HUN-REN Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpont - Publikációk
Részecske- és Magfizikai Intézet
- Kovács R.
Heat equations beyond Fourier: From heat waves to thermal metamaterials
PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 1048, 1-75 (2024); IF: 30 DOI Open Access - Miller, A.; Zimborás, Z.; Knecht, S.; Maniscalco, S.; García-Pérez, G.
Bonsai Algorithm: Grow Your Own Fermion-to-Qubit Mappings
PRX QUANTUM 4, 030314 (2023); IF: 9.7 DOI Open Access - Szabados L.B.
An odd feature of the "most classical" states of SU (2) invariant quantum mechanical systems
JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 64, 032104 (2023); IF: 1.3 DOI - Hanczár, G.; Stippinger, M.; Hanák, D.; Kurbucz, M. T.; Törteli, O. M.; Chripkó, Á.; Somogyvári, Z.
Feature space reduction method for ultrahigh-dimensional, multiclass data: Random forest-based multiround screening (RFMS)
MACHINE LEARNING: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 4, 045012 (2023); IF: 6.8 DOI Open Access - Merkel, D.G.; Sajti, S.; Deák, L.; Hegedűs, G.; Horváth, Z.E.; Lengyel, A.
Iron self-diffusion in B2-FeRh thin film
VACUUM 218, 112617 (2023); IF: 4 DOI Open Access - Acharya, S.; […] Barnaföldi, G.G.; […] Bencedi, G.; […] Biro, G.; […] Boldizsár, L.; […] Frajna, E.; […] Gyulai, L.; […] Lévai, P.; […] Mishra, A.N.; […] Varga, D.; Varga, Z.; […] Vértesi, R.; […] Zurlo, N. ALICE Collaboration
Azimuthal correlations of heavy-flavor hadron decay electrons with charged particles in pp and p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 83, 741 (2023); IF: 5 DOI Open Access - Tanaka Hiroyuki, K. M.; […] Varga, D.
The Muography
NATURE REVIEWS METHODS PRIMERS 3, 88 (2023); IF: 20.89 DOI - Demeter, G.; Moody, J.T.; Kedves, M.Á.; Batsch, F.; Bergamaschi, M.; Fedosseev, V.; Granados, E.; Muggli, P.; Panuganti, H.; Zevi Della Porta, G.
Generation of 10-m-lengthscale plasma columns by resonant and off-resonant laser pulses
OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 168, 109921 (2024); IF: 5 DOI Open Access - Nemeth, Z.
Closed field line vortices in planetary magnetospheres
MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 519, 5536-5542 (2023); IF: 4.8 DOI Open Access - Pápai, M.; Rozgonyi, T.; Vankó, Gy.
Ultrafast 3MLCT quenching and vibrational coherence: excited-state dynamics of the first-discovered Fe(II)-carbene sensitiser resolved
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 11, 25955-25962 (2023); IF: 11.9 DOI Open Access
Szilárdtestfizikai és Optikai Intézet
- Mikac, L.; Rigó, I.; Himics, L.; Tolić, A.; Ivanda, M.; Veres, M.
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the detection of microplastics
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 608, 155239 (2023); IF:6.7 DOI Open Access - Hanus, V.; Fehér, B; Csajbók, V.; Sándor, P.; Pápa, Zs.; Budai, J.; Zilong, W.; Pallabi, P.; Szeghalmi, A.; Dombi, P.
Carrier-envelope phase on-chip scanner and control of laser beams
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 14, 5068 (2023); IF: 17.69 DOI Open Access - Benedek, Z.; Babar, R.; Ganyecz, Á.; Szilvási, T.; Legeza, Ö.; Barcza, G.; Ivády, V.
Symmetric carbon tetramers forming spin qubits in hexagonal boron nitride
NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS 9, 187 (2023); IF: 9.7 DOI Open Access - Cambria, M.C.; Norambuena, A.; Dinani, H.T.; Thiering, G.; Gardill, A.; Kemeny, I.; Li, Y.; Lordi, V.; Gali, Á.; Maze, J.R.; Kolkowitz, S.
