Musiakowska, P. Idczak, and O. Potluka. Warsaw/Berlin: De Gruyter.
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- Papp Mónika, Varju Márton: Member State Capitalism(s) and EU Law: Protecting Local Varieties in the Single Market. Nagy, Csongor István (szerk.) World Trade and Local Public Interest: Trade Liberalization and National Regulatory Sovereignty Heidelberg, Németország : Springer International Publishing, (2020) pp. 95-115
- Patkós Veronika, Farkas Eszter: Wearing rose coloured glasses The happiness effect of party attachments in Europe Journal of Contemporary European Studies (2020): 1-14. IF 0,909, Q1.
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- Sebők Miklós, Kacsuk Zoltán: The Multiclass Classification of Newspaper Articles with Machine Learning: The Hybrid Binary Snowball Approach Political Analysis, 1-14. doi:10.1017/pan.2020.27. IF 4.232, D1
- Susánszky Pál, Manuela Caiani: Radical-Right Political Activism on the Web and the Challenge for European Democracy: A Perspective from Eastern and Central Europe. Routledge, 2020, Democracy and Fake News Information Manipulation and Post-Truth Politics By Serena Giusti, Elisa Piras
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- Szűcs Zoltán Gábor: Political obligations in illiberal regimes. Res Publica, Q1
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- Samu Flóra, Takács Károly, Számadó Szabolcs: Scarce and directly beneficial reputations support cooperation Scientific Reports, 2020, 10:11486. IF 3.998, Q1.
- Varju Márton: Member State interests and European Union law Abingdon, Egyesült Királyság: Routledge (2020)
- Varju Márton: 5G Networks, (Cyber)Security Harmonisation and the Internal Market: the Limits of Article 114 TFEU EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW 45 : 4 pp. 471-486. 16 p. (2020) Q2
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2020. 1. félév
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- Bartha Attila, Boda Zsolt, Szikra Dorottya: When Populist Leaders Govern: Conceptualising Populism in Policy Making. Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183-2463) 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, DOI: 10.17645/pag.v8i3.2922. Q1, IF 1.333
- Bene Márton: Does context matter? A crosscountry investigation of the effects of the media context on external and internal political efficacy. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Q1, IF 1.289
- Dobos Balázs, Molnár Sansum Judit: Cultural Autonomy in Hungary: Inward or Outward Looking? Nationalities Papers (Cambridge University Press, online first, 2020), 1-16. Q1, Q2, IF 0,803
- Feischmidt Margit: Deployed fears and suspended solidarity along the migratory route in Europe. Citizenship Studies, Q1, 1.240
- Feischmidt Margit, Zakariás Ildikó: How Migration Experience Affects the Acceptance and Active Support of Refugees? Philanthropy and Paid Work of Hungarian Migrants in the German Immigrant Service. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies. IF 0.89
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- Keller Tamás: Differences in Roma and non-Roma students’ ratings of their peers’ popularity: an inquiry into the oppositional culture in Hungarian schools with the use of a survey experiment. Quality & Quantity. Q2, IF 1,34.
- Kovách Imre, Czibere Ibolya, Megyesi Boldizsár: Environmental Citizenship and Energy Efficiency in Four European Countries (Italy, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Hungary). Sustainability 2020, 12(3), 1154. IF 2,592.
- Kovách Imre, Balogh Péter, Bujdos Ágnes, Czibere Ibolya, Fodor László, Gabnai Zoltán, Nagy János: Main Motivational Factors of Farmers Adopting Precision Farming in Hungary. Agronomy 2020, 10(4), 610; (registering DOI) pp 2-19. Q1, IF 2.259.
- Kovács Éva: Limits of Universalization: The European Memory Sites of Genocide. The Holocaust/Genocide Template in Eastern Europe, edited by Ljiljana Radonić, Routledge 2019.
- Körösényi András, Illés Gábor, Gyulai Attila: The Orbán Regime: Plebiscitary Leader Democracy in the Making. Routledge, May 2020.
- Lukasz Gruszczynski: The COVID-19 Pandemic and International Trade: Temporary Turbulence or Paradigm Shift? European Journal of Risk Regulation (2020), 1-6. doi:10.1017/err.2020.29. Q2, SJR 0.33
- Lukasz Gruszczynski, Margherita Melillo: The Vaping Crises in the United States: A Regulatory Failure? European Journal of Risk Regulation, vol. 11(1), pp. 131-140 (2020) Q2, SJR 0.33
- Lukasz Gruszczynski, Jessica Lawrence: Trump, International Trade and Populism. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, vol. 49, pp. 19-44 (2019). Q1 SJR 0.53
- Megyesi Gergely Boldizsár, Nicole Bauer, Rares Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, Cristina Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir: Attitudes and Environmental Citizenship. In: Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education. Editors Andreas Ch. Hadjichambis, Pedro Reis, Demetra Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Jan Činčera, Jelle Boeve-de Pauw, Niklas Gericke, Marie-Christine Knippels
- Patkós Veronika, Szántó András: Does sophistication increase partisan bias? Evidence from a cross-national analysis. European Politics and Society, 2020 (Online first). Q2, Scimago 2-years citation score: 1,243.
- Pócza Kálmán: Closing the Expectation Gap? Crisis of Hungarian Parliamentarism in the Inter-War Period. Remieg, Aerts; Carla, van Baalen; Henk, te Velde; Margit, van der Steen; Marie-Luise, Recker (szerk.) The Ideal of Parliament in Europe since 1800 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, (2019) pp. 139-158.)
- Pócza Kálmán, Oliver W. Lembcke: Neue Wege der empirischen Verfassungsgerichtsforschung am Beispiel des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. Reutter, Werner (szerk.) Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Bundesländern (Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag, 2020, pp. 77-98.)
- Susánszky Pál, Sylvia Kritzinger: The 2019 EP election in Hungary. The 2019 EP election in Hungary , in: Kritzinger, Sylvia, Carolina Plescia, Kolja Raube, James Wilhelm, and Jan Wouters, eds. Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections. Vol. 1. Routledge, 2020.
- Susánszky Pál, Unger Anna, Kopper Ákos: Hungary’s Over-powerful Government Party and the Desperate Opposition. European Review. IF 0.316.
- Szép Viktor, Peter Van Elsuwege: EU Sanctions Policy and the Alignment of Third Countries: Relevant Experiences for the UK? Routledge, Abingdon, 2020
- Takács Judit, Daniel H. de Vries, John Kinsman, Svetla Tsolova, Massimo Ciotti: Methodology for assessment of public health preparedness and response synergies between institutional authorities and the community. BMC Health Services Research, 20, 411 (2020). Q1, IF 1,932.