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SZTNH and ELKH partnership to render utilization of research findings more effective

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On October 29, 2020, the management of the National Intellectual Property Office (SZTNH) and the ELKH Secretariat signed a framework cooperation agreement. The aim of the partnership is to support the social and economic utilization of the research results achieved at the ELKH network, with the appropriate protection of intellectual property being a major contributor to this effort.


“Aligning research and industrial property protection will contribute to the long-term success of the research network. As part of this collaboration, researchers will receive assistance for securing their innovations with various types of protection forms, such as patents, utility model protection, and trademarks. By applying industrial property protection, not only the scientific results, but also the economic and social usefulness of the developed solutions are visible. This approach is not only exemplary, but it must be applied in Hungarian research," said Gyula Pomázi, President of SZNTH, at the press conference. He added that "during its nearly 125 years of existence, SZTNH has always supported domestic development projects and innovations. Their task remains the same today, though it has also been expanded to include research and development certification, something which is becoming increasingly popular among SMEs."

The common goal of the cooperating parties is to promote the protection and utilization of intellectual works created at the ELKH research sites, and to increase the intellectual property protection awareness of researchers. To this end – in addition to expressing their intention to cooperate – the parties also set out their first annual work plan for the partnership.

“As a network of the country's most important knowledge-producing research sites, ELKH has a prominent role in Hungarian scientific life, and its performance significantly influences Hungary's position in international innovation rankings. In addition to the production of high-quality research findings, the key to its effectiveness is the social and economic utilization of these findings. The cooperation with the National Office of Intellectual Property will play a major role in the successful implementation of this process,” emphasized Miklós Maróth, President of the Eötvös Lóránd Research Network. He added that "the partnership is mutually beneficial for the parties. Increasing the research community's industrial property protection and copyright awareness and tools – in addition to the renewed innovation processes – will promote our mutual interests in the effective social and economic exploitation of emerging intellectual property."

The common goal of the two organizations is to increase the intellectual property protection awareness of ELKH researchers and to support the protection and utilization of their intellectual work. Within the framework of the cooperation, SZTNH experts will in future take on the role of speakers at ELKH intellectual property protection and awareness-raising events. In addition to the planned joint training, SZTNH will also support the renewal of ELKH's intellectual property management practice and the development of a network-level research utilization strategy.

More information:


Hungarian National Intellectual Property Office:

Media relations: Georgina Gyulasi, @email, +36 30 298 4646

Eötvös Loránd Research Network:

Media relations: Éva Hencz, @email, +36 30 155 1803