Temperature-Dependent Spin-Lattice Relaxation of the Nitrogen-Vacancy Spin Triplet in Diamond
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 130, 256903 (2023); IF: 8.185 DOI REAL - Deák, P.; Udvarhelyi, P.; Thiering, G.; Gali, A.
The kinetics of carbon pair formation in silicon prohibits reaching thermal equilibrium
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 14, 361 (2023); IF: 17.694 DOI Open Access - Schulte, S.; Néel, N.; Rózsa, L.; Palotás, K.; Kröger, J.
Changing the Interaction of a Single-Molecule Magnetic Moment with a Superconductor
NANO LETTERS 23, 1622-1628 (2023); IF: 10.8 DOI - Máthé, M. T.; Farkas, B.; Péter, L.; Buka, Á.; Jákli, A.; Salamon P.
Electric field-induced interfacial instability in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13, 6981 (2023); IF: 4.6 DOI Open Access - Gránásy, L.; Rátkai, L.; Zlotnikov, I.; Pusztai, T.
Physical Phenomena Governing Mineral Morphogenesis in Molluscan Nacre
SMALL, 2304183 (2023); IF: 13.3 DOI Open Access - Czene, Sz.; Jegenyes, N.; Krafcsik, O.; Lenk, S.; Czigány, Zs.; Bortel, G.; Kamarás K.; Rohonczy, J.; Beke, D.; Gali A.
Amino-Termination of Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles
NANOMATERIALS 13, 1953 (2023); IF: 5.7 DOI Open Access - Gábor, B.; Nagy, D.; Dombi, A.; Clark, T. W.; Williams, F. I. B.; Adwaith, K. V.; Vukics, A.; Domokos, P.
Ground-state bistability of cold atoms in a cavity
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 107, 023713 (2023), IF: 2.9 DOI
Részecske- és Magfizikai Intézet
- Kacskovics, B.; Vasuth, M.
The orbital evolution and gravitational waves of OJ 287 in the 4th post-Newtonian order
CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 39, 095007 (2022); IF: 3.528 DOI Open Access - Kovács, P.; Kovács, G.; Giacosa, F.
Fate of the critical endpoint at large Nc
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 106, 116016 (2022); IF: 5.407 DOI Open Access - Kurbucz, M.T.; Pósfay, P.; Jakovác, A.
Facilitating time series classification by linear law-based feature space transformation
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12, 18026 (2022); IF:4.996 DOI Open Access - Meszéna, D.; Barlay, A.; Boldog, P.; Furuglyás, K.; Cserpán, D.; Wittner, L.; Ulbert, I.; Somogyvári, Z.
Seeing beyond the spikes: reconstructing the complete spatiotemporal membrane potential distribution from paired intra- and extracellular recordings
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 26. (2023); IF:6.228 DOI Open Access - Ujfalussy, B.; Orban, G.
Sampling motion trajectories during hippocampal theta sequences
ELIFE 11, e74058 (2022); IF:8.713 DOI Open Access - Merkel, D.G.; Hegedüs, G.; Gracheva, M.; Deák, A.; Illés, L.; Németh, A.; Maccari, F.; Radulov, I.; Major, M.; Chumakov, A.I.; Bessas D., Nagy D.L., Zolnai Z., Graning S., Sájerman K., Szilágyi E., Lengyel A.
A Three-Dimensional Analysis of Magnetic Nanopattern Formation in FeRh Thin Films on MgO Substrates: Implications for Spintronic Devices
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 5, 5516 (2022); IF:6.14 DOI Open Access - Bíró, G.; Pocsai, M.; Barna, I.F.; Barnaföldi, G.G.; Moody, J.T.; Demeter, G.
Machine learning methods for schlieren imaging of a plasma channel in tenuous atomic vapor
OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 159, 108948 (2023); IF:4.939 DOI Open Access - Veres, D.; Vaszary, T.; Benedetto, E.; Barna, D.
A New Algorithm for Optimizing the Field Quality of Curved CCT Magnets
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 32, 4900914 (2022); IF:1.949 DOI - Zhang H., […] Facskó G., […]Yao S.
