Introducing the HUN-REN AI Action Plan ‒ AI Ambassadors Programme about to launch

05.04.2024 | by HUN-REN

At the initiative of Roland Jakab, CEO of the Hungarian Research Network, the HUN-REN Headquarters organised its first workshop for institution leaders, which began with an introduction by President Balázs Gulyás. The event, where the leaders were acquainted with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan, marks the onset of a new chapter for the Hungarian scientific community. The aim of the workshop is to contribute to improving the performance of the research network by harnessing the potential of AI.

At the workshop, the HUN-REN AI Working Group, together with the leaders of the research sites, reviewed the position of Hungary in the field of AI, Hungarian and international good practices, and the possibilities of efficient use of the computational capacities available in Hungary for AI research. Needs assessment and discussion of the Action Plan have begun with the institution leaders and will continue with the AI Ambassadors delegated by the institutions. 

Further steps planned to support research opportunities with artificial intelligence:

  1. Collecting best examples of research practices and drawing inspiration from national and international sources.
  2. Testing, evaluating, and implementing science-enabling AI applications.
  3. Developing principles for the ethical and widely accepted use of AI.
  4. Improving access to and strengthening support for computing infrastructure.
  5. Knowledge sharing and organising consultancy services for the effective use of AI tools.
  6. Supporting data access and sharing, including data protection and technical solutions.
  7. Monitoring and managing opportunities for EU tenders.
  8. Launching the AI Ambassadors Programme aimed at representing the needs of researchers and ensuring wide availability of support.

Following the workshop, discussions will continue with the AI Ambassadors, involving a deeper analysis of the needs of researchers and the potential for adapting international good practices. The ongoing dialogue will ensure that all steps are driven by the real needs of the research community and contribute to Hungary's success in the field of AI.