Dayside Transient Phenomena and Their Impact on the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 218, 40 (2022); IF:8.943 DOI - Orsini S., […] Dosa M., […] Horvath I., […] Kecskemety K., […] Szalai S., Szego K., […] Vorburger A.
Inner southern magnetosphere observation of Mercury via SERENA ion sensors in BepiColombo mission
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 13, 7390 (2022); IF: 17.69 DOI Open Access
Szilárdtestfizikai és Optikai Intézet
- Lovász, B.; Sándor, P.; Kiss, G.-Z.; Bánhegyi, B.; Rácz, P.; Pápa, Z.; Budai, J.; Prietl, C.; Krenn, J.R.; Dombi, P.
Nonadiabatic Nano-optical Tunneling of Photoelectrons in Plasmonic Near-Fields
NANO LETTERS 22, 2303-2308 (2022); IF: 12.262 DOI Open Access - Németh, G.; Otsuka, K. ; Datz, D. ; Pekker, A.; Maruyama, S. ; Borondics, F ; Kamarás, K.
Direct Visualization of Ultrastrong Coupling between Luttinger-Liquid Plasmons and Phonon Polaritons
NANO LETTERS 22, 3495-3502 (2022); IF: 12.262 DOI Open Access - Máthé, M.T.; Buka, Á.; Jákli, A.; Salamon, P.
Ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal thermomotor
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 105, L052701 (2022); IF: 2.707 DOI REAL - Li, S.; Thiering, G.; Udvarhelyi, P.; Ivády, V.; Gali, A.
Carbon defect qubit in two-dimensional WS2
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 13, 1210 (2022); IF: 17.69 DOI Open Access - Clark, T. W.; Dombi, A.; Williams, F. I. B.; Kurkó, Á.; Fortágh, J.; Nagy, D.; Vukics, A.; Domokos, P.
Time-resolved observation of a dynamical phase transition with atoms in a cavity
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 105, 063712 (2022); IF: 2.971 DOI REAL - Adam, P.; Bodog, F.; Mechler, M.
Spatially multiplexed single-photon sources based on incomplete binary-tree multiplexers
OPTICS EXPRESS 30, 6999-7016 (2022); IF: 3.833 DOI Open Access - Fésus, L.; Plázár, D.; Kolonics, A.; Martin, L; Wikonkál, N.; Medvecz, M.; Szipöcs, R.
Low concentration Phloxine B staining for high chemical contrast, nonlinear microscope mosaic imaging of skin alterations in pseudoxanthoma elasticum
BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 13, 252-261 (2022); IF: 3.562 DOI Open Access - Mikac, L.; Rigó, I.; Himics, L.; Tolić, A; Ivanda, M.; Veres, M.
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the detection of microplastics
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 608, 155239 (2023); IF:7.392 DOI Open Access - Budai, J.; Pápa, Zs.; Petrik, P; Dombi, P.
Ultrasensitive probing of plasmonic hot electron occupancies
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 13, 6695 (2022); IF: 17.69 DOI Open Access - Rudolf, M.M.; Bortel, G.; Markus, B.G.; Jegenyes, N.; Verkhovlyuk, V.; Kamaras, K.; Simon, F.; Gali, A.; Beke, D.
Optimization of Chromium-Doped Zinc Gallate Nanocrystals for Strong Near-Infrared Emission by Annealing
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 5, 8950-8961 (2022); IF:6.140 DOI Open Access
Részecske- és Magfizikai Intézet
- Csukás, K.; Rácz, I.
Numerical investigation of the dynamics of linear spin s fields on a Kerr background. II. Superradiant scattering
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 103, 084035 (2021); IF: 5.296 DOI arXiv - Tóth, R.; Barth, A.M.; Domonkos, A.; Varga, V.; Somogyvári, Z.
Do not waste your electrodes - Principles of optimal electrode geometry for spike sorting
JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING 18, 0460A8 (2021); IF: 5.379 DOI Open Access - Pápai, M.
Photoinduced Low-Spin → High-Spin Mechanism of an Octahedral Fe(II) Complex Revealed by Synergistic Spin-Vibronic Dynamics
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 60, 18, 13950-13954 (2021); IF: 5.165 DOI Open Access - Vértesi R.; Gémes A.; Barnaföldi G.G.
Koba-Nielsen-Olesen-like scaling within a jet in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 103, L051503 (2021); IF: 5.296 DOI Open Access - Mangano V.; Dósa M.; […] Madár Á.; Erdős G.; […] Baumjohann W.
BepiColombo Science Investigations During Cruise and Flybys at the Earth, Venus and Mercury
SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 217, 23 (2021); IF: 8.017 DOI Open Access - Abbott, M.C.; Bajnok, Z.; Balog, J.; Hegedűs, Á.; Sadeghian, S.
Resurgence in the O(4) sigma model
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021, 253 (2021); IF: 5.81
DOI ( Open Access - Jakab, D.; Zimborás, Z.
Quantum phases of collective SU(3) spin systems with bipartite symmetry
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 214448 (2021); IF: 4.036 DOI arXiv - Britz, A.; […] Bajnóczi, È.G.; Németh, Z.; Vankó, G.; […] Gawelda W.
Site-Selective Real-Time Observation of Bimolecuar Electron Transfer in a Photocatalytic System Using L-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
CHEMPHYSCHEM: A EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 22, 693-700 (2021); IF: 3.102 DOI Open Access - Perissinotto F.; […] Bottyan L.; Merkel D.G.; […] Parisse P
Structural insights into fusion mechanisms of small extracellular vesicles with model plasma membranes
NANOSCALE 13, 5224-5233 (2021); IF: 7.79 DOI - Batsch F.; […] Demeter G.; […] AWAKE Collaboration
Transition between Instability and Seeded Self-Modulation of a Relativistic Particle Bunch in Plasma
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 126, 164802 (2021); IF: 9.161 DOI Open Access - Oláh L.; Tanaka H.K.M.; Hamar G.
Muographic monitoring of hydrogeomorphic changes induced by post-eruptive lahars and erosion of Sakurajima volcano
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11,17729 (2021); IF: 4.38 DOI Open Access - Csörgo T.; Novák T.; Pasechnik R.; Ster A;, Szanyi I.
Evidence of Odderon-exchange from scaling properties of elastic scattering at TeV energies
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 81, 180 (2021); IF: 4.59 DOI Open Access - Gombor T.; Bajnok Z.
Boundary state bootstrap and asymptotic overlaps in AdS/dCFT
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021, 222 (2021); IF: 5.81 DOI Open Access - Maciejewski F.B.; Baccari F.; Zimboras Z.; Oszmaniec M.
Modeling and mitigation of cross-talk effects in readout noise with applications to the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
QUANTUM 5, 464 (2021); IF: 6.777 DOI Open Access - Mravcsik M,; Botzheim L.; Zentai N.; Piovesan D.; Laczko J.
The Effect of Crank Resistance on Arm Configuration and Muscle Activation Variances in Arm Cycling Movements
JOURNAL OF HUMAN KINETICS 76,175-189. (2021); IF: 2.193 DOI Open Access
Szilárdtestfizikai és Optikai Intézet
- Hanus, V.; Csajbók, V.; Pápa, Z.; Budai, J.; Márton, Z.; Kiss, G.Z.; Sándor, P.; Paul, P.; Szeghalmi, A.; Wang, Z., Bergues B., Kling M.F., Molnár G., Volk J., Dombi P.
Light-field-driven current control in solids with pJ-level laser pulses at 80 MHz repetition rate
OPTICA 8(4) 570-576 (2021); IF: 11.104 DOI Open Access - Barcza, G.; Ivády, V.; Szilvási, T.; Vörös, M.; Veis, L.; Gali, Á.; Legeza, Ö.
DMRG on Top of Plane-Wave Kohn-Sham Orbitals: A Case Study of Defected Boron Nitride
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION 17, 2, 1143-1154 (2021); IF: 6.006 DOI arXiv - Máthé, M.T.; Buka, Á.; Salamon, P.
Defects induced by anchoring transitions of nematic fluids at solid and gas interfaces
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 336, 116074 (2021); IF: 6.165 DOI Open Access - Kiss, T.; Jex, I.
Photons walk on fractal graphs
NATURE PHOTONICS 15, 641-642 (2021); IF: 38.771 DOI - Datz, D.; Németh, G.; Walker, K.E.; Rance, G.A.; Pekker, Á.; Khlobystov, A.N.; Kamarás, K.
Polaritonic Enhancement of Near-Field Scattering of Small Molecules Encapsulated in Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Chemical Reactions in Confined Spaces
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 4, 5, 4335-4339 (2021); IF: 5.097 DOI - Lengyel K.; Tichy-Rács É.; […] Kovács L.; Corradi G.; […] Nagirnyi V.
Cooperative luminescence of Yb3+ ion pairs in Li6Y(BO3)3:Yb single crystals
JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 230, 117732 (2021); IF: 3.599 DOI - Vörös, D.; Penc, K.
Dynamical structure factor of the SU(3) Heisenberg chain: Variational Monte Carlo approach
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 184426 (2021); IF: 4.036 DOI arXiv - Temleitner L.
A generalized scheme for characterizing orientational correlations in condensed phases of high symmetry molecules: SF6 and C60
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 341, 116916 (2021); IF: 6.165 DOI Open Access - Dombi A.; Clark T. W.; Williams F.I.B.; Jessen F.; Fortagh J.; Nagy D.; Vukics A.; Domokos P.
Collective self-trapping of atoms in a cavity
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 23, 083036 (2021); IF: 3.729 DOI Open Access - Beke D.; Nardi M.V.; Bortel G.; Timpel M.; Czigány Z.; Pasquali L.; Chiappini A.; Bais G.; Rudolf M.; Zalka D.; Bigi F.; Rossi F.; Bencs L.; Pekker A.; Márkus B.G.; Salviati G., Saddow S.E.; Kamarás K.; Simon F.; Gali A.
Enhancement of X-ray-Excited Red Luminescence of Chromium-Doped Zinc Gallate via Ultrasmall Silicon Carbide Nanocrystals
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 33, 7, 2457-2465 (2021); IF: 9.811 DOI Open Access - Máté M.; Legeza Ö.; Schilling R.; Yousif M.; Schilling C.
How creating one additional well can generate Bose-Einstein condensation
COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS 4, 29 (2021); IF: 8.11 DOI Open Access - Pongó T.; Stiga V.; Török J.; Lévay S.; Szabó B.; Stannarius R.; Hidalgo R.C.; Börzsönyi T.
Flow in an hourglass: Particle friction and stiffness matter
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 23, 023001 (2021); IF: 3.74 DOI Open Access - Juhasz R
Corrections to the singlet-length distribution and the entanglement entropy in random singlet phases
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 054209 (2021); IF: 4.036 DOI arxiv - Gránásy L.; Rátkai L.; Tóth Gy I.; Gilbert PUPA; Zlotnikov I.; Pusztai T.
Phase-Field Modeling of Biomineralization in Mollusks and Corals: Microstructure vs Formation Mechanism
JACS AU 1, 1014-1033 (2021); IF: (még nincs) DOI arxiv - Mahmood Malik H.; Himics L.; Vaczi T.; Rigo I.; Holomb R.; Beiler B.; Veres M.
Raman spectroscopic study of gamma radiation-initiated polymerization of diethylene glycol dimethacrylate in different solvents
JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 52, 1735-1743 (2021); IF: 2.809 DOI REAL
- Gombor, T.; Bajnok, Z.
Boundary states, overlaps, nesting and bootstrapping AdS/dCFT
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2020, 123 (2020); IF: 5.875 DOI arXiv Open Access - Biró, T.S.; Czinner, V.G.; Iguchi, H.; Ván, P.
Volume dependent extension of Kerr-Newman black hole thermodynamics
PHYSICS LETTERS B 803, 135344 (2020); IF: 4.384 DOI arXiv - Maciejewski, F.B.; Zimboras, Z.; Oszmaniec, M.
Mitigation of readout noise in near-term quantum devices by classical post-processing based on detector tomography
QUANTUM 4, 257 (2020); IF: 5.381DOI arXiv - Sárosiné Szemes, D.; Keszthelyi, T.; Papp, M.; Varga, L.; Vankó, G.
Quantum-chemistry-aided ligand engineering for potential molecular switches: changing barriers to tune excited state lifetimes
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 56, 11831-11834 (2020); IF: 5.996 DOI Open Access - Kunnus, K.; Vacher, M.; […] Németh, Z.; Sárosiné Szemes, D.; Bajnóczi, É.; […] Vankó, G.; […] Gaffney, K.J.
Vibrational wavepacket dynamics in Fe carbene photosensitizer determined with femtosecond X-ray emission and scattering
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11, 634 (2020); IF: 12.121 DOI Open Access - Merkel, D.G.; Lengyel, A.; Nagy, D.L.; Németh, A.; Horváth, Zs.E.; Bogdán, Cs.; Gracheva, M.A.; Hegedűs, G.; Sajti, Sz.; Radnóczi, Gy.Z.; Szilágyi E.
Reversible control of magnetism in FeRh thin films
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10, 13923 (2020); IF: 3.998 DOI Open Access - Kovács, Z.; Bali, K.; Gilicze, B.; Szatmári, S.; Földes, I.B.
Reflectivity and spectral shift from laser plasmas generated by high-contrast, high-intensity KrF laser pulses
PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A - MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL & ENGINEERING SCIENCES 378, 20200043 (2020); IF: 3.275 DOI Open Access - Braunmüller, F.; […] Aladi, M.; Demeter, G.; Djotyan, G.P.; Kedves, M.Á.; Ráczkevi, B.; […]
AWAKE Collaboration
Proton Bunch Self-Modulation in Plasma with Density Gradient
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125, 264801 (2020); IF: 8.385 DOI Open Access - Nemeth, Z.
The Dynamics of the Magnetic-field-free Cavity around Comets
THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 891 (2), 102 (2020); IF: 5.745 DOI Open Access
Dombi, P.; Pápa, Zs.; Vogelsang, J.; Yalunin, S.V.; Sivis, M.; Herink, G.; Schäfer, S.; Groß, P.; Ropers, C.; Lienau, Ch.
Strong-field nano-optics
REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 92, 025003 (2020); IF: 45.037 DOI - Ivády, V.; Barcza, G.; Thiering, G.; Li, S.; Hamdi, H.; Chou, J.-P.; Legeza, Ö.; Gali, A.
Ab initio theory of the negatively charged boron vacancy qubit in hexagonal boron nitride
npj Computational Materials 6, 41 (2020); IF: 9.341 DOI Open Access - Balla, P.; Iqbal, Y.; Penc, K.
Degenerate manifolds, helimagnets, and multi-Q chiral phases in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the face-centered-cubic lattice
PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 043278 (2020) IF: (új folyóirat) DOI Open Access - Pethes, I.; Piarristeguy, A.; Pradel, A.; Michalik, S.; Nemausat, R.; Darpentigny, J.; Jóvári, P. Short range order and topology of GexGaxTe100-2x glasses
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 834, 155097 (2020); IF: 4.65 DOI arXiv - Nagy, D.B.; Claudin, P.; Bözsönyi, T.; Somfai, E.
Flow and rheology of frictional elongated grains
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 22, 073008 (2020); IF. 3.539 DOI Open Access - Bodog, F.; Mechler, M.; Koniorczyk, M.; Adam, P.
Optimization of multiplexed single-photon sources operated with photon-number-resolving detectors
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 102, 013513 (2020); IF: 2.777 DOI arXiv - Kálmán, O.; Domokos, P.
Sensing microwave photons with a Bose–Einstein condensate
EPJ QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY 7, 2 (2020); IF. 3.0 DOI Open Access - Requena, G.; […] Pusztai, T.; Gránásy, L.; Theofilatos, A.; Hecht, U.
Ultrafine Fe-Fe2Ti eutectics by directed energy deposition: insights into microstructure formation based on experimental techniques and phase field modelling
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 33, 101133 (2020) IF. 7.002 DOI - Zhang, Y.; […] Kovats, E.; Pekker, S.; Liu, B.
Negative Volume Compressibility in Sc3N@C-80-Cubane Cocrystal with Charge Transfer
- Aidala, C.; […] Csörgő, T.; […] Novák, T.; […] Sziklai, J.; […] Zou, L.
PHENIX Collaboration
Creation of quark–gluon plasma droplets with three distinct geometries
NATURE PHYSICS 15, 214-220 (2019); IF: 22.727 DOI arXiv - Katayama, T.; […] Vankó, G.; […] Németh, Z.; […] Penfold, T.J.
Tracking multiple components of a nuclear wavepacket in photoexcited Cu(I)-phenanthroline complex using ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 10, 3606 (2019); IF: 12.35 DOI - Gáspár, M.E.; Polack, P.-O.; Golshani, P.; Lengyel, M.; Orbán, G.
Representational untangling by the firing rate nonlinearity in V1 simple cells
eLife 8:e43625 (2019); IF: 7.62 DOI Open Access - Hajdu, Cs.; Horváth, D.; Vámi, T.; Veszprémi, V.
CMS Collaboration Inclusive search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using razor variables and boosted object identification in zero and one lepton final states
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 31 (2019); IF: 5.833 DOI Open Access - Bebesi, Z.; Erdos, G.; Szego, K.
Observations of short large amplitude magnetic structures at the Kronian bow shock
ICARUS 333, 306 (2019); IF: 3.565 DOI - Bódi, B.; Aladi, M.; Rácz, P.; Földes, I.B.; Dombi, P.
High harmonic generation on noble gas clusters
OPTICS EXPRESS 27, 26721 (2019); IF: 3.561 DOI Open Access - Benkő, Z.; Moldován, K.; Szádeczky-Kardoss, K.; Zalányi, L.; Borbély, S.; Világi, I.; Somogyvári, Z.
Causal relationship between local field potential and intrinsic optical signal in epileptiform activity in vitro
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9, 5171 (2019); IF: 4.116 DOI Open Access - Bajnok, Z.; Lájer, M.; Szépfalvi, B.; Vona, I.
Leading exponential finite size corrections for non-diagonal form factors
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2019, 173 (2019); IF: 5.833 DOI arXiv Open Access - Barta, D.
Effect of viscosity and thermal conductivity on the radial oscillation and relaxation of relativistic stars
CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 36, 215012 (2019); IF: 3.487 DOI arXiv - Shapir, I.; Hamo, A.; Pecker, S.; Moca, C.P.; Legeza, Ö.; Zarand, G.; Ilani, S.
Imaging the electronic Wigner crystal in one dimension
SCIENCE 364:6443, 870-875 (2019); IF: 38.2 DOI arXiv - Gránásy, L.; Tóth, Gy.I.; Warren, J.A.; Podmaniczky, F.; Tegze, Gy.; Rátkai, L.; Pusztai, T.
Phase-field modeling of crystal nucleation in undercooled liquids – A review
PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE 105, 100569 (2019); IF: 23.725 DOI Open Access - Zhang, X., […] Palotás, K.; Li, R.; Xue, Q.; Maier, S.; Hou, S.; Wang, Y.
Coordination-Controlled C-C Coupling Products via ortho-Site C-H Activation
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High-fidelity spin and optical control of single silicon-vacancy centres in silicon carbide
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Dynamical Topological Quantum Phase Transitions in Nonintegrable Models
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Negative Thermal Expansion in the Plateau State of a Magnetically Frustrated Spinel
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Modification of the Coulomb Logarithm due to Electron-Neutral Collisions
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Finite-size scaling of the photon-blockade breakdown dissipative quantum phase transition
